Wednesday 18 January 2012

Wednesday and its wet here and overcast and the weather outside is gloomy also. ONLY JOKING

Good day my brothers and sisters . Actually the weather is as said above, but wait; although its twenty to eleven in the morning I have switched the light on and brightened it up.

I just done a painting in my art therapy book which is is colourful and was painted with a brush and my finger. All little boys should be told, one can do more than pick your nose with a finger. Not a good idea if you are going to put it in a pudding. Swiftly moving on, before I lose you. One swallow does not the summer make and its not even spring yet. Oh yes, that's it, Id love to have a swallow of coffee, but the coffee ran out on me yesterday. It didn't actually run out on me as it didn't know I exist. Also if it did it may think its a worthy thing to get boiled in water for me to enjoy. I would do that for coffee. Not on your nelly.

  Do you know I exist? I know that I do as every time I visit a certain site, it wont let me in until I type in letters and a number or two that are in different types and sizes, all over the place. So either I am human, as I get it right ( like also I could have typed `wright, or write or (opposite to left) and you other humans; and intelligent off worlders would have gotten what I meant even with intentional or unintentional spelling mistakes), or I am not at least a basic computer program. Nope,             I am an extraordinary artist who on this cold day is desperate for a shag                  carpet to lay myself down on.  Get in tune with the side of me that is not musical. Sometimes going on a stream of consciousness writing leads one to think of a thing one wouldn't have got to the usual route. Saying that, Buster my German Shepard just went barking madly as the postman put a letter through the door. Yep, it wasnt a letter from the unkown woman who is going have me in tears laughing and saying how great it would be if we met, and isnt it amazing as she didnt even have the adress! (yes, well see below for E option) Thank goodness I have a letter box, or that would be a hassle.
 What don't we have that if we did would make life easier. Please send any surreal/normal ideas to me, at they may get encorperated into the blog.

And finally and OM and OM

One aspect of Love can be defined as "Do not be that which stops other people being their real selves, or, more catchily, "Be so others can be."  So be good my brothers and sisters and know that you are loved. 
Your brother and watchman, 
Peter G Kimble

Ps I dont know if I told you, but I saw Billy Childish say in an interiew that he stopped drinking. I know it was for a good reason, but cant recall. It made me think how Better I am for not drinking. Also though how heavy things can get when I have had a drink, like the time some guys tried to kill me in the Philippines. That sort of thing can happen if one has had a drink and goes to the wrong bar in the wrong side of the city. Hmm, If one hasnt had a drink and one tries to go into the wrong Christian church I expect it would be hard to find one. Thats not that theres not one I couldnt be frowned upon, just not hit over the head with a rock and stabbed! My guardian angel used to have its work cut out for it, God bless it!

Thats it I am really off.


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