Tuesday 3 July 2012

In memory of Christopher Hitchens. An Atheist dies, yet Jesus lives.

Welcome to you, my brothers and sisters.
May you be as I am on this day. Thankful, loving, kind and forgiving.
God knows I need it from Him and from others.

As always I find out after most people when some of those whom I have taken umbrage with their statements have passed from either this life to the next, as with Dr Pinto the psychiatrist who gave evidence for the prosecution at my trial at the Old Bailey, all those years ago. Where I must write
down that I was justly vindicated and found not guilty of aiding my wife in her suicide. May my darling Tracy rest in peace. Anyhow he had said at the time of her death, - when I was suffering terribly from carbon monoxide poisoning, swelling my brain and taking away my memory - There was nothing wrong with me and I was fit for questioning, by the police who had arrested me for her murder!
Of course with my journey to enlightenment I had long forgiven those who had done wrong against me, yet some baggage had still lingered. Now perhaps is the time where the last vestments of my past concerns are being released. Thank God.
So today I can think fondly of all people. Be them believers in one God, or many; or in no God. Those who give in sacrifice, or those who take in greed. If we realize it or not, still all belongs to God.
It is not for me to judge others. Let them judge me. They can praise me and I shall be polite, thank them, but pass it on to my Lord. They can curse me and I will say sorry to them for causing them wrong and seek my Lords forgiveness. Time for some of my latest art, boy I cant call this an outsider artists website and neglect the art! Can I?

                                             NO OF COURSE NOT! 
So here now for you without further ado, with of course my love.

      The following two sayings where coined by Sydney Smith an Anglican preacher who lived over two hundred years ago, but he could have been saying the following about me today. I cannot say if the same would apply to any of you.

`He had occasional flashes of silence, that made his conversation perfectly delightful.`

`You must not think me necessarily foolish because I am facetious, nor will I consider you necessarily wise because you are grave.`

And so with all sincerity, that I hope that Christopher Hitchens soul is a peace in Heaven or just as he could accept doesnt exist as He is no more.

Never attempt to reason the prejudice or ignorance out of a man. What was not reasoned into him cannot be reasoned out.

Enough of that and on to more of my art, which was painted for you.


Have a good day you all, but see this as a request from me and not an order.

I in so doing would be hypocritical in not doing likewise.

So my love and prayers to you all now.

Your bro Peter.   

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