Gallery Three

Self portrayal      Self perception     Self esteem      Self regard    Self denial

In these images you can't necessarily see features but that doesn't stop the image being a reflection of me.  Normally we only see the outside of a body, not what is on the inside, playing with your outward appearance can give representation to the inner self that changes from moment to moment.  In reality though, there is no inner or outer, but one whole. The real barriers are never in the outside world, but inside our minds.  To me these images show that I am versatile and many faceted, a diamond does not sparkle on one face alone, if it is cut right and multi-faceted it’s as if it traps some of the light within to shine brighter without.

Reflections in water, mirrors or windows are a fun way to play with serious subject -  REALITY  -  what is real?  

The shadows are a reflection of me feeling a part of everything because I am not distinct from the substance and particles of the earth.  

Even a truly reflected mirror image is going to be just that, a mirror image. Yet even if the surface we are using for a reflection is distorted it may actually show the world a true perception of us. 

The pictures are also about having FUN because as the years go past we shouldn't let the child within us die!

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