Vipassanā meditation. This is what I am looking into for my own learning today. Having seen a video of prisoners in the USA being taught it with positive results.
Maybe if you know about the above you may also have heard the saying, "As above so below."
"As above, so below" is a motto associated with sacred geometry, Hermeticism, and the Tarot. The phrase derives from a passage in the Emerald Tablet (variously attributed to Hermes Trismegistus or Pseudo-Apollonius of Tyana). ... (The prayer's phrase is traditionally rendered "on earth, as it is in heaven".)
Psalm 46:10 NIV - He says, “Be still, and know that I - Bible ...
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Okay, my beloved brothers and sisters, plus others. Those that know when I lost Tracy my beloved wife who committed suicide, I received a brain injury.
This handicap means although I am still just as intelligent, I do have memory problems and poor organizational skills.
So if you can make out the signatures you will see some of the photos are the wrong way around.
All that is subject to arising is subject to cessation. The Buddha
said that, but I am not sure we can apply this to
Almighty God`s love for us!
What do you think? Answers to
Also the same address for any one of you who wants to be an agent for my art!
You should be able to see the signatures to see which way round these should be. Though those of you who know my work will also know I often like the views of may of my paintings from many angles!
Though I prefer the above the way we can see it.
My imagination can start to see the Guy Fawkes Anonymous mask starting to appear!
These two are upside down!Let's face it bods you got this far and so thanks. It's not always easy. Those of you who know all the people close to me who have died before they got old, starting with my parents then my first wife and finally my youngest son. One person has commented to me and I am still pondering it; its unlucky being close to me. It cant really be me though as I was only two and a half when my mum died! Then I think of a saying my late teenage son Harry said. "Or can it." Which if you have an inkling of how my brain injury has a positive effect on my life, you will understand me going to listen to some Canned Heat. On the road again. I`m on the road again.. I got Sylvia to call my precious friend/soon to be wife.
Oh dear, its got the line, `My mother left me when I was quite young.` Me, I was between two and three years old.
Next track is uplifting about going to the country. I am sure looking forward to me and my better half going back to stay with her mum in Barbados.
Ok thats all for today folks. Stay safe out there. I am fortunate to have my support dog and social distancing Dog de Bordeaux, Staff cross, Maisy. Your bro Peter signing off for now.
This is all for today folks. So have a good one and remember, stay safe out there. Your bro, Peter.