Wednesday, 16 March 2016

When the going gets tough this artist goes swimming.

Good day folks... Hmm, ya, urr, the reference to swimming is because yesterday I went to the gym and today I went swimming. This helps get the endorphins and other positive stuff for body in action.
Exercise can be beneficial when one is dealing with the tragic loss of life. 

 This photo above I took when my  late son Harry was undergoing his first treatment for leukaemia at Addenbrooke's hospital in Cambridge.  They let us bring our dog Maisy to visit him.
 Although Maisy is out of shot here Harry is stroking her and this puts a smile on his face. Harrys brother Josh was a brick and stalwart through this all. He was also the navigator as I drove us to visit Harry. When the going gets tough the Kimbles kick in! We dont fold up.  

                                                    Above he may just make out the 2 teardrop
                                                    tattoo under my eye. One for Harry the
                                                    other for my late beloved wife, Tracy.

Patrick was a 5th-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. Much of what is known about Saint Patrick comes from the Declaration, which was allegedly written by Patrick himself. It is believed that he was born in Roman Britain in the fourth century, into a wealthy Romano-British family. His father was a deacon and his grandfather was a priest in the Christian church. According to the Declaration, at the age of sixteen, he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken as a slave to Gaelic Ireland.[11] It says that he spent six years there working as a shepherd and that during this time he "found God". The Declaration says that God told Patrick to flee to the coast, where a ship would be waiting to take him home. After making his way home, Patrick went on to become a priest.
According to tradition, Patrick returned to Ireland to convert the pagan Irish to Christianity. The Declaration says that he spent many years evangelising in the northern half of Ireland and converted "thousands". Patrick's efforts against the druids were eventually turned into an allegory in which he drove "snakes" out of Ireland (Ireland never had any snakes).
Tradition holds that he died on 17 March and was buried at Downpatrick. Over the following centuries, many legends grew up around Patrick and he became Ireland's foremost saint.

You’re Allowed To Scream, You’re Allowed To Cry, But Do Not Give Up. 

                                      I’ll Find Strength in Pain.

                                            Okay. Lets look at some snapshots of my
art and also other things that caught my eye on my travels.
I am also adding quotes for us to get inspired if we want to and I of course do, or I wouldn't be sharing them with you my beloved brothers and sisters.  

 Also for those of you who dont know it, I like mark making and indentations in my work!

 You Were Given This Life Because You Are Strong Enough To Live It.

 I Am Not What Happened To Me. I Am What I Choose To Become.

                                          Here I deliberately twisted the camera and shot.

When You Start Seeing Your Worth, You’ll Find It Harder To Stay Around People Who Don’t.

                                                    Those of you who know me will know
                                                    that I like reflections and being reflective!


Wake Up With Determination. Go To Bed With Satisfaction.

   Below is a back shot of my sister Viv as we go visiting villages taking things in....

    Do you notice the leaning barn?

Never Apologize For Being Sensitive Or Emotional. Let This Be A Sign That You’ve Got A Big Heart And Aren’t Afraid To Let Others See It. Showing Your Emotions Is A Sign Of Strength.

You Attract What You Are, Not What You Want If You Want Great, Then Be Great.

Step Into My Shoes And Walk the life I’m Living And If you Get As Far As I am, Just Maybe You Will See How Strong I Really Am.

Forget Your Past, Forgive Yourself, And Begin Again Right Now.

                       This abstract painting of mine is a mixture of adversity in tragedy and
                                                strength from the struggle of overcoming...
                      Though to be totally truthful with you my beloved brothers and sisters
                                                 I am not through the woods yet, but seeing glimpses of light
                       coming through helps. Please those of you who pray, pray for me to overcome
                                                    and be successful in my life, love and art.

Whenever You Find Yourself Doubting How Far You Can Go, Just Remember How Far You Have Come. Remember Everything You Have Faced, All The Battles You Have Won, And All The Fears You Have Overcome.

Growth Is Painful. Change Is Painful. But Nothing Is As Painful As Staying Stuck Somewhere You Don’t Belong.

You Attract What You Are, Not What You Want If You Want Great, Then Be Great.

                                          How much is that doggy in the
                          window!  (line from song, or rhyme) 

I Am Strong Because I’ve Been Weak. I Am Fearless Because I’ve Been Afraid. I am wise because I've Been Foolish.


You’re Allowed To Scream, You’re Allowed To Cry, But Do Not Give Up.    Have a good day my beloved brothers and sisters, I hope that you know that you are loved and do pass this on. Your brother of Christ and all the saints, esp St Patrick, Peter G Kimble.


Tomorrow its the anniversary of my late father Patrick and his twin brother Len`s birthdays. Also of course its saint Patrick`s day
Patrick was a 5th-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. Much of what is known about Saint Patrick comes from the Declaration, which was allegedly written by Patrick himself. It is believed that he was born in Roman Britain in the fourth century, into a wealthy Romano-British family. His father was a deacon and his grandfather was a priest in the Christian church. According to the Declaration, at the age of sixteen, he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken as a slave to Gaelic Ireland.[11] It says that he spent six years there working as a shepherd and that during this time he "found God". The Declaration says that God told Patrick to flee to the coast, where a ship would be waiting to take him home. After making his way home, Patrick went on to become a priest.
According to tradition, Patrick returned to Ireland to convert the pagan Irish to Christianity. The Declaration says that he spent many years evangelising in the northern half of Ireland and converted "thousands". Patrick's efforts against the druids were eventually turned into an allegory in which he drove "snakes" out of Ireland (Ireland never had any snakes).
Tradition holds that he died on 17 March and was buried at Downpatrick. Over the following centuries, many legends grew up around Patrick and he became Ireland's foremost saint.

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