Saturday 9 November 2013

Serene Saturday and may I bless all beings to know and share love and compassion.

Good day my brothers and sisters. The title of the blog says what I am centering my being on today.

Here is some photos of my artwork which after me, you are the first to see. (Even before my son who is asleep in bed at nearly 8.30am.)
Which I believe teenage boys do well to catch up sleep on a saturday after getting up early and going to school all week! 
Anyhow, it gives me time on my computer to to post some art for you to see and also as a record of my work!  

Well, my brothers and sisters. I know you are few who are able to visit my website at the moment, but you are cherished. I had to do a blog today - not only as I enjoy posting my work - as I needed to do a positive action to counterbalance losing my wallet yesterday. 
I shall put off spending out on the replacement driving licence for a week or three, but had better cancel my switch bank card, asap. ttfn Your bro in art, Peter. 

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