Friday, 16 September 2016

If this is only a drop in the ocean then let the ocean be increased at least, by this which is least.

Beloved brothers and sisters I ask that the love and grace of my Lord enable me to create this blog such that it is a grace and help to all of us who come across it.

Paphnutius. It is no use to begin well, unless thou dost carry it
   through to a good end.

   Abbot Moses. Avoid whatever would deprive thee of purity of soul,
   however good it may appear.

   Cassian. The term of all perfection is attained, when the soul, with
   all its powers, is gathered up into one only object, God.

   The Servitor sent these examples and sayings of the ancient fathers to
   his spiritual daughter, who drank them all in, and applied them to
   herself, as though he had meant her also to exercise her body with
   severe chastisements, after the austere fashion of the ancient fathers.
   And she began accordingly to mortify and torment herself with
   hair-shirts, and cords, and cruel bands set round with sharp iron
   nails, and many other such-like instruments of penance.

   But when the Servitor became aware of this, he wrote to her as
   follows:--Dear daughter, if thy purpose is to order thy spiritual life
   according to my teaching, as was thy request to me, cease from all such
   austerities, for they suit not the weakness of thy sex and thy
   well-ordered frame. The dear Jesus did not say, Take My cross upon you;
   but He said to each, Take up thy cross. Thou shouldst not seek to
   imitate the austerity of the ancient fathers, nor the severe exercises
   of thy spiritual father. Thou shouldst only take for thyself a portion
   of them, such as thou canst practise easily with thy infirm body, to
   the end that sin may die in thee, and yet thy bodily life may not be
   shortened. This is a very excellent exercise, and the best of all for

   She wished to know from him why he himself had practised such great
   austerities, and yet would not advise her or others to practise them.
   Upon this he referred her to the holy writings, saying:--It is written
   that, in former times, some among the ancient fathers led a life of
   such superhuman and incredible austerity, that the very mention of it
   is a horror to certain delicate persons of the present day; for they
   know not what burning devotion can enable a man, by the divine aid, to
   do and suffer for God. One who is filled with such fervour finds all
   impossible things become possible of accomplishment in God; just as
   David says, that with God's help he would go through a wall (Ps. xvii.
   30). It is also written in the book of the ancient fathers, that some
   of them did not treat themselves with such great severity as others
   did, and yet they were all striving to reach the self-same end. St.
   Peter and St. John had not the same training. Who can fully explain
   this marvel, unless it be that the Lord, who is wonderful in His
   Saints, wills, by reason of His high sovereignty, to be glorified in
   many different ways? Besides this, our natures are not all alike, and
   what is suit able to one, suits not another. Therefore it must not be
   thought that, if perchance a man has not practised such great
   austerities, he will be thereby hindered from arriving at perfection.
   At the same time, those who are soft and delicate should not despise
   austerities in others, or judge them harshly. Let each look to himself,
   and see what God wants of him, and attend to this, leaving all else
   alone. Speaking generally, it is much better to be moderate rather than
   immoderate in the practice of austerities. But as the mean is hard to
   find, it is wiser to keep a little under it, than to venture too high
   above it; for it often happens that, if a man mortifies his bodily
   frame to excess, he will have afterwards to indulge it to excess;
   though certainly many great Saints have forgotten themselves in this
   point through the fervour of their devotion. Such austerity of life,
   and the examples which have been mentioned, may be of use to those who
   are too tender with themselves, and to their own injury give too much
   rein to their rebellious bodies; but this concerns not thee, nor the
   like of thee. God has many kinds of crosses with which He chastens His
   friends. I look for Him to lay another sort of cross upon thy
   shoulders, which will be far more painful to thee than these
   austerities. Accept this cross with patience when it comes to thee.

   Not long afterwards God afflicted the Servitor's spiritual daughter
   with long and weary illnesses, so that she continued sickly in body
   until her death. She sent him word that it had come to pass with her as
   he had predicted. Upon which he wrote in answer thus:--Dear daughter,
   God has not only afflicted thee according to my words, but He has also
   wounded me in thee; for I have now no one left who will help me with
   the same diligence and godly faithfulness to complete my little book,
   as then didst when thou wert well. Therefore the Servitor besought God
   earnestly on thy behalf, that it might be His good will to give thee
   back thy health; and when God would not forthwith hearken to his
   prayer, he was angered against Him with a loving anger, and was minded
   that he would write no more books about the faithful God, and would
   likewise leave off his usual morning-greeting through ill-humour,
   unless God made thee well again. Now when he had sat down in the
   disquiet of his heart, according to custom, in his chapel, his senses
   were absorbed in ecstasy; and it seemed to him that a company of angels
   came before him in the chapel, and sang to comfort him a heavenly song,
   be cause they knew that at that time he was in peculiar sorrow; and
   they asked him why he looked so sad and did not sing with them. Then he
   told them how he had behaved in his excess to the dear God, because He
   would not hearken to his prayer for thy recovery. And they counselled
   him to desist from it, and not act thus; for that God had ordained this
   sickness for the best, and it would be thy cross in this world, and
   through it thou wouldst earn great grace here, and a manifold reward in
   heaven. Therefore be patient, my daughter, and receive it simply as a
   loving gift from the faithful God.

 Above is my eldest son Josh who is actually sitting near me as I type this, though I have my back to him and cant see his face. Harry below passed away just over a year ago and we sorely miss him.

Have a good day my brothers and sisters and please pass this blog on. Then you will have done your bit in making me a know artist. Blessings upon you. Your bro Peter.

My art and my call for you to support a brother under pressure.


Hi brothers and sisters,
It’s notorious for being one of the most free-speech hating governments in the world. And now even Pokémon has fallen foul of Russia’s free speech laws.

21-year-old Ruslan Sokolovsky filmed himself playing Pokémon Go on his phone in a church in Yekaterinburg in August. Since then, the 

authorities have been on his back – arresting him, keeping him in custody, and now barring him from leaving his house or communicating with the outside world – with the threat of up to five years in prison if he’s found guilty of the ridiculous charges against him.
Act now: Call on Russia to free Pokémon Go blogger
Take Action - send an email Ruslan has been charged with ‘offending believers’ under a law that was brought in right after Pussy Riot staged their now infamous ‘punk protest’ gig, kitted out in balaclavas in a Moscow church. The law basically lets state authorities imprison people for peacefully expressing their right to free speech, if they’ve said or done something near a place of worship that the authorities dislike.

This law adds to the pile of legislation stopping people holding protests, campaigning for human rights or expressing their opinions online freely.

Free Pokémon Go blogger under house arrest in Russia

The authorities comb the internet for anything that could be potentially illegal under the country’s wide-ranging anti-free speech laws. Ruslan’s YouTube film of him playing the game was discovered by the government’s ‘web monitoring programme’, and shown on state television in an apparent attempt to smear him as having insulted believers, and to be suffering from mental health problems.

Ruslan is a prisoner of conscience, punished for peacefully expressing views – which he is perfectly entitled to do. Call on the Russian authorities to free him immediately.

Call for Ruslan’s freedom now
Thank you,

Kathy Voss
Urgent Action Co-ordinator
Amnesty International UK
So folks, when I try to put some stuff from other peoples mail to me on my blog, there is little control I can have over the layout. Please bear with me on Pooh. (joke) Have a good day and please pass this on. Your bro Peter. 

Monday, 5 September 2016

Painting and exercising mind, body and soul.

Good day to you my beloved brothers and sisters. Also to those yet to internally realise our spiritual kinship. Our lowest com common denominator is also our mystical highest integer. Have I got that right or wrong and does it belong. Do you know how much you are loved. If you think you do, then unfortunately your brain is limiting your understanding and we all have to practise with our hearts and souls. When we have eyes to see, then our pineal glands will be open and functioning...  Enough of this esoteric meander and on to the art. Coming to you through me from the eternal singularity, or somewhere!


  This is all for today folks. Go in peace, love and be balanced. 
Your brother in Christ and for Christ, Peter G Kimble