Tuesday 31 January 2012

Sitting in the flat with mum, while new water heater is being installed! What more can I say!

Of course those of you who know me through my blogs will realize that I can tend to say quite a lot.


(The above is not true, but I thought it was going to be when I started this blog!)
The following is from one of Milton Jones 10 Second Sermonds.

The Gospel
The word `gospel` means good news. But today it`s more a type of music. So when Jesus said we should go out into all the world and preach the gospel he didn`t mean we had to dress up as Aretha Franklin. I know that now.

The gospel is like a cheese and gherkin sandwich. But some people don`t like the taste of the gherkin of repentance. But without the gherkin it`s not really a cheese and gherkin sandwich, is it?

Repentance is like an antibiotic. You have to take it every day until you finish the course.

To say that Christianity is just one of several religions is a bit like saying that water is just one of many types of drink - it`s a bit more fundamental than that.
Back to me, the little old artist peter G Kimble and The Buster, worrier of cats and Nemesis of postman. That is only Buster, not me. I love postman. Especially Postman Pat and his black and white cat. I haven't seen Postman Pat since last summer , when two sisters a brother and me went to march on the anti government cuts, in London. 
I am all for government cuts,that is them cutting bankers bonuses. See I do like most cats, just not fat cats. 

Have I mentioned a good video to watch on youtube is, `The Banker`, starring Bill Nighy. Its about the robinhood tax. Of course you  could look up robinhoodtax.org.uk

Whats the robinhoodtax you ask? Its about choosing a good way to turn global crisis into an opportunity for the world.

Thats all for now folks.
Keep your chins up and dont let the Man grind you down.

Your brother Peter G Kimble.     

Sunday 29 January 2012

Good day brothers and sisters and lets spread good about.

Firstly I should like to wish people well and pray that we all have a good and productive week.
Secondly, although the blog may say its Sunday, thats beyond my control and I think that it could well be monday morning at 7.30 am!
Secondly, as a bit of light fun, look up `FastLane-The Slide` on youtube. It shows that even adults can let themselves go and have some fun!

I am in no position to judge a great man such as Epicurus was in Greek Literature more than two hundred years before Christ was born. I would have to agree with him saying that `Nothing satisfies him for whom enough is too little.`  Also he said that if God listened to the prayers of men, all men would quickly have perished: for they are for ever praying for evil against one another.
I dont know if that is an accurate translation from the greek. Because surely an all knowing, all seeing God, does listen to the prayers of men. Should Epicurus have said, If God granted the prayers of all men?
Epicurus denies that a pleasurable life is possible unless lived with virtue. He denies that fortune has power over the wise. He prefers plain food to a rich excess. He denies that there can be any time when the wise man is not blessed.
 I Peter Kimble am obliged to go along with this wholeheartedly and agree that, that which is blessed and eternal may neither extend trouble to others, and thus can feel neither anger nor favour, since everything like that is a weakness. We can suffer and be more glad to suffer in place of another, yet for this a person must be endowed with strength which they will not find from within alone.
 I wrote this blog not for money, but for you; for we are enough of an audience for each other.
That which is finite - as is todays blog - has an end. That which has an end can be perceived from (a point) external to itself.
  But that which is everything (i.e., the universe) cannot be perceived from (a point) external to itself. Therefore, since that which is everything has no end, (the universe) must necessarily be infinite. Now my brothers and sisters, if we can believe that joyful poverty is an honourable thing, this does not been we shall starve, or we shall have full bellys; it will mean that our only concern will be to love others more than ourselves. Now I am getting that. Yes sometime I lose it, especially when I sleep at night and awake with thoughts for my self. More and more, like today I get up and think of others and so saying I must go and take Buster for a good run. Blessings be upon the few who read this and also the multitudes who dont. Know that I love you and wish you all a good day. Your brother Peter    

Saturday 28 January 2012

Sunny Saturday. The sun is shining, my sons stayed overnight and are here now.

So folks good day to you. As my boys are here they like to monopolise the computer and so I had better be brief.

Two swords cannot be kept in the same sheaf. We cant have old habits with enquiring who we are. Its taken us a billion years to get her. Now we have to jump out of ego and find out out who we really are.

When I was born I forgot what came before.
                                                                 P G Kimble

My interest is in experience that is wordless and silent,  and in the fact that this experience can be expressed for me in art which is also wordless and silent.
                                                                Agnus Martin (1912 - 2004)

The Buddha said hold on to the truth as a lamp. So Jesus, light of the world I shall clasp you so tight that you and me become one body. Amen and amen.
                                                                   P G Kimble

So my brothers and sisters, the sun is shining here and either here where I am or there were you are, I hope that the lights of Christ will shine upon us and through us. Have a good weekend.
                                                                               Your brother Peter  

Friday 27 January 2012

Good day my brothers and sisters. Its fish on Friday!

I was brought to tears earlier, by a  couple of peoples testimonies on the `I am second` website. One that didnt bring me to tears, but was great to have been shared with me, was `whispering Danny` a tattoo artist. My loving God, Father I am in tears now over how powerful is your love. Its had Christians being able to sing hymns as they have been burnt alive. Awesome.

When I lived in the Philippines, a lot of Christians had car bumper stickers & t shirts saying `GOD 1ST`: So I was thinking about this. Isnt it amazing how we can have a thought like I did yesterday, type into our search engine, `I am second` and be connected with so many people through the love for God and each other. I think I need to be in a `I am second` group here in the south of England. The thing is that if there isnt one, then with my brain injury, I wont be much good at organising one, so I shall leave it in my masters hands. He may say, Peter my child have faith in Me and I will do it all through you. Umbot lang.

We can be overcomers, but only if we put God 1st. Following is a very strong prayer. It is also a very long prayer, but I pray that you can persist with it as it is really very powerfull and I believe If we will only give up doubts and pray this, we will see changes in our life and our world within two weeks. So if you believe this then pass it on to those you love and to strangers. Print it out if you are able and paste it to bus stops, or on the back of toilet doors. Honestly I tell you, God doesnt get offended if we pray whilst in the toilet. It says in the Bible to pray unceasingly!

Prayer at Daybreak-Archimandite Sophronios

O Lord Eternal and Creator of all things, who of Thy inscrutable goodness called me to this life; who bestowed on me the grace of Baptism and the seal of the Holy Spirit; who imbued me with the desire to seek thee, the one true God: hear my prayer.
I have no life, no light, no joy or wisdom; no strength exept in Thee, O God.
Because of my unrightousness I dare not raise my eyes to Thee.
But thou said to Thy disciples, `Whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do.`
Where I dare invoke Thee.
Purify me from all taint of flesh and spirit.
Teach me to pray alright.
Bless this day which thee give unto me, Thy unworthy servant.
By the power of Thy blessing enable me at all times to speak and to act to thy glory with a pure spirit, with humility, patience, love, gentleness, peace, courage and wisdom: aware always of Thy presence.
Of Thy immense goodness, O Lord God, show me the path of Thy will, and grant me to walk in Thy sight without sin.
O Lord, unto whom all hearts be open, Thee know what things I have need of.
Thee are aquainted with my blindness and my ignorance, Thee know my infirmity and my soul`s corruption; but neither are my pain and anguish hid from Thee.
Wherefore I beseech Thee, hear my prayer and by Thy Holy Spirit teach me the way wherein I should walk; and when my perverted will would lead me down other paths spare me not O Lord, but force me back to Thee.
By the power of Thy love, grant me to hold fast to that which is good.
Preserve me from every word or deed that corrups the soul; from every impulse unpleasing in Thy sight and hurtful to my brother-mankind.
Teach me what I should say and how I should speak.
If it be Thy will that I make no answer, inspire me to keep silent in a spirit of peace that causes neither sorrow nor hurt to my fellowman.
Establish me in the path of Thy commandments and to my last breath let me not stray from the light of Thy ordinances, that Thy commandments may become the sole law of my being on this earth and all eternity.
Yea, Lord, I pray to Thee, have pity on me.
In my foolishness O God, I plead with Thee for many and great thins. Yet I am ever mindful of my wichedness, my baseness, my vileness.
Have mercy upon me.
Cast me not away from your presence because of my presumption.
Do Thee rather increase in me this presumption, and grant unto me the worst of mankind, to love Thee as Thee commanded with all my heart, and with all my soul, and with all my mind, and with all my strength: With my whole being.
Yea, O Lord, by The Holy Spirit, teach me good judgement and knowledge.
Grant meto know Thy Truth before I go down into the grave.
Maintain my life in this world until I may offer unto Thee worthy repentance.
Take me not away in the midst of my days, nor while my mind is still blind.
When Thee shall be pleased to bring my life to an end, forewarn me that I may prepare my soul to come before Thee.
Be with me, O Lord, at that dread hour and grant me the joy of salvation.
Cleanse me from secret faults, from all iniquity that is hidden in me; and give me a right answer before Thy judgement-seat, Yea Lord, of Thy great mercy and immeasurable love for mankind be known to me.

Let us go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Your brother in Christ, Peter G Kimble.     

Thursday 26 January 2012

I am a watchman. I am not a walrus. I like some of the Beatles songs. I am not alone.

None of the following is by me and yet it is all by me.

Do not be surprised that you fall every day; do not give up, but stand your ground courageously. And assuredly, the angel who guards you will honour your patience.
St John of the cross.

You cannot destroy the passions on your own, but ask God, and He will destray them, if this is profitable for you.
St Anatoly of Optina.

The soul that really loves God and Christ, though it may do ten thousand righteousnesses, esteems itself as having wrought nothing, by reason of its insatiable aspiration after God. Though it should exhaust the body with fastings, with watching, its attitude towards the virues is as if it had not even begun to labour for them.
St Morcarius the Great.


This is all for today my brothers and sisters. I took my mother to church this morning. Had to dissagree with our new young Rev Isabelle. She doesnt believe people like the Buddha will have eternal life as they didnt accept Jesus as their saviour. I respect her opinions and yet cant go along with many of them, but isnt that one of the many things which makes God so great; the diversity of His creations opinions!

simply yours, Peter.  (you wont see and so I will tell you that I now having a loving smile for you.) 

Wednesday 25 January 2012

The universe is good today. My thanks for seeing the house keys I lost.

Good day my brothers and sisters.

Yesterday as I was walking down to one of the local shops, I noticed a little panda bear on a bunch of keys in the front window of someones house. I knocked and asked to see them and sure enough they were the ones I lost a little while back.

Took my elderly mother to the church hall this afternoon to play bingo. I won a pot plant.

That reminds me. I talked to my sister not twenty minutes ago. She suggested I tell you about an art `Peace` I am doing over the park. Some weeks, or even a month or so back, I made the word `LOVE` on a bit of grass in the fallen leaves from the trees. Every so often I go and tidy it up. It it works out then in the spring, when I take the leaves away, we should be able to see the word in the grass. Its a bit of a meditative peace as every time I go around it tidying it up then I reflect on the meaning.

My camera packed up working a couple of weeks ago and so I am waiting for my sister to get it fixed for me. Untill then I shall just have to descibe things to you!

                                              Some quotes to share

A picture is a poem without words.  Horice

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. Thomas Merton

Art is an invention of aesthetics, which intern is an invention of philosophers... What we call art
is a game.  Octavio Paz

Art is a sane way to make sense out of life. P G Kimble

Art is not a thing; it is a way. Elbert Hubberd


Got to leave you now my brothers and sisters. Thank you for looking at my blog. Bless you.

Your brother Peter G Kimble


Tuesday 24 January 2012

Spiritual Evening Post: to be ignored by those not on a spiritual journey.


Pray for enemies

Lord Jesus Christ, who commands us to love our enemies, and those who defame and injure us, and to pray for them and forgive them; who Thyself didst pray for thine enemies, who crucified thee: Grant us we pray, the spirit of Christian reconciliation and meekness, that we may heartily forgive every injury and be reconciled with our enemies. Grant us to overcome the malevolence and offences of people with meekness and true love of our neighbour. We further beseech thee, O Lord, to grant to our enemies true peace and forgiveness of sins; and do not allow them to leave this life without true faith and sincere conversion. And help us repay evil with goodness, and to remain safe from the temptations of the devil and from all the perils which threaten us, in the form of visable and invisable enemies. Amen

Hi there where ever there is and you will think `I am here, not there.` or not.

Good day my brothers and sisters, Its rainy here in Luton. I have just got back from the park with the Buster. We picked up rubbish. Well I did. I am not sure that the young couple of Jehovah Witnesses were convinced when I told them it would be a good part of their service to Jehovah, if they always picked up any litter they came across, as if they noticed it, then their God saw if they ignored tidying up for Him!

I came across a song on youtube which I liked. Its called `Christ is Krishna.` 

VEDA  secrets from the EAST
In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy the only means of deliverance is chanting the holy name of the Lord. There is no other way.

Jesus Christ son of God, have mercy on me.

Im aware that this body I am presently using is just a vehicle, a field of action for the soul.An ordinary soul interacts with the body by using the senses and by feeling emotions such as lust and hate. However, taking help from a guru, a wise soul becomes detached from the material body. Such a person is humble, equipoised, and truly independent.
  God is a Supersoul, who offers guidance to all souls, however wise or unwise they may be. Each soul can choose between following materialism or go on the path towards full enlightenment.
 Those who choose to follow the Way, become awakened to the whole situation.

What does it mean , for one to be renounced?
Renunciation means detachment from the fruits of your work. One in the mode of goodness works dutifully but renounces the result. One in the mode of passion renounces work when it grows troublesome. One in ignorance renounces work out of laziness or confusion.
  By seeing others as souls and acting with that understanding, you will stay in goodness. That takes a determined mind, but the initial trouble will later bring you hoppiness. Happiness in passion seems splendid at the start but ends up being painful. Happiness in ignorance, such as taking that which belongs to another is bitter from beginning to end.

By serving others we will learn to act and live in simple wisdom, controlling our mind and senses and renouncing the fruits of our work. Soon we will enjoy peace and insight as we achieve unprecedented happiness and appreciation for everyone. In such a state of mind we will attain the Body of Christ.

Peace and love to all beings. Your bro Peter.
Go in peace and love

Monday 23 January 2012

Love goes through me out to the whole world and beyond. It just keeps on going.


God lives in temples made by Him. Not the temples made by man.

Real love is no business,
mind that. It knows
surrender and dedication
of everything to him.

God is eternal, His power is eternal too.

Though we are unable to see Him physically,
He is not far from us.

Those who turn their face towards Him
will be saved.

It is all Masters grace.

We can become ascended masters only with help from outside.

Above are some of the sayings I have been meditating on. I will leave you with love.
Your brother Peter (ps. pass it on!)

Sunday 22 January 2012

We are at an apex or are we? My brothers and sisters!

Good day my brothers and sisters. An apex is the the peak. Well maybe we are in someways at the peak in our being. Yet how we got where we are now can for some of us go the other way. What do I mean by that? Well, I had two parents, four grandparents, eight great grand parents and so on, until probably me and you reading this are related. Now from my little peak I can look out and see that I have two sons, one or both of whom may survive their adolescence, grow up and have children themselves. Well obviously not themselves, but with women. And so it can go the other way. I  have two children and I may eventually have grandchildren, great grandchildren and so on and on.
Where does it end, ay?
O it will end.
As will this

Just got to say, go in peace my brothers and sisters and know that you are loved. I don't know how long it will be until my camera is repaired and I can share pictures that I take with you. Thats not as important to me as having to accept I cant share my next meal with a person who is starving to death. I can give them a prayer and will leave you now to spend some time with my Father doing this.

Bye for now, your brother Peter

Saturday 21 January 2012

Saturday and I had a mental block. Had to ask my son how to spell saturday.

My son who is going to be a teenager in July, has been in practise for awhile. Dont ask my what he is in practice, but perhaps its just being a good chap and he is doing a good job. Oh yes, I got it. He is already acting like a teenager. Yep, and his brother who is a year younger, has been developing for over a year as a business person. Two good boys I have got.

 I have just taken four loves of bread just baked out of the oven. A day late with the baking, but better late than never.
 CLOSE YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU CHEW. Good grief, now he just said - before going and cutting another slice - that's the best bread Ive ever tasted in my life. O goodness my, what a dilemma. When I bake, I  usually give his gran a loaf and take a loaf to church to give to father Richard.
 Okey dokey. He can take the rest of that loaf home and that will still leave me with a loaf. Thought I usually get more than four loaves, but obviously not.

It could be coincidence, but I did pray before making it that it would turn out good. I get fresh yeast from the baker in Sainsburys, as its a lot cheaper than buying the dried yeast and also I think its got to be better.  When we lived in the Philippines my sons mum made lovely shackoy. They`re a bit like our English donuts but are shaped like sausage with the ends twisted together. I miss some of the food we had out there. Like the unripe mango. We would cut bits of and dip it in salt and something else. Good grief, I cant be expected to remember everything. Only joking, but I do miss some of the food we often had the six years I lived in the Pillippines. So yes you can buy avocado pears here in the UK, but they dont taste to me a good as the ones we would be able to pick right of the tree up at our retreat up the mountain. I dont miss the negative things, or do I? Its not like we get to choose one without the other. I suppose we can choose to see it all as nessesary. We cant have electricity with out them both and its the same with magnetisum. I guess the thing is for everything to be in balence.

Ive got my son going up and down the stairs outside our flat with a rucksack with a bag of sand in it. He just tenth time. I think he has had enough of that for today, so I need to go over the meadow with him and Buster.

Q. How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without breaking it?
A. Concrete floors are very hard to crack.

Q. If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men to build it?
A. No time at all it is already built.


You were born as an original. Dont die as a copy.

He who wrestles with us, strengthens our nerves and sharpens our shills. Our antagonist is our helper. (Edmund Burke)
God bless em all. Say ay!   

Well folks I hope you have a good weekend and can feel that we are all one. May God bless you and keep you always in His love. Your brother, Peter.

Friday 20 January 2012

Fish on Friday and dont go looking for a Guru, just stay still awhile.

Good day my brothers and sisters. Blessings be upon you. I had a great art therapy session yeaterday with the most exellant forensic art therapist, Kate Rothwell.

After about two years of sessions - which were self funded - we agreed that I am like a fledgling shaking its wings in anticipation of flying off into the big adventurous world. (I see in the notebook, Kate wrote down, its taken 2yrs & 8mths of hard work, committment & solid effort in creating this theraputic/working relationship together.

Kate thinks that it would be a good idea for me to consider looking into moving into a studio, where its set up with some support. So I have emailed studioupstairs.org and am waiting for a reply. That is as they say in the out tray.

I reckon that over the next month or two, I shall have the finances to pay Dave, the Guy who made my website to change a couple of galleries and put a lot of new work on.

Student says
"I am very discouraged what should I do?" Master says, "Encourage others."
                               zen proverb

A samurai once asked zen Master Hakuin wher he would go after he died. Hakuin answered: "How am I supposed to know?" `How do you not know? You`re a zen Master!"
`Yes, but not a dead one`. Hakuin replied.
                              zen proverb.

Okay, my brothers and sisters, I must be getting on in this day and moving on the way. So I shall pray you all have a good weekend and leave you with this;

"Whithout the Way,
there is no going.
Without the Truth,
there is no knowing.
Without the Life,
there is no living.
         Thomas a Kempis
           1380 - 1471
Bye for now, your brother Peter

Hopefully in the next month or two I shall have the finances to pay Dave, the guy who made this website up, to take off a gallery or two and put up one or two new ones.

How far can I GO? How far will you go? Not only nike goes for it. You are the differance.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Hi, its Thursday its 6.50am and Buster has been over the park. Time to blog.

Good day. I have just sneezed which doesnt worry me at all. It may have done a few centuries ago when it was a sign of immanent death. But bless me anyway, if you will be so kind. God knows I need all the blessings I can get.  

Above is a photo of a section of a piece of art which is unfinished. It was broken, like me. Hmm, I was going to say that unlike me the pressure which broke this mirror came from within me, transferred through to tool I was using and was too much. The work became disstressed and broke. Maybe that was like me. The brake became a good thing, asa it allowed the two bits of a whole to be moved a little apart and the gap to be aknowledged and maniputated. Also it was me who decided the direction.

Is this a million miles away from me having a person toss some stones in the air and the us disscusing the meaning of how they fell in relationship to their life? No/perhaps, yes. Are they the only options?

Im sometimes getting over a hundred emails a day to my private account, from people who want me, and others to pray for them. I was going to say that some are more serious than others. `My boyfriend is looking at the other girls who are flirting with him, pray he will get me pregnant and want only me.` then `My husband is sick and cannot go to work. If I go out looking for work I may get raped by the soldiers. I need food for my children. Please pray for God to help us.` I realize that its not for me to judge. If I look into their hearts with Gods eyes I may find they are both feeling the same amount of desperation and anquish. Pain is pain.

I go and pay an art therapist, not only to help me uncover any pain and anguish, or even fear thats holding me back from having a better life, because that will be good for me. What can appear selfish is sometimes a bigger sacrifice for the good of others. My sons and also strangers will benefit from me uncovering the fears that hold me back from being a more wholesome person. As they did in the past, before my wife took her life, leaving my in sorrow with a brain injury.

Some dads may be astute and mentally able to recall from memory two hundred an fifty three clients phone numbers and what their favourite drink is, but never remember to tell their sons how much they love them and why. Okay I forget at times how though they present themselves to the world as tough little guys, they are still growing and have a fragility. I thank God. Feeling sorry for the children in the world who have been broken by war, or abandonment. So I got back to the art `peace`. A broken mirror. What would you hope to look through and see after scraping so much away. On the other hand would looking in the mirror and see so little reflected help you to let go of some aspect of negative  yourself, or selfish desire.

People only see what they are prepared to see.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

But it could have been me.

I am a contender, as are you. Infact when we come to gether/to gather/together  we will be the greatest team the universe has every known.  note. all team members must have artistic licence.

Have a great day my brothers and sisters. Its 7. 30 am , still dark, but the birds are awaking.
Your brother, Peter.   
Ps If you cant get an artistic licence locally contact me theartispgk@talktalk.net and I will send you details of how to purchase and the requirements. Love ya

Wednesday and its wet here and overcast and the weather outside is gloomy also. ONLY JOKING

Good day my brothers and sisters . Actually the weather is as said above, but wait; although its twenty to eleven in the morning I have switched the light on and brightened it up.

I just done a painting in my art therapy book which is is colourful and was painted with a brush and my finger. All little boys should be told, one can do more than pick your nose with a finger. Not a good idea if you are going to put it in a pudding. Swiftly moving on, before I lose you. One swallow does not the summer make and its not even spring yet. Oh yes, that's it, Id love to have a swallow of coffee, but the coffee ran out on me yesterday. It didn't actually run out on me as it didn't know I exist. Also if it did it may think its a worthy thing to get boiled in water for me to enjoy. I would do that for coffee. Not on your nelly.

  Do you know I exist? I know that I do as every time I visit a certain site, it wont let me in until I type in letters and a number or two that are in different types and sizes, all over the place. So either I am human, as I get it right ( like also I could have typed `wright, or write or (opposite to left) and you other humans; and intelligent off worlders would have gotten what I meant even with intentional or unintentional spelling mistakes), or I am not at least a basic computer program. Nope,             I am an extraordinary artist who on this cold day is desperate for a shag                  carpet to lay myself down on.  Get in tune with the side of me that is not musical. Sometimes going on a stream of consciousness writing leads one to think of a thing one wouldn't have got to the usual route. Saying that, Buster my German Shepard just went barking madly as the postman put a letter through the door. Yep, it wasnt a letter from the unkown woman who is going have me in tears laughing and saying how great it would be if we met, and isnt it amazing as she didnt even have the adress! (yes, well see below for E option) Thank goodness I have a letter box, or that would be a hassle.
 What don't we have that if we did would make life easier. Please send any surreal/normal ideas to me, at theartistpgk@talktalk.net they may get encorperated into the blog.

And finally and OM and OM

One aspect of Love can be defined as "Do not be that which stops other people being their real selves, or, more catchily, "Be so others can be."  So be good my brothers and sisters and know that you are loved. 
Your brother and watchman, 
Peter G Kimble

Ps I dont know if I told you, but I saw Billy Childish say in an interiew that he stopped drinking. I know it was for a good reason, but cant recall. It made me think how Better I am for not drinking. Also though how heavy things can get when I have had a drink, like the time some guys tried to kill me in the Philippines. That sort of thing can happen if one has had a drink and goes to the wrong bar in the wrong side of the city. Hmm, If one hasnt had a drink and one tries to go into the wrong Christian church I expect it would be hard to find one. Thats not that theres not one I couldnt be frowned upon, just not hit over the head with a rock and stabbed! My guardian angel used to have its work cut out for it, God bless it!

Thats it I am really off.


Tuesday 17 January 2012

Some lighthearted stuff to share and make the journey lighter.

Welcome my brothers and sisters to a new day. How about together we give thanks that we have it by embracing it completely. My love goes out to you all.

Nowadays, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it proberbly isn`t a duck at all, but only something someone wants you to believe is a duck. Maybe thats why they`re called decoys.
                                                                                       Christopher Toussaint

God, grant me patience, NOW!
God wants spiritual fruits, not religious nuts.

If you cant swim, dont blame the water.

I no longer despair at being alone. I can now rejoice at being alone with God.
Laughter is a smile with the volume turned up.

Hmmm above line was a bit humourous, how about below? You decide.

... A man walked into a bar and said, "Ouch."

*** A termite walked into a bar and said, "where`s the bar tender?"

  If a tree falls in the woods and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?

If a man speaks and there`s no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?

God grant me chastity, but not now.
                                          Saint Augustine. (well that one suprised me. Maybe it goes to show that saints can have a sense of humour!)   ttfn my brothers and sisters.

Your Bro Peter                                      

Monday 16 January 2012

Good day and may you all know that you are loved.

Because one of my paths on this spiritual journey - in this life -  I am undertaking, means letting of ego, I do not want to talk too much in my blogs about selfish desires, as these I try to get rid of.

Now if I believe, which I do if what me and millions of others said in churches on Sunday, that we are all part of one body, then our brother Lao Tzu is not only one of us, but part of the realisation that leads to enlightenment.

On gratitude our brother says: Be content with what you have: rejoice in the way things are. When you realise there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.

                                            Letting go

By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try the world is beyond the winning.

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.


Now my brothers and sisters, if you accept that we are all part of one body, which we can call the universe, or `one song`, then you will believe me when I say that I love you. Yesterday in church did I not take communion - the body and blood of Jesus - along with millions of others around this planet. I did. And in doing I showed my allegiance to all that was, all that is and all that will be!

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.
Going with the flow a good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.

Patience and compassion.
I have just three things to teach; simplicity, patience, compassion. These are your greatest treasures.

If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to. If you are not afraid of dying, there is nothing you cannot ahieve.

Silence is a source of great strength.

An integral being knows without going, sees without looking, and accomplishes without doing.

If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.   

Lao Tzu on Enlightenment.
There are many paths to enlightenment. Be sure to take one with heart.

At the centre of your being you have the answer, you know who you are and you know what you want.

William James
Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.

Now listen to my brothers and sisters. The above was written goodness how long ago. Yet I want to say that only recently, physosists ( I dont think thats the right spelling, but the spell check doesnt highlite it! ) Nope, thats it, the spellcheck is at this moment not working, so to heck with it. I am an artist and oh yes a braininjured one so had better get back to the point, okay lets say scientists are saying that on a quantum level matter acts in a way one expects it to.  Dont ask me how this gets me to my last blog for today, as if its not apparent to you, then no amount of explaining will make you aware!

C S Lewis. "I belive in Christianity as I belive in the rising sun; not because I see it, but by it I can see all else."
Yep, okay, for a minute I wasnt sure, but yes I get it.

Tat ta my brothers and sisters. Have a good day and remember that if any one of you wants to share anything with me, then contact me at theartistpgk@talktalk.net 

Sunday 15 January 2012

Sunday morning and taking one of my boys to church.

Good day folks. Peace and blessings be upon you

Go and have pity on all, for through pity, one finds freedom of Speech before God.   Abba Pambo

Today my brothers and sisters is one of those, where less is more on the blog.

Go in peace and bless those who persecute you.

Your Brother in Christ, Buddha and all the saints,

Saturday 14 January 2012

Good day to you my brothers and sisters. A mystic blog to share.

   The lives of mystics suggest that one
   cannot exist permantly in a stage of bliss
   until all karma and personality issues have
   been released, or true liberation occurs.

Aurobindo said "all limitations can be surmounted.. by calling in a higher power and consiousness than that of the personal mind and will. The higher consiousness than that of personal mind and will. The higher consciousness can, by what it brings, correct or rebuild what is defective in the personal nature . He believed of the first tasks necessary for spiritual seekers was to achieve a settled peace and silence in mind, and equanimity (calmness, composure, steadiness) in the being, trusting that happiness comes from the satisfaction of the soul rather than of the emotions or the body, which can never be satisfied.

Unconditional love is not a familier experience for most of us, and loving without a particular object is difficult to maintain, so projections are engaged. The personality just naturally wants someone special to give it to.
Learning to love God as expressed in every aspect of the universe is one of the highest intentions of the spiritual practice, and one of the most difficult to attain.


Obviously this is something we have to not just ourselves work at, but prepare by meditation and prayer to be open to letting that which is supernatural work in us. For this I will share the following, which is from the mystic, John of the cross.
Cloud Prologue
                              May I Praise You worthily
  To you, O God
  every heart stands open,
  and every will speaks,
  No secret is hidden from you.
  Purify my mind,
  My thoughts and my heart
  With the gift of you grace,
  so that I may love you perfectly
  and praise you worthily.
                          The Giver is the Gift
  Lord, I ask nothing of you
  except the gift of love,
    that is the Holy Spirit.
  for among all your gifts
  there is none so good and valuable
     so noble and exellent as this.
  For in no other gift save yor gift of Love
  is the Giver himself the Gift,
  so that the gift
  is the noblest and best of all

        I desire your love
  Lord, I desire your love,
  not because I am worthy,
  but because I am unworthy;
  for if I had it,
  it would make me worthy.
  And since you created  me for your love,
  although I may never enjoy it,
  I will still desire it,
  pray for it
  and hope to attain it..

I must go now and let my youngest son, Harry use this computer and so I leave you with the Love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
   Your brother in christ, Peter.  

Friday 13 January 2012

Fish on Friday

Good day my brothers and sisters.

Be attentive and listen to me. I want to share an extremely strong affirmation and prayer that I came across yesterday and needed to spend some time going over before deciding if it should go on this blog.

It is of course up to you, but I believe - even in the awareness of my own ignorance of all the unseen powers in this universe - that I will benefit in a few ways from saying this prayer.

This prayer is long and that I believe is an intrinsic part of its power.

Prayer at Daybreak - Archimandite

O Lord Eternal and Creator of all things, who of thy inscrutable goodness called me to this life; who bestowed on me the grace of Baptism and the seal of the Holy spirit; who imbued me with the desire to seek thee, the one true God: hear my prayer.
I have no life, no light, no joy or wisdom; no strength exept in Thee, O God. Because of my unrightousness I dare not raise my eyes to Thee. But Thou said to Thy disciples, `Whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do.`
Where I dare invoke Thee.
Purify me from all taint of flesh and spirit.
Teach me to pray alright.
Bless this day which Thee give unto me, Thy unworthy servant.
By the power of Thy blessing enable me at all times to speak and to act to Thy glory with a pure spirit, with humility, patience, love, gentleness, peace, courage and wisdom: aware always of Thy presense.
Of Thy immense goodness, O Lord God, show me the path of Thy will, and grant me to walk in Thy sight without sin.
O lord, unto whom all hearts be open, Thee know what things I have need of.
Thee are aquainted with my blindness and my ignorance,
Thee know my infirmity and my soul`s corruption;
but neither are my pain and anguish hid from Thee.
Wherefore I beseech thee, hear my prayer and by Thy Holy Spirit teach me the way wherein I should walk, and when my perverted will would lead me down other paths spare me not O Lord, but force me back to Thee.
By the power of Thy love, grant me to hold fast to that which is good.
Preserve mefrom every wor or deed that corrupts the soul; from every impulse  unpleasing in Thy sight and hurtful to my brother-mankind. Teach me what I should say and how I shold speak.
If it be Thy will that I make no answer, inspire me to keep silent in a spirit of peace that causes nether sorrow nor hurt to my fellowman.
Establish me in the path of Thy commandments and to my last breath let me not stray from the light of Thy ordinances, that Thy comandments may become the sole law of my being on this earth and all eternity.
Yea, Lord, I pray to Thee, have pity on me. In my foolishness, o God, I plead with Thee for many and great things. Yet I am ever mindful of my wickedness, by baseness, my vilenes.
Have mercy upon me.
Cast me not away from your presence because of my presumption.
Do Thee rather increase in me this presumption, and grant unto me the worst of mankind, to love Thee as Thee commanded with all my heart, and with all my strength.
With my whole being.
Yea, O Lord, by The Holy Spirit, teach me good judgement and knowledge.
Grant me to know Thy truth before I go down into the grave. Maintain my life in this world until I may offer unto Thee worthy repentance.
Take me not away in the midst of my days nor while my mind is still blind.
When Thee shall be pleased to fring my life to an end, forewarn me that I may prepare my Soul to come before Thee.
Be with me, O Lord, at that dread hour and grant me the joy of salvation.
Cleanse me from secret faults, from all iniquity that is hidden in me; and give me a right answer before Thy judgement seat.
Yea Lord, of Thy great mercy and immeasurable love for mankind be known to me. Amen.

I know Fish on friday is a blog where I tend to share spiritual things and today I may have suppaced past blogs. Saying this, I have left out a bit because I thought it may me too much to take in in one blog. So I may if upon prayer belive it is the right thing to do, put it in an evening post.

Have a good day my brothers and sisters and know that you are loved. My alarm is just going off and so I must take Buster over the park. Bye for now, Peter          

Thursday 12 January 2012

God, its okay to have a laugh and at times its all that keeps us going. So God, thank you for giving us humour.


  The yogi walked into the zen Pizza Parlour and said: " Make me one with everthing." When the Yogi got the pizza, he gave the propietor a £10 note. The proprietor pocketed the bill. The yogi said "Dont I get any change?" The proprietor said, "Change must come from within.""


My reality check just bounced.

What if there were no hypothetical questions?

My life has a superb cast, but I cant figure out the plot.

Ever stop to think, and forget to start again.


Hmm, just pondering how some years ago when I aquired a brain injury, this resulted in losing my memory. Then I chose to go on a spiritual journey to lose my sense of self and aquire a state of enlightenment. I am smiling now, as I know I am getting there and am happy if I never arrive.

Bye bye my brothers and sisters. Blessings and joy be upon you and overflow all around us.

Bro Peter

Wednesday 11 January 2012

This is a wonderful day. Affirm it with me, cos we are full of wonder and thanks be for that.

At Home While Still on the Way

God. God is pure Love. This is our only thought with the prayer of the heart and we open ourselves to have this Love within us.

The Jesus prayer (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God have mercy on me, a sinner.) or any other prayer, is used to gently empty our minds of all distractions from God alone. As well as this, our prayer becomes a prayer of the heart, centered in our inner being the empty space in which our God-filled mind can descend and vanish. God can become our host within us. St Paul said, `I live now not with my own life but with the life of Christ who lives in me` (Galations 2:20). Then we can affirm what Luther said, `Grace is an experience of being delivered from experience`. ( a bit zen! ) And then we can realize that it is not we who pray, but the Spirit of God who prays in us.

  One of the early Fathers said: `When thieves approach a house in order to creep up to it and hear  someone inside talking, they do not dare to climb in; in the same way, when our enemies try to steal into the soul and take possession of it they creep around but fear to enter when they hear that ..... prayer welling out of us.

 When we have given our heart ands soul over to God, the world and all its powers are unable to steal it from us. When God has become the Lord of our heart, our basic alienation is overcome and we can pray with the psalmist:

It was you who created my inmost self,
and put me together in my mother`s womb;
for all these mysteries I thank you:
for the wonder of myself, for the wonder of your works.

 (Psalm 139:13-14)

When God has become our shepherd, our refuge, our fortress, then we can reach out to him when all around us in this forsaken world is in turmoil and feel at home while still on the way. With the indwelling of God we can enter a wordless dialogue with our Master, waiting on the day he will lead us into the house where He has prepared a place for us(John 14;2). Then we can wait while we have already arrived and ask while we have already received. Then we will be able to comfort one another with the words from Paul:

  There is no need to worry; but if there is anything you need, pray for it, asking God for it with prayer and thanksgiving, and that peace of God, which is so much greater than we can understand, will guard your hearts and your thoughts, in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-6)

Have a good day brothers and sisters.

(ps. This is quite a spiritusl blog as I am doing battle against negative forces and need all the armour I can muster, to win. Fortunately and hopefully I have you on my side. Please I ask for you to pray for me to win this fight. Your brother, (in Christ and of Buddha and all the saints) Peter 

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Been looking at Picasso`s Monkey and her Baby 1951

Good day to you all. Picasso was such a prolific artist. Its estimated that he produced over 50,000 artworks.

Massacre in Korea is a very strong piece which I hadn't seen before today. I do recommend that you look at it.

When I saw for the first time today his bronze sculpture, Monkey and her Baby, 1951 I thought that the face looked more like that of a baboon. It was only when I read about this piece that I saw the head as it was origonally, a toy car shape.

I should say along with Pablo Piccaso that we dont have to understand art. For me its is not about understanding the stars at night, or the sight and sound of a babbling brook, its taking it into ones wonder.

Following are some of Pablo`s sayings that struck a chord with me.

Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth.

Its not what an artist does that counts. But what he his.

Art is not made to decorate rooms. It is an offensive weapon in the defense against the enemy.

Painting isn`t an aesthetic operation; its a form of magic designed as mediator between this strange hostile world and us.

I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.

Have a good day my brothers and sisters.


Monday 9 January 2012


Companions in Christ,
Knowing that our heavenly father
has sufficient grace for all our needs,
let us pray to him now.

Lord, we pray for the leaders and ministers
of your Church, especially those for whom
your work has brought danger and persecution;
may they never lose sight of your presence,
which comforts and protects.


Lord of power:
deliver us from evil.

We pray for clear light and guidance as our world faces
 the problems and crises of another week;
for the willingness of leaders
to be wisely advised and courageous
in doing what is right.


Lord of power:
deliver us from evil.

We pray for a greater willingness in us
to live and work in your strength;
for a deepening trust in your power
to save, heal and overcome temptation.


Lord of power
deliver us from evil.

We pray for all addicted to drugs,
alcohol, solvent abuse, violence,
or any other habit that enslaves;
for all victims of war, and abuse;
for the terrified and the suicidal.


Lord of power
deliver us from evil.

We pray that all who have passed from this life  (for me this includes especially my late wife Tracy)
may live in the joy of your presence for ever.


Lord of power
deliver us from evil.

Thank you, Father, for all the evils
that have been conquered,
and all the good that is done through your power
every day throughout our world.
Help us to notice your goodness.


Father we bring these prayers
trusting in the power of your love,
which you have shown to us
as Jesus Christ, our Lord.

This blog if I am able in any way to say it is art, is the art of equipping us to be being in good spirits. Do we not want to be balanced well in an holistic sense to encounter what this world has in store for us? So meditation and prayer can equip us to go forth with open hearts and spirits ablaze.

We are immortal spiritual beings having an human experience.

Go forth with love and spread the good news that we have been saved.

Your brother Peter/

Sunday 8 January 2012

God bless Moldovians and us all. Lets through Art and prayer realize that we are one!

Talking of one, I have only one slipper on a foot as the other one is mislaid. I am learning not to spend time unnecessarily, looking for that which will either turn up or not. Moldavia is one of the poorest countries in Europe, yet in God`s eyes that makes it one of the richest. Jesus said , `However you treat the least of my people, you treat me.` How can I take comfort in someone saying to me, `cheer up, there`s always someone worse off than you!` No I cant. In a couple of hours time I will be in All Saints church, here in Luton and and during the service will take part in the act of communion. As I take the bread and the wine, which to me is the body and blood of Christ, I shall become one with all my Christian brothers and sisters in this world and those who have left and those to come. We are one body in Jesus Christ. I had better exchange this one slipper for a pair of boots and take Buster, my trusty German sheep dog over the park and then head off to church. Have a good day my brothers and sisters. Know that you are loved. Your brother, Peter.

Saturday 7 January 2012

Beware the snares of the enemy, yet give thanks to your saviour.

The wicked one, on the watch, carried me off as booty as I lazily slept.
He led my mind into error; he
plundered my spirit and snatched
The wealth of Thy grace, this arch
robber, So raise me up, as I am fallen,
and summon me, saviour,
Thou who dost will that all men be saved.
Thou who dost will that all men be saved.

Kontakia af St. Romanos, A Prayer.

Now at last some words from me. One may ask why not before. In answer, mine cannot yet be as good as those above. My poor life has yet to amount the grace for such worth. As you see through me soldiering on each day with these blogs, there is still some hope alive in me that one day I shall be blessed enough to impart to others such that would makest them glad to have heard my name. Your servant  Peter G Kimble

Friday 6 January 2012

Fish on Friday

Good day to you my brothers and sisters.
Yesterday I spent a productive hour and a half with Kate, my forensic art therapist. My memory of the art I did was very good. I am not so sure now if it was the art that was very good, or me talking out and coming to terms with where I am in this life!

  Now, starting with a brief passage from the bible, I shall then introduce you to some writing by St Ephrem the Syrian;

                            Seek and you shall find
Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
                                                                                                                              (matt. 7:7-8) 
  This was the simple invitation Jesus gave to us all. For us to begin our spiritual quest for purpose, fulfilment and meaning by starting with prayer. The search for the answers to what we need, want and answers to critical turning points or crisis are found through diligent prayer. From humble posture of prayerful moments spent on bent knees many seekers have received vivid answers of hope and at other times a resounding no when one door shuts, but another opens to a new possibility. Christ, Jesus, gave us the promise that if we seek diligently we will be rewarded for our seeking.

  We should think of ourselves as travellers asking for guidance, whilst making a new road through uncharted land. If we fail to ask we may wander lost for only God knows how long. Yet with time spent in diligent prayer then our questions will be answered.

Our earnest seeking with consistant practice of prayer will enhance our journey and our lives. Everyone who prays and seeks with an earnest heart will receive. Rich, poor. young, old, man or woman. All people can be seekers and are welcome through grace to ask the Lord to grant them mercy and fulfill their needs.

 When despodency seizes us, let us not give in to it. Rather, fortified and protected by the light of faith, let us with great courage say to the spirit of evil: "What are you to us, who are you... a fugitive from Heaven, and a slave of evil? You dare not do anythin to us: Christ has dominion over us and over all.
        St Seraphim of Sarov

Virtues are formed by prayer. Prayer preserves temperance. Prayer suppresses anger. Prayer prevents emotions of pride and envy. Prayer draws into the soul the Holy Spirit, and raises man to Heaven.
        St Ephrem the Syrian  

Thursday 5 January 2012

It is Thursday here in Luton and the sun is coming out on this cold day.

Life starts now

It is a wonderful privilege

Being here is so much

Go blessed

It is cold outside and I felt it earlier as I took Buster for him to run through the trees.
I walked, as I stubbed my little toe yesterday and it is still a tad painfull.
Sitting here now with an herbal tea and writing to you makes it all a bit better. Bless you.


The reason mystics can forgive and overlook offenses, forgive their enemies and have open-hearted awareness for everything, is because we proccess reality differently. Deep suffering, deep loving and deep prayer. We have a wider view of the world, and the universe. Everything came from nothing and will eventuall return to No `thing`. Most people shut out awareness of the mysterious.
God, by definition is always going to be a mystery. We have to go deeper and deeper in our journey with God, because we have to be open to the mysterious revealing itself to us slowly as God and our selves are ready. Paitence is a Godly virtue and when we realize that we are eternal, then waiting becomes a joyfull experience. We become larger and transformed.Souls. Bigger and bigger minds. We have to learn how to change. How do we die to our old self, so we are able to realize we no longer live but Christ lives in us.

In the evening of life we will be judged on love alone.
                                                         St John of the Cross

It is love alone that gives worth to all things.
                                                         St Teresa of Avila

Now my brothers and sisters I shall leave you with my love,
                   Your brother in Christ, Peter.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Epiphany; although this is my blog it is fitting , to at times, have nought from my mind on it!

Today the grace of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended upon
the waters.
   Today the Sun that never sets has risen and the world is filled with
splendour by the light of the Lord.
   Today the moon shines upon the world with the brightness of its rays.
   Today the glittering stars make the earth fair with the radiance of their
   Today the clouds drop dawn upon mankind the dew of righteousness
from on high.
   Today the Uncreated of his own will accepts the laying on of hands from
his own creature.
   Today the waters of the Jordan are transformed into healing by the
coming of the Lord.
   Today the transgressions of men are washed away by the waters of the
   Today the blinding mist of the world is dispersed by the Epiphany of
our God.
   Today things above keep feast with things below, and things below
commune with things above.
   Today earth and sea share in the joy of the world, and the world is filled
with gladness.
   At thine Epiphany the whole creation sang thy praises.
                              FROM THE GREAT BLESSING OF THE WATERS 

You all have a good day and know that you are blessed.

Your brother Peter.                 

Monday 2 January 2012

New year new post new viewers new art

Good day my brothers and sisters.

Yesterday I noticed there were five visitors to my website or blog from Oman, so if you visit again or not I still say welcome and let peace and love flow from me through the universe (one song) to you.

It is ten past three in the morning here in the United Kingdom. I awoke about three and came up with this little `peace` of creative writing, which I think is appropriate for this time of the year!

turning over
planting love forgiveness
sprouting up

I hope and pray that this year is a good one for all of us. As I type this, I don't assume anyone one is going to read it. Hope is all I do and that's enough. So if you are reading this, then I thank and bless you.
 Yesterday, all our yesterdays and past years are gone. So we must try I believe to let go of only the thoughts that hinder us from growing and hold on, clasp tightly to those which help us bloom. Discarding our egos, which are what separate us from each other, we can all become an intrinsic part of a brave new world. Jesus once said, `however you treat the least of my people you treat me.` Why should I not say that I am glad to be in this world the least of His people. For I can no longer take any comfort from the retort, `there is always someone worse off than you`. Just as there is a grave for the unknown soldier, I and I ask if anyone is reading this blog with me  - even if you have no belief in a higher power - join with me in thinking the following. Power of all that is good in this universe, reach out to all beings that feel unloved and separated from us. Let them feel our enjoined love and know that they are loved. Bring love and healing to us as one and keep hate and hurt from us. Let no negative thoughts or feelings creep into us, but shine your light on them, so we may be aware of them and cast them out of our being
We are not just physical beings. We are more importantly, spiritual beings having a physical experience.
 So if we want to make progress, we must stop wanting stuff;
it keeps us from seeing whats real.When we want stuff,all we see are things. 

When we want only love and that is all we have in mind, then that is all we will have. If someone hurts us, love them and if someone heals us love them.

I for the sake of my own peace of mind, call the power that created this universe God. Although to try and understand that which is beyond my limited comprehension is a fools errand. Learning to accept the way to love my enemy is the path to a peace which passes all understanding. I shall leave you for this moment with the following prayer, which I ask you, please, to pray with me.

O merciful God.
fill our hearts, we pray,
with the graces of your Holy Spirit;
with love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness,
goodness, faithfulness, humility and
 self control.
Teach us to love those who hate us;
to pray for those who deceitfully use us;
that we may be the children of your love, our father. 

So my brothers and sisters, it is just coming up to four in the morning. The wind is blowing strong outside, so I shall wait awhile before taking Buster my trusty German Shepard out for his run in the woods and field behind this humble apartment in which I live. I bid you a good day.
Your brother of Buddha and my Lord Jesus Christ,

January the 2nd; No pictures as my new camera says new batteries needed, even though thats what is in it!

Let me just go back a day to January the 1st

on 1 January 1745 and on almost every New Year`s Day thereafter, Dr Johnson composed a prayer for himself. He did this in the small hours, and although he was normally a speedy writer he seems to have taken two or three hours over these little prayers.

JAN  1. MANE 1.33. Almighty God, by whose mercy my life has been yet prolonged to another year, grant that thy mercy may not be vain. Let not my years be multiplied to encrease my guilt, but as age advances, let me become more pure in my thoughts, more regular in my desires, & more obedient to thy laws. Let not the cares of the world distract me, nor the evils of age overwhelm me. But Continue and encrease they loving kindess towards me, and when thou shalt call me hence, receive me to everlasting happiness, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.


` you shall call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins` (Matt. 1.21)

Ah! Ah! that wonderful Name! Ah! that delectable Name! This is the Name that is above all names, the Name that is highest of all, without which no man hopes for salvation. This Name is sweet and joyful, fiving veritable comfort to the heart of man. Verily the Name of Jesus is in my mind a joyous song and heavenly music in mine ear, and in my mouth a honeyed sweetness. Wherefore no wonder I love that Name which gives comfort to me in all my anguish. I cannot pray, I cannot meditate, but in sounding the Name of Jesus. I savour no joy that is not mingled with Jesus. Wheresoever I be, whresoever I sit, whatsoever I do, the thought of my saviour of the Name of Jesus never leaves my mind. I have set it in my mind, I have set it as a token upon my hear. What can he lack who desires to love the Name of Jesus unceasingly?    
                                                                Richard Rolle

Getting back to Luton and in my humble abode with Buster and Harry. Harry asked me if I wanted any bicuits. I said that they were current biscuits and as a child I didnt like currents, but as an adult I now do. Though I said I cannot break my fast on just the second day. Now Harry the little mystic that he is, replied, " Yeah, and I didnt like currents, when I was older, but I do now".

Oki dokey; I must go now so I can have some quality time tormenting my son. He just laughed at that. Just goes to show which of the two boys I have here today.

You all have a good day and know you are well loved.

Your brother Peter