Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Hi there where ever there is and you will think `I am here, not there.` or not.

Good day my brothers and sisters, Its rainy here in Luton. I have just got back from the park with the Buster. We picked up rubbish. Well I did. I am not sure that the young couple of Jehovah Witnesses were convinced when I told them it would be a good part of their service to Jehovah, if they always picked up any litter they came across, as if they noticed it, then their God saw if they ignored tidying up for Him!

I came across a song on youtube which I liked. Its called `Christ is Krishna.` 

VEDA  secrets from the EAST
In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy the only means of deliverance is chanting the holy name of the Lord. There is no other way.

Jesus Christ son of God, have mercy on me.

Im aware that this body I am presently using is just a vehicle, a field of action for the soul.An ordinary soul interacts with the body by using the senses and by feeling emotions such as lust and hate. However, taking help from a guru, a wise soul becomes detached from the material body. Such a person is humble, equipoised, and truly independent.
  God is a Supersoul, who offers guidance to all souls, however wise or unwise they may be. Each soul can choose between following materialism or go on the path towards full enlightenment.
 Those who choose to follow the Way, become awakened to the whole situation.

What does it mean , for one to be renounced?
Renunciation means detachment from the fruits of your work. One in the mode of goodness works dutifully but renounces the result. One in the mode of passion renounces work when it grows troublesome. One in ignorance renounces work out of laziness or confusion.
  By seeing others as souls and acting with that understanding, you will stay in goodness. That takes a determined mind, but the initial trouble will later bring you hoppiness. Happiness in passion seems splendid at the start but ends up being painful. Happiness in ignorance, such as taking that which belongs to another is bitter from beginning to end.

By serving others we will learn to act and live in simple wisdom, controlling our mind and senses and renouncing the fruits of our work. Soon we will enjoy peace and insight as we achieve unprecedented happiness and appreciation for everyone. In such a state of mind we will attain the Body of Christ.

Peace and love to all beings. Your bro Peter.
Go in peace and love

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