Wednesday 11 January 2012

This is a wonderful day. Affirm it with me, cos we are full of wonder and thanks be for that.

At Home While Still on the Way

God. God is pure Love. This is our only thought with the prayer of the heart and we open ourselves to have this Love within us.

The Jesus prayer (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God have mercy on me, a sinner.) or any other prayer, is used to gently empty our minds of all distractions from God alone. As well as this, our prayer becomes a prayer of the heart, centered in our inner being the empty space in which our God-filled mind can descend and vanish. God can become our host within us. St Paul said, `I live now not with my own life but with the life of Christ who lives in me` (Galations 2:20). Then we can affirm what Luther said, `Grace is an experience of being delivered from experience`. ( a bit zen! ) And then we can realize that it is not we who pray, but the Spirit of God who prays in us.

  One of the early Fathers said: `When thieves approach a house in order to creep up to it and hear  someone inside talking, they do not dare to climb in; in the same way, when our enemies try to steal into the soul and take possession of it they creep around but fear to enter when they hear that ..... prayer welling out of us.

 When we have given our heart ands soul over to God, the world and all its powers are unable to steal it from us. When God has become the Lord of our heart, our basic alienation is overcome and we can pray with the psalmist:

It was you who created my inmost self,
and put me together in my mother`s womb;
for all these mysteries I thank you:
for the wonder of myself, for the wonder of your works.

 (Psalm 139:13-14)

When God has become our shepherd, our refuge, our fortress, then we can reach out to him when all around us in this forsaken world is in turmoil and feel at home while still on the way. With the indwelling of God we can enter a wordless dialogue with our Master, waiting on the day he will lead us into the house where He has prepared a place for us(John 14;2). Then we can wait while we have already arrived and ask while we have already received. Then we will be able to comfort one another with the words from Paul:

  There is no need to worry; but if there is anything you need, pray for it, asking God for it with prayer and thanksgiving, and that peace of God, which is so much greater than we can understand, will guard your hearts and your thoughts, in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-6)

Have a good day brothers and sisters.

(ps. This is quite a spiritusl blog as I am doing battle against negative forces and need all the armour I can muster, to win. Fortunately and hopefully I have you on my side. Please I ask for you to pray for me to win this fight. Your brother, (in Christ and of Buddha and all the saints) Peter 

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