Wednesday, 25 June 2014

The sun is shining and my heart is warm and loving in every moment. Blessings and love to you my brothers and sisters.

Good day and welcome to the blog of a relatively unknown, but loved by many. Wayfarer, artist, dad, son, brother, friend  and stranger who helps where one can and is sorry when hurts.

Today I am not hurting and my love and prays go to any of you who are.

Without further ado, here is some of my latest painting, which I took shots of and not, at, this morning.

Well, not quite, but they are coming to you after this next paragraph!
On another subject which I heard about on the radio this morning, whilst driving my teenage son to an office where he is taking a week off school to do work experience, I shall not take pot shots at. The press especially `The News of The World` was found to be in breach of something for their criminal deeds done in getting the `stories` that they present as news, when infact its mostly trash and not at all conducive to heightening the public's awareness!

Many years ago after I was found not guilty on trial at The Old Bailey high court in London, of aiding and abetting the suicide of Tracy, Caroline, Kimble, my beloved wife, the press were around us like vultures for our story, but we blanked them for the scum they are. Below in todays photos you can see where this may have had an influence on my art. Turning the negative into the positive!  

                                               Happy shot of paper I used in the mopping up
                                                of excess paint from today's work.

                                              Anyone guess its in water and I like reflections!   

    So, below I have zoomed out more and we can see the water container and still I like this image! How about you, and can anyone guess what we will see after this shot?

                                                             Well, now scroll down a tad.


                                                                         A bit more...

                                             Below we have actual shots of
 todays painting. I see these as individual `peace`s` of art, in the same manner one could take a photo of a castle and then shoot small parts that drew ones attention! 

                                          Not a lot of difference between these, but enough
                                          make a difference to me.

                      I would have liked to of zoomed in even more to the picture above in the middle section,
                      towards the bottom, but alas my camera is not good enough. Not to mind though, as I am
                      more mindful of when I lived for six years in the Philippines and was acutely aware of the
                      street children's lack of art materials. Of course their lack of adult care and love...
                      Maybe in a couple of years or so when my sons are are older and my youngest has put the
                      leukemia well behind him, I shall be able to start going back for a few months at a time to
                      give these children the love God wishes upon them, but whom have been forsaken by most
                      adults! For now my prayers for them must suffice and I ask you my brothers and sisters to
                      pray or at least give a thought to all children in this world who suffer from whatever cause.
                      My teenage boys may get to go to Disneyland curtsey of a cancer charity - and this I want
                      them to enjoy - yet in the third world so many children lack education, family life and adequate                       health care...

                      Sorry if I have banged on about this too much for some of you, but I know that even good
                      thoughts directed to those in need are better than blind awareness, or worse still avoiding the
                      recognition of the wrongs in this world!
                      Back to the art and no more words 
          until the end of the blog.    

    So my brothers and sisters, below is the whole work... If you like this then please pass it on.. Blessings peace and love to you and all beings. Are trees beings? Surely at the very least they are entities and we ought to know we couldnt survive without them!  

          Your brother of Christ, the Buddha and all the saints, Peter.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Blessings &
Good day to you all.

My beloved brothers and sisters, The shots below all come from one of my latest paintings and you are the first after God and me to see these. So I share them with my love for you.

                You may see struggle and more.

Have a good day and know that you are loved. As for me, I struggle each day to believe this, but persevere and haven't as yet given up!
Your Brother, Peter.