The koan that popped into my head a years or so ago and came there from I don't know where.
`What is the answer to the question that doesn't exist?`
Do what you will with that.
Yes I do have an answer. It isnt the right one, but then again its not wrong!
I Have done some painting this morning and will attempt now to place some photos of the still wet paint on paper on this blog. Oh yes also a self portrait of how I felt some people perceived me at the time. After the brain injury, but before enlightenment. Can you see the sadness I felt, having lost the wife I loved, before that love was fully realised and showered upon her. Yes I did my best. Back then though, my best was tinged with self interest.
Once again I am a free spirit. I have no guilt and I take no credit. There is really no me. We have to play this game and call ourselves and each other names. Do I care if you don't play fair. Of course I do, but more for you, so you can become realised.
I am almost there. At the place where I don't have to be here anymore, accept for some work still not done. Loving and taking care of an elderly mother and two young sons. If its Gods will then I shall remain here until that job is done. Encountering other spiritual beings whilst here makes time even more worthwhile! O yes and to paint and create. I have put an order/request to the creative power behind and inside the universe to put me in a team with some other artists to create some uplifting short films! Let not though my will be done, yet my wanting to input with love can surely be taken into account. I know you are getting this. Bless.
Above, direct above is the whole picture. Then above that is sections that can be viewed apart as pictures in their own right. `Right` may not be the best word, but I have only been awake just over
an hour and it takes awhile for the cognitive mechanisms to kick in and engage. Thats part of the reason
why I like to sometimes paint on awaking. To let the art be influenced by the me that has been out of this present world for six to eight hours.
Do not seek fame. Do not make
plans. Do not be absorbed by
activities. Do not think that you
know. Be aware of all that is
and dwell in the infinite. Wander
where there is no path. Be all
that heaven gave you, but act as
though you have received nothing.
Be empty that is all.
Peace and love to all beings and especially to you beloved, who look at my website. Those of you who like it and pass it on, I thank you. As you see there are no adverts to provide me income from this and none of my art on the galleries has price tags, nor have I offered any for sale. If there is a time where a demand for others to own works I have created, then will be the time for me to raise funds for ` Tracys farm` an as of yet purely conceptual holistic health farm, where beings can spend some time out of the rat race. Yep, rats, humans, dogs and cats. Ants? yes, but not sure about elephants. Are you smiling yet!Come on now and give me and God a big smile. If can say it out loud, then now; right now say "I am happy and I am loved and me and Peter Kimble love all who can hear us". (I am so glad, now laughing, my sons arent here, as I just said it myself out loud, three times getting louder. Why should we be embarrassed! When mobs gather in the street shouting for the death of others, its them who should be embarrassed and ashamed.
I am sitting here with just a dressing gown on and i have to shower, dress and pick my mother up for church in 15 minutes. So kettles boiled. I will make a decaf coffee that can cool while I shower and dress. So brothers and sisters I will take my leave for now. With hope that we are all blessed this day and are able to make one other blessed by our actions or prayers. Blessings and love to you from me.
Peter G |Kimble.