Thursday, 31 May 2012

31st of May. Hurray its a wonderful day. Glory be to You and Me !

Good day to you my brothers and sisters and also to those who are not yet sure.

The koan that popped into my head a years or so ago and came there from I don't know where.

`What is the answer to the question that doesn't exist?`

Do what you will with that.
Yes I do have an answer. It isnt the right one, but then again its not wrong!

I Have done some painting this morning and will attempt now to place some photos of the still wet paint on paper on this blog. Oh yes also a self portrait of how I felt some people perceived me at the time. After the brain injury, but before enlightenment. Can you see the sadness I felt, having lost the wife I loved, before that love was fully realised and showered upon her. Yes I did my best. Back then though, my best was tinged with self interest.

Once again I am a free spirit. I have no guilt and I take no credit. There is really no me. We have to play  this game and call ourselves and each other names. Do I care if you don't play fair. Of course I do, but more for you, so you can become realised.

I am almost there. At the place where I don't have to be here anymore, accept for some work still not done. Loving and taking care of an elderly mother and two young sons. If its Gods will then I shall remain here until that job is done. Encountering other spiritual beings whilst here makes time even more worthwhile! O yes and to paint and create. I have put an order/request to the creative power behind and inside the universe to put me in a team with some other artists to create some uplifting short films! Let not though my will be done, yet my wanting to input with love can surely be taken into account. I know you are getting this. Bless.

Above, direct above is the whole picture. Then above that is sections that can be viewed apart as pictures in their own right. `Right` may not be the best word, but I have only been awake just over
an hour and it takes awhile for the cognitive mechanisms to kick in and engage. Thats part of the reason
why I like to sometimes paint on awaking. To let the art be influenced by the me that has been out of this present world for six to eight hours.

Do not seek fame. Do not make
plans. Do not be absorbed by
activities. Do not think that you
know. Be aware of all that is
and dwell in the infinite. Wander
where there is no path. Be all
that heaven gave you, but act as
though you have received nothing.
Be empty that is all.
                                 CHUANG TZU

Peace and love to all beings and especially to you beloved, who look at my website. Those of you who like it and pass it on, I thank you. As you see there are no adverts to provide me income from this and none of my art on the galleries has price tags, nor have I offered any for sale. If there is a time where a demand for others to own works I have created, then will be the time for me to raise funds for ` Tracys farm` an as of yet purely conceptual holistic health farm, where beings can spend some time out of the rat race. Yep, rats, humans, dogs and cats. Ants? yes, but not sure about elephants. Are you smiling yet!Come on now and give me and God a big smile. If can say it out loud, then now; right now say "I am happy and I am loved and me and Peter Kimble love all who can hear us". (I am so glad, now laughing, my sons arent here, as I just said it myself out loud, three times getting louder. Why should we be embarrassed! When mobs gather in the street shouting for the death of others, its them who should be embarrassed and ashamed.

I am sitting here with just a dressing gown on and i have to shower, dress and pick my mother up for church in 15 minutes.   So kettles boiled. I will make a decaf coffee that can cool while I shower and dress. So brothers and sisters I will take my leave for now. With hope that we are all blessed this day and are able to make one other blessed by our actions or prayers. Blessings and love to you from me.
Peter G |Kimble.  

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Dont think or try to get this. Just take it in and be happy.

Paint and downloading from a higher plane.

Good day my brothers and sisters. I was listening to the birds singing and wondering if when dawn rose at the trenches of world war one, if the soldiers heard birdsong. Had perhaps the incessant shelling already scared them away.

Even in wartime some individuals are conscripted to fight and die, or fight and kill and some are forced to do this against their will.
For some its also against the will of their God.
God can be ignored. Put your head under the blanket and you will not really be hidden.
Ssh, don't tell the little children.
Focus on light and light warriors.
Today is such a wonderful time to be alive.
Take no quarter and give it all we have.
Yep, we are in this together.
Come on volunteers,
Join the army of God.
The righteous militia.
Our weapons, good works and prayer.
Be joyful, smile and laugh in the knowledge
that we are pure love!

Today my brothers and sisters, all on the blog is just by God and me. Unusual for me not to have some writing by a person of greater renown.

Fair well and prosper in your words and actions today. I thank God I am able to hear the birdsong this morning and my thought goes in part to those for whom this day will be full of dread. Let even one God, have in their mind, me just now praying knelt on the ground, head to the floor. imploring for you to give them respite!

God just brought me back to the here and now with the realization that the carpet could do with a hoover! Even saints, most of all should keep on top of the housework.

Toodle loo, and if I havent said it for awhile, then realize that you are loved. Blessings and peace to you all, from your brother of Christ, Peter G Kimble

Evening post before retiring to bed with The Science of Self-Realization.

Good evening brothers and sisters.
Apart from the second image down,  the others all
come from the same work. So enjoy and be loved!

Good night and may God bless us all and all of us be open hearted to let pure love rest in us and make us whole!  Your brother Peter.

Prolific in prayer and prolific in painting!

Prayer may be in so many ways expressed, by so many different people. Yet no mind if it is from a quietness of the mind as ones attention is on God alone, or through our devotion in labour or art for Him. It all boils down to the same thing. That is giving thanks for a creator and all that we have been and continue to be given.

I should like to draw your attention to the bottom of the three pictures. I can see towards the top left a side on image of a face. I had no idea when painting this work. I have to tell you, I am here looking at the actual painting, it isnt as noticeable in real life! `Real life` what does that mean!  Give no mind to that. Give your  to life to love and be passionate in your every moment. I have often mused over how, let alone agnostics or faithless people; but even some believers in God will never get on their knees or lay flat on the ground to pray. Yet nearly all of these people if  in a bank are startled by men in masks and pointing sawn off shotguns at them, shout "GET ON  THE GROUND NOW!" Some will hit the ground praying, but all will hit the ground.
I used to be a sheep in wolves clothing. As an artist I can still portray a tough guy as you may have seen from some of my photos. The reality is an ever changing thing. One minute we are little babies crying to have a suck on our mothers nipple. Next we are old people in constant pain and shitting ourselves.
 Its the in between that makes the whole thing worth it.
 I have said to my two sons, that if I hadnt married my first wife and spent six years in an abundant experience packed marriage, which she ended by her suicide resulting in my acquired brain injury, then I wouldn't have spent time in the Philippines, met their mother and brought them into being!

This now is the time that we can have so much control over. Don't be stuck in  rut.
We have to plough the ruts and turn them over. Break them up until they are fine enough to seed.
What to plant!
Good thoughts. Yes, but not enough.
Good word. Also good, but more is needed.
Good actions. Thats it my brothers and sisters. Together although we may be separated in time and space we are one body. Whatever we do, then if we do it with prayer it will turn out right in the long run. We have to be in this together for the long run!

I pray for those in prison. By there own doing or because of their beliefs.
I pray for those who are in pain, no mind if its physical or emotional.
I pray for those who mourn, that they will be comforted.
I pray for those who are trying to achieve, that they will succeed.
I pray for thee and me, that we will know and show Gods love.
I am off now for another walk over the park. Fare well and know that you are loved. Peter G Kimble

Monday, 28 May 2012

These are acrylic on paper which I painted this morning between 3 & 4am.

Good day to you, may peace & love be with you and flow through you to touch those around you.

I awoke this morning and after praying on my mala beads I had the impulse to paint.
It is now coming up to 6am and above is some of what was created by the universe
through yours  truly.

In the Orthodox Church at the age of three the blessed Virgin Mary was taken by her parents
 Joachim and Anna to the temple in Jerusalem, to be dedicated to the Lord. She lived there for
 nine years, in preparation for her future task of bearing God incarnate.

   The all-pure temple of the Saviour,
   The precious bridal-chamber and Virgin,
   The sacred treasure-house of the glory of God,
   Is led today into the Lord`s house,
   And with her she brings the grace of the Holy Spirit.
   Of her God`s angels sing in praise:
   She is indeed the heavenly tabernacle.


Have a good day my brothers and sisters. Be calm and know that you are loved. Bless.


Different views not always the same picture.

Blessings be upon us all.


Thou art thyself both he who offers and he who is offered, he who receives and he who is distributed.
                                                                 LITURGY OF ST JOHN CHRYSOSTOM

Welcome my brothers and sisters. I do hope that you had a good weekend. I took my sons last night to one of our priests house, for their last confirmation lesson. So their are going to be - God willing - confirmed into the Christian Church.

Below is some art I painted over this weekend. Or was it Friday. No mind.

Good day to you where ever you are, from me here in England on a bright sunny Monday morning.

Christ is present and active, in various ways, in the entire Eucharistic celebration. It is the same Lord who through the proclaimed word invites his people to his table, who through his minister presides at that table, and who gives himself sacramentally in the Body and Blood of his paschal sacrifice. It is the Lord present at the right hand of the Father, and therefore transcending the sacramental order, who thus offers to his Church, in the eucharistic signs, the special gift of himself.
  The sacramental Body and Blood of the Saviour are present as and offering to the believer awaiting his welcome. When this offering is met b faith, a lifegiving encounter results. Through faith Christ`s presence - which does not depend on the individual`s faith in order to be the Lord`s real gift of himself to his Church - becomes no longer just a presence for the believer, but also a presence with him. Thus, in considering the mystery of the eucharistic presence, we must recognize both the sacramental sign of Christ`s presence and the personal relationship between Christ and the faithful which arises from that presence.


    The Lamb of God is broken and distributed,
    Which being broken yet is not divided,
    Being ever eaten never is consumed,
    But sanctifies those that partake.
                       LITURGY OF ST JOHN CHRYSOSTOM

It is a sunny day here in the south of England. Wherever you are my brothers and sisters, I wish you well and for the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit to be with us now and always.

Your brother in christ and of Buddha and all the saints, Peter.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Sunday 27th May and I cant get two latest paintings on the blog.


Good day my brothers and sisters. Three times this morning - and its only 6.52am - I have taken photos of my latest paintings and put them on the computer. BUT CAN THEY NOW BE LOCATED! 
No. Then that was a rhetorical question.

Thats the third time I have taken photos and downloaded them with a title and then they are not on the file. So thats it for now. Better wait until my other son is here and see if he can help!

                                                        THE CHURCH
What the soul is to the body . . .
Christians are not distinguished from the rest of mankind in locality or in speech or customs. But while they dwell in the cities of Greeks and barbarians, and follow the native customs in dress and food, yet the constitution of their own citizenship is marvellous, and contradicts expectation. They dwell in their countries, but only as sojourners; they bear their share as citizens, and they endure all hardships as strangers. Every foreign country their fatherland, and ever fatherland foreign. They marry like other men and beget children ; but they do not expose their offspring. They have their meals, but not their wives in common. They are in the flesh, but do not live after the flesh. Their existence is on earth, their citizenship in heaven. They obey  the laws and surpass them in their lives They love all men and are persecuted by all. They are ignored and condemned, put to death and endowed with life. They are beggars, who make many rich, in want of everything and abounding in everything. They are dishonoured and in their dishonour glorified. They are abused and vindicated. Reviled, they bless; insulted , they pay their respects. They are punished for doing food, and rejoice in doing this, as thereby quickened to life. The Jews wage war with them as aliens, while the Greeks persecute them, and yet those who hate them cannot tell the reason for their hostility to them.
  In a word, what the soul is in the body, this the Christians are in the world. The invisible soul is guarded in the visible body: so Christians are recognised in the world, and yet their religion remains invisible. The flesh hates  the soul and goes to war with it, although it receives no wrong, because it is forbidden to indulge in pleasures; so the world hates Christians, although it receives no wrong from them, because they set themselves against its pleasures.
 The soul is enclosed in the body, and yet holds the body together; so Christians are in the world as in a prison, and yet they themselves hold the world together.
                                                                                              EPISTLE TO DIOGNETUS

If I am sharing the photo below with you for the second time in week, just because I want to assert to myself and the universe that I am alright with it and alright with myself. Sorted and centred.
Yes it was a long time coming. I am here and yet I am not here! 

Epistle to Diognetus
This was written at my guess, over one thousand years ago. Yet it is getting to some of the fundamental  issues than only just now some western physicists are realising. If we Christians and I would have too also assert some spiritual beings who are on a different journey, not even necessarily human, can see that we are in this present universe, but not of it, then we can begin to understand it all! I dont know if you have heard of the saying, that we are in the universe, but not of it? The soul will be invisible and unmeasurable in this space and time. Yet it exists within us here and yet can also be at the same time within another dimension outside of this one, where it rests in God!

Members one of another

`And when one member suffers, all the members suffer with it`(I Cor. 12.26): this is said of the Church. If we do not feel this, we are not within the Church.
  Holiness and knowledge are given by the spirit of sobornost. Ignorance and sin are characteristics of isolated individuals. Only in the unity of the Church do we find these defects overcome. Man finds his true self in the Church alone: not in the helplessness of spiritual isolation but in the strength of his communion with his brothers and with his Saviour. The Church is a living organism, intergrated by a common love, forming an absolute unity in Christ of the living and the dead.
                                                                                    Father Alexander Elchaninov

So my brother and sisters, it is just passing eight in the morning, here in Luton, England. The sun is shining and all is well with the world.  Have a good day and know that you are loved. I will not give up on trying to put my latest artwork on a following blog.  Your bro Peter

Saturday, 26 May 2012

One work complete and the other only God knows; its this life!

Good day my brother and sisters. Peace, Love and healing to you this glorious day. Here in England it is sunny and we are going off in a short while to a place called Ashridge park for a family game of cricket and a picnic.

Below is the artwork which was completed today, by adding the red glass gem. Its symbolising the pineal gland or the third eye.   

                                                          Above is close up of skull

                                                     Below is more or less whole picture

I have added a fake diamond to the above painting. It would be good to be blessed with the resources that some artists - Damian Hurst for example - have; then I could use real diamonds and rubies. I accept my lot, which is to use only what is to hand and be grateful. This though does not mean  it would be wrong to ask for blessings. Infact if my sons never came to me with requests, either for material things or advice, then I would assume they had become men!

Today for those of us who like to remember and sometimes gain wisdom from our Christian forebears, let today remember the Wesley`s.

JOHN WESLEY 1703-1791    CHARLES WESLEY 1707 - 1788

John Wesley travelled over 8,000 miles a year on horseback, preaching innumerable sermons. His brother Charles wrote over 5,500 hymns and is the most gifted and indefatigable hymn-writer that England has known.

   Wrestling Jacob

Come, O thou Traveler unknown
 Whom still I hod, but cannot see!
My company before is gone,
 And I am left alone with thee;
With thee all night I mean to stay,
And wrestle till the break of day.

I need not tell thee who I am,
 My misery or sin declare,
Thyself hast called me by my name,
 Look on thy hands, and read it there.
But who, I ask thee, who art thou?
Tell me thy name, and tell me now.

In vain thou strugglest to get free,
 I never will unloose my hold:
Art thou the Man that died for me?
  The secret of thy love unfold.
Wrestling I will not let the go,
Till I thy mane, thy nature know.

Yield to me now - for I am weak,
 But confident in self-despair!
Speak to my heart, in blessings speak,
 Be conquered by my instant prayer,
Speak, or thou never hence shalt move,
And tell me if the name is Love.

`Tis Love, `tis Love! Thou died`st for me,
 I hear thy whisper in my heart.
The morning breaks, the shadows flee,
 Pure Universal Love thou art:
To me, to all, thy bowels move -
Thy nature, and thy mane, is Love.

                                  CHARLES WESLEY

Okay my brothers and sisters, I trust that you will have a good weekend and realize that we are blessed if we can say that Love is the answer to all our problems and all our desires, then accept all which we are given. We should always ourselves, when faced with decisions, think; `what would Jesus do?` or, `what would Buddha do?. If you think, `what would P G Kimble do, then the answer would be to try to walk like the previously mentioned, as well as all wise and holy men and women.
Got to go now as my son and I am experimenting with a piece of visual art. This will go with a photo which he has already took of my back!

Gotta go, lots to do. Toodle pip. Peter.  

Friday, 25 May 2012

Fish on Friday

Good day to you, my brothers and sisters. 
Peace and love to all beings. 

Some people would use photo shop to get similar to above picture. I though dont have the technical abilities to do that, but do have the imagination to hold two pieces of stain glass in front of me, for my sister Viv to take the shot!

Yesterday I was blessed, not only by having a good sessions work at the art therapy, but by finding a  Penquin Classics, THE CLOUD OF UNKNOWING AND OTHER WORKS in the Oxfam charity shop.

We my brothers and sisters who seek to be enlightened spiritual beings, must deny the flesh for it is only a transitory state of being. Yet our souls potential is beyond time and this physical existence! We, no perhaps I should say I and not speak without your authority; can be glad when in this world we suffer pain and misery. This is a way to be with our lord on the cross.

Ah, what shall I do now? Now my heart may break apart, my eyes are flowing with water. Ah, now my sweetheart is sentenced to die. Ah, now he is led forth to the place of execution on Mount Calvary. Ah, see, he is carrying his cross (in reality it was my cross he carried, not his own.) on his bare shoulders....Ah, now, sweet Jesus, they still add shame and mockery to all your misery, laughing you to scorn where you hang on the cross. My darling love, where you hung with outstretched arms on the cross, you were pity to the righteous, laughter to the wicked...

We do not know, most of us my brothers and sisters the day we will die, even one day before, for sure. Though there are some of our brothers and dare I say a sister or two, who sitting in a prison cell in America, China, or some other Godforsaken country, will know for sure when it is the day of their execution. We though if we wish to become transformed and totally live in Christ, must die today to this world. We must say that we are dead to sin and the ways of this world. This flesh hung about our soul is just a temporary vehicle to carry us around as witnesses and more importantly the hand and feet of the living Christ here on earth. I hope and pray that never again will I be heard to say, `What can I do, I am only one person.` One person lifted  a vinegar soaked sponge to Jesus who suffered on the cross for all my wrong doings.` A day or two ago I did something or said something and thought myself a sinful wretch for this deed. This made me recall the pain of a nail being hammered into Him without sin. So now writing this to you, a tear comes to my eye and I have to say, `sorry Jesus, I am truly sorry. Please forgive me. Heal me and fill me with the Holy Spirit so that I may sin no more.` This will work for awhile. I shall be Christ conscious. I shall no longer live, yet Christ will live in me. Then as I travail about this fallen world, a snare shall entrap me and I will once again fall from grace. The battle though is a worthy cause. We must rouse ourselves each day, shouting out, `I am in the battle to win.` Today is a new day. As it was yesterday, here in Luton. The birds are singing and the sun is shining. Its as if I hear God my heavenly father saying out loud, though to himself, yet overheard by angels. Ah, what shall We send the way of Peter today to test him force him to abandon all self worth and self reliance and trust in Our Holy Spirit. Not the big one, for that he is not ready and will charge into a fiery furnace and be consumed by flames. Today he must do good works and contemplation and be satisfied, for all comes from me.

So I have just been in quiet contemplation. When I had emptied my mind of its own thoughts, three word which I recall from a Beatles song came to mind, Let it be! I will be going to play this in a moment on youtube, but more importantly I felt that God was conveying to me without the use of words that I should let him be the director or my actions and thoughts. So I must kill this habit of constantly thinking, what should I do now. Or, whats the best thing for me to do now. There must be no me.  Too many people who set out on the path of being holy teachers fail, because their ego grows in size as the number their followers increase. This is not there own doing, but the way in which the dark forces deals with that from which it perceives a light shining upon it! Well watered little seedlings will not wither in the sunlight, but will shoot up towards the source. That which seeks to destroy this new growth will have to cover it with total  darkness until all hope for that new life is abandoned. I suppose this is while it has been called by those who have gone before us, the dark night of the soul. Still we can be encouraged even by the darkness. Saying to ourselves, do you will God, we believe you will use us in this time for your good will!
It is coming up to 9.30 am and so I shall leave you now to start the day with the prayer of St Dennis.
Everlasting Wisdom without beginning, who are in yourself the First Cause transcending all being, the transcendent Godhead and the transcendent Good, the inward beholder of the divinely created wisdom of Christians: I beseech you to raise us to a capacity that accords with the transcendently unknown and transcendently shining height of  your dark, inspired utterances, where all the secret matters of theology are concealed and hidden under the transcendently shining darkness of wisest silence, making that which is transcendently bright shine transcendently in the secrecy of the greatest darkness; and, in a way that is always invisible and intangible, transcendently to dill all those souls that do not rely on intellectual sight full of supremely beautiful brightness.
 And because these matters are beyond understanding, I desire with love beyond understanding as best I can to gain them for myself with this prayer.
This is a clear lesson to me that I will never be able to pull myself up by my own bootstraps, so to speak! So if I were to have even the smallest faith in myself, then I am denying a space for God to fill!
Be cheered by our God being a good God and knowing that its all going to turn out alright in the end.
Leaving you in the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Your bro in Christ, Peter.           

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Just got back from Kate my forensic art psychotherapist.

Good day you all.

So this, below is the last work I finished at Kates.

Putting the rhetorical question, am I happy with this, is the right thing for me to ask. Not do I think this is a good piece of art. There is no angst to this. No anger nor anything lacking in my mind or emotions. This is a fluid, colourful, joyous celebration. I am happy with this world and it is happy with me!  

The `peace` above looks like someone is dancing a hoe down!

This is what I moved on to. I wonder is I could be bold enough to 
declare, thats it, its finished! 

Anyway it was an hour and a half session today and its totally taken it out of me. Knocked the stuffing out. Oh yes and that is a good thing. To empty out all the crap that can build up from what the world wants to shove on us.

Now, for those of you that have followed some of my photography, you will know I have been experimenting with reflections. So below is a photo of some stain glass in the house across the road.  
Okay yes the reflection. Thats Mr Nebblesworth, wearing just a hat (AKA the artist P.G.Kimble).


So now my brothers and sisters I am going to go and have a rest. Toodle pip and try to be the change we need in this dynamic, creative, splendid world.
                                 Your brother Peter 

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Good day the birds are singing and I have to go and collect library book.

Hoping that you are all fine and in good spirits.

                                   You got a bone to pick with me then go ahead and pick it.

This one above is laying on its side, or is it? Once again its up to you to decide, or!


The painting immediately above, was a random selection and is not the right way round, or dry. Is it even finished! Well as none of you - all though this isnt a criticism and I do appreciate you logging on - have as yet had any imput into my work, its all left up to me and God! And you would think that would be enough; except I am trying to enjoin you in the body of Christ so we dont all have to think of ourselves as individuals.
Okey dokey, I am off to the public library to pick up there copy of the book MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST, then I can give our curate her copy back. Oh its by Oswald Chambers if you are interested.

Maybe I can blog later with some humour. What, that wasnt the humour I hear one of you say. Well if I can laugh at myself, then I am sure glad if you can.  Laughter clubs shouldnt be just in india. The world needs some laughter flash mobs. The buck stops here. I will be doing some performance art laughter flash mob `Peaces` outside  embassies in London this summer and handing out flowers to all and sundry. Are you with me! then you better agree on a date and let me know, or I shall be a mob of one. Doesnt really work that one does it.  Lets not re hash the 60`s but be inclusive of the old the young the short and the tall, Disabled,  Blacks whites rainbow coloured people. Lesbians & Gays, heterosexuals and celebates; so that can include me. If it doesnt include you then I respect you wish not to be on a list. Some lists are terrible, like the ones politicians have, spit.

Stop press.
Heard the postman coming up the stairs just this minute and as Buster (the German Shepard) has moved out I rushed to the door barking. That gave us both me and the postman a laugh.
I am crying now though as I read the card with a picture of Victoria falls on one side and this message on  t`other; Harry has completed a fantastic assignment on Australian bush fires - lots of great detail included! Well done Harry. Mrs Langston.  Yep thats my boy Harry, a bonus to the universe.

Toodle pip my brothers and sisters. Yours even after the cows have come home, Peter G Kimble