This is the first post of the year and I am just able to get some of my work on here before January is over.
Why is art so powerful?
- Art is powerful because it empowers the hearts of people and helps make a difference in the world. In that respect, below is my collection of inspirational, beautiful, and thought-provoking art quotes, art sayings, and art proverbs, collected from a variety of sources over the years. Art quotes celebrating the power and beauty of creation.
When I lose myself in my art I find my being with God.
Peter G Kimble
Well, folks this the end of this first blog of the year and I have just managed to get it finished a couple of hours or so before the start of Feb.
So chaps and chapesses I hope that this is a great new year for us all and lets hope the vaccines for Coronavirus get rolled out soon and that they do a good job.
Take care out there folks. Your bro in art, peace and love,
Peter G Kimble.