Sunday 8 January 2012

God bless Moldovians and us all. Lets through Art and prayer realize that we are one!

Talking of one, I have only one slipper on a foot as the other one is mislaid. I am learning not to spend time unnecessarily, looking for that which will either turn up or not. Moldavia is one of the poorest countries in Europe, yet in God`s eyes that makes it one of the richest. Jesus said , `However you treat the least of my people, you treat me.` How can I take comfort in someone saying to me, `cheer up, there`s always someone worse off than you!` No I cant. In a couple of hours time I will be in All Saints church, here in Luton and and during the service will take part in the act of communion. As I take the bread and the wine, which to me is the body and blood of Christ, I shall become one with all my Christian brothers and sisters in this world and those who have left and those to come. We are one body in Jesus Christ. I had better exchange this one slipper for a pair of boots and take Buster, my trusty German sheep dog over the park and then head off to church. Have a good day my brothers and sisters. Know that you are loved. Your brother, Peter.

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