Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Boxing clever? err nope but boxing creatively! YES...

Welcome folks to this artists blog. Today is Tuesday and I know I like to keep my spiritual sharing, when ever possible to a fish on friday blog, but having looked up who`s saints day it is today, I feel compelled to share it with you. So for those of you who are interested be sure to look at the end of this blog.

 Boxing clever? err nope but boxing creatively!            

First I should like to thank my Mum for giving five good boxes for me to cover. Thanks Mum.

                                                 I will get to start one of these in a day or so.           

                                                     Here below are some already done.

    Above is a box that we can, if it was viewed from a slightly different direction, see through. I thought that one way the boxes may be installed is as a wall where people can not see over but can see through! I also want to have them in a block in the middle of a room or gallery.

    Looking through this box we can partially see Maisy the mooch`s head!

     Two very similar views of same box.

    Below in the corner of the door frame we can see - albeit not very well - one of my sculptures of a green man gargoyle head. It has big pointy ears and leaves growing from its mouth.

I thought I would share this piece on St Benjamin, below. It shows the contrast between those who claim to be followers of The Way, but do not act like it and those who follow The Way. The Bishop was not following any Christian creed or duty that I know of and yet a Deacon who is lower in church hierarchy has been made a saint for his example of the duty to preach Christ.  

St. Benjamin, Martyr (Feast Day - March 31) The Christians in Persia had enjoyed twelve years of peace during the reign of Isdegerd, son of Sapor III, when in 420 it was disturbed by the indiscreet zeal of Abdas, a Christian Bishop who burned the Temple of Fire, the great sanctuary of the Persians. King Isdegerd threatened to destroy all the churches of the Christians unless the Bishop would rebuild it.
As Abdas refused to comply, the threat was executed; the churches were demolished, Abdas himself was put to death, and a general persecution began which lasted forty years. Isdegerd died in 421, but his son and successor, Varanes, carried on the persecution with great fury. The Christians were submitted to the most cruel tortures.
Among those who suffered was St. Benjamin, a Deacon, who had been imprisoned a year for his Faith. At the end of this period, an ambassador of the Emperor of Constantinople obtained his release on condition that he would never speak to any of the courtiers about religion.

St. Benjamin, however, declared it was his duty to preach Christ and that he could not be silent. Although he had been liberated on the agreement made with the ambassador and the Persian authorities, he would not acquiesce in it, and neglected no opportunity of preaching. He was again apprehended and brought before the king. The tyrant ordered that reeds should be thrust in between his nails and his flesh and into all the tenderest parts of his body and then withdrawn. After this torture had been repeated several times, a knotted stake was inserted into his bowels to rend and tear him. The martyr expired in the most terrible agony about the year 424.

To think that I sometimes feel I have a hard time with this brain injury I received at the time of my late wife's suicide! What some of the Saints have gone through is sometimes hard to even comprehend and unimaginable to conceive that we could bear such a trial. Yet maybe if the occasion necessitates it then The Holy Spirit would empower us to do His will!

This is the end of todays blog and I thank those of you my wonderful brothers and sisters who visited my work today. Hope you enjoyed it and realize it is, as am I, a work in progress. Blessings upon you.
 Your sincere brother artist and spiritual being, Peter. 

Friday, 27 March 2015

Feeling depressed and so will share some news of another artist thats having a hard time.

Fish on friday and my prayer for a brother artist to be able to travel free.
Stockholm Film Festival appoint 'thrilled' Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei to its jury panel.
Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei was today appointed to be on the jury of the Stockholm Film Festival, even though he was unlikely to be allowed to attend in person, festival organisers said.
The artist, whose movements have been restricted by Chinese authorities, was chosen because he is a "symbol of the repression of artists and journalists," festival director Git Scheynius told AFP.
"He is one of the most interesting artists on the planet right now. He can't express himself and he has been in jail because of his regime-critical opinions," Scheynius said, adding it was unlikely Beijing would grant permission for him to attend the festival.
"But he was thrilled, he said he loves films and is looking forward to taking part."
The theme of the international festival this year is "freedom" and Scheynius said she hoped it would highlight the plight of journalists and artists unable to perform their work without the influence of censorship.

Okay folks what is my role, I a relatively unknown artist, and human being for that matter, going to have in helping our brother Ai, in getting his skates on and getting to the Stockholm Film Festival, pronto. I will pray and ask you to also as well. I admit it does seem to be a very small drop in the ocean, but as many artists, physicists and mystics will confirm the ocean could very well be also in the drop!

Now for some pictures from my work in progress. Boxes! Here below is just shots from one of many boxes.

    Still some work left and right to do on these two sides. Inside is finished for now, but this may change.


The one and only truth is God. God is love. This is the meaning behind, `The truth will set you free.` If anything goes against the spirit of true love, it will fall under its own weight. In the end true love will be all thats left standing. Care for one another and be vigilant against deception.
Evil always comes in the name of love and can shift in the blink of an eye. Evil`s goal is to divide, create hatred and destroy. Stay strong and be the change you seek in this world. May I beg of you to pray for God to give me more strength my brothers and sisters as I am feeling very week at this time. 
The spirit of gratitude, thankfulness, and giving will help lift our souls out of despair and hate. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 
It does not dishonour others.
It is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth. It always perseveres.
Love never fails.


I know I am finding it hard today, but today is already into the mid-afternoon and so I have faith I shall rally around and put on a good face for my two sons as they will be arriving here shortly!  

                                                     This shot above is the exeption as its not
                                                     on the featured box! Thats artistic license
                                                     for us and should - I put to you only be
                                                     those of who are artists that are allowed
                                                     to use these license`s? 

 Please my brothers and sisters can I ask if those of you who pray, will pray for the well being of my ex-wife who is in hospital and is my sons mother and also for me, as I am trying to be honest to my self by letting bit by bit the real feelings of depression surface. Last night I was feeling really low, but today have got even lower. I do though have to not unsettle my two teenage sons, as this is an important time for them, coming up to their school exams. I do pray that you who visit my blog, do enjoy my art and oh yes, above and upside down I stenciled some Chinese chiropractors, oh no thats characters! whose meaning escapes me for the moment.    Blessings and love to you and all, Your brother in art, Peter G Kimble  

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Good day and welcome one and all to some pictures of my art and one of my loving hound.

Good day and blessings upon you all.

Without further ado I shall get this work on. The cross was completed less than five minutes ago, although its preparation has been much longer, as its made of paintings I created and then have just added to the blank sheet.
Did you know we have so much added to our being from the outside world, that we sometimes have examine this and try to delete the virus programs which latch onto our subconscious minds! Say with me now;

I erase all negative thoughts and emotions which are harmful to both me and the greater good of all NOW. x10

                                                   So my beloved brothers and sisters, the shots
                                            below all come from the work above.

                                           Below I am experimenting with moving the camera!

   Have a good day and know that you are loved. Please pass this on with the peace of God which surpasses all human understanding and yet can fully rest in our hearts. Your bro Peter G Kimble

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Good day and blessings upon you all. Please puruse some of my latest art,

Welcome brothers and sisters to this days blog. Where I am again just going to post shots of recent work and also work thats in process.

                                          So here below are four pictures of different angles
                                           of the same box. Then some smaller shots from
                                            said box.

                                                    I still want to do some more work on above
                                                    side, just not now. I have spent many hours
                                                    on this today and its time to stop. I will be
                                                    driving my eldest son to St Albans in a couple
                                                     of hours and so need a rest.

            Here are  two more finished paintings;
             plus two works in progress.

                   Have a good day my wonderful brothers and sisters and know that you are loved.
                                                  Your brother of Christ and all the saints, Peter G Kimble.