Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Good day brothers and sisters. Without further ado, I shall post some shots of my latest paintings with quotes I like to contemplate.

                         Love’s mysteries in souls do grow, but yet the body is his book.

                      After a separation of eighteen years, due to an abduction, author Jaycee Dugard’s mother told her: “I knew I would see you again. Do you remember when we used to sit outside on the porch swing and talk about the moon as it rose high in the sky? Well, when you were taken from me, I used the moon to talk to you. I've been talking to you for so long. The other night the moon was full and bright and I asked the moon okay, where are you, Jaycee? The next day I got the call saying you had been found.” Quote Source: A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard (this  one brought a tear to my eye, then I think of my beloved, departed Tracy and am gladdened for the time we had together.)

                      Grieve not because thou understand-not life’s mystery; behind the veil is                                         concealed many a delight. 

                      She gasped; the lobster had screamed before it was dropped into the boiling pot.                       Source: Thoughts of reincarnation by Mary Sims 

                      We are given children to test us and make us more spiritual. George F. Will

 Most people do not take heed of the things they encounter, nor do they grasp them even when they have learned about them, although they suppose they do. Heraclitus

The record of Joan of Arc’s first mystical experience was documented at her trial of condemnation in Britain.  “When I was thirteen years old, I heard a voice from God sent to govern my conduct. The first time, I was very afraid. This voice came in summertime, around the noon hour, in my father’s garden. … I heard the voice on the right-hand side, towards the church. There was usually a great light. After I had thrice heard this voice, I knew it was the voice of an angel.” Joan of Arc

Anecdote: When actor Alec Guinness first saw the young James Dean’s 1955 Porsche, something instinctive forced him to warn Dean that this car would result in his death. “What an awful thing to say,” Dean replied.  Some months later, Dean was killed in a collision while at the wheel of this vehicle. Source: My Name Escapes Me by Alec Guinness

 If the great beasts are gone, man will surely die of a great loneliness of spirit. Quote source: Native American Chief Seattle, 1884

So my brothers and sisters, below you  an see the photo of the whole painting that the above shots came from. 

 Loving kindness be upon you and work through you to smile upon this broken world.
Your bro Peter.

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