Sunday, 31 July 2011

I love Mondays and I love you, yet

The Christian mystic Meister Eckhart said, "People should think less about what they ought to do, and more about what they ought to be." I can also relay the following to you, which is useful for those of us whom transending our seperate self is a goal.
A man must become truly poor and as free from his own creaturely will as when he was born. And tell you, by the eternal truth, that so long as you desire to fulfil the will of God and habr any hankering after eternity and God, for just so long you are not truly poor. Ge alone has true spiritual poverty, who wills nothing, knows nothing, desires nothing.
The mystics tell us to concentrate all our desires into one, which is to know God. Then finally, as we cross the threshold of realisation, seeing the light, be ready to abandon this also. The Hindus imagine the separate self consuned in fire, like a corpse on a funeral pyre. The desire for God is like the stick with which the priest stokes the fire to make sure the body is completel turned to ash; when it is, the stick too is thrown into the flames. Can it help to look at the corpse as our ego, which wants to seperate us from realization of our oneness and the stick as this writing, trying to prod us from the continual dreaming of a nonexisting reality.
A wise Hindu guru Neem Baba said, ` To see God everwhere you need special eyes; othewise wou cannot bear the shock.` We must look at the world without the distorted lenses of our theries and opinions, no matter how smart we may believe them. Only then will we see things as they truly are. When we simply see, like a child sees, the world is fresh, the colours are vibrant, all lives. Jesus said, `Except you become as little children, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. I saw last year, or before, my father becoming in his eighties more childlike, before his departing from his earthly existence to move on.
To reach spiritual enlightenment we must recall the pristine immediacy we experience as little children. The mystical experience may sound strange and alien, but it is actually home. One of my sons once said to me, ` Dad, when I was born I forgot what came before.` I have hope for you, my little Buddha/saint, I thought. After being in this world many years, its easy to get used to it and get stuck in a rut. In the here and now.
Hegel, an 18c philosopher wrote, `Spirit is immortal; with it there is no past, no future, but an essential now. To thyself be true. It is fruitless to go in search of our destiny, or God. When the answer is to be still and let the God consciousness awake within us.
We cannot all of us in the western world, be like some holy saints in India and walk about naked. Yet we can decide to place less importance on our outward appearance and spend less money on clothing ourselves. Buying second hand (lets go through our closet's and wardrobes today and make up a bag of clothes we haven't worn for a year, put them by the door and when we go out, take them to a charity shop. A little difference is still a difference!) when possible so as to give clothing to our naked brothers and sisters in the third world. Maybe emptying our lives of some unnecessary psychical baggage make it easier to unload the psychological load we may be dragging behind us! For mystics, the daily events of our ordinary lives reveal great truths. To dream, perchance to sleep through sorrow and awake renewed to face this day afresh and say, do with me Say you will. Listen, ready to show you love in how you treat your neighbour. Still the mind, so as to take in from without. As Lo Tzu says, ` Enugh Ideas! Ideas divide up the Whole. Following Tao (I interpret this as Holy Spirit, plus!) in the world is as natural as a mountain stream, that becomes part of a valley brook, that becomes part of a great river, that flows to the One Sea.`
Interesting how the sea is full of salt water, yet when the sun draws the water into the sky to have it all it has lost its saltiness. I pray Holy Spirit that you draw from me all that you can see in thyself and throw all else away. I alone can do nought. I have no original thought, idea emotion. Smiling,is the little brother of Jesus and Buddha in me saying to all you, get connected. No service charge, just service and gratitude. Blessings be upon us all, this week and always. My prayer this minute go to prisoners, either incarcerated within walls, or like myself at times, harmful habits.
I pray once again, that not only Amy Winehouse, but all troubled souls receive peace and love.
I leave you to read about and maybe partake in An Adventure Into Consciousness. Bye for now.

Simply sunny sunday wish love to all

Ive been out for awalk with the Buster. Apart from picking up Buster`s Pooh, I was oligated to pick up some from another dog, which was in a place an unsuspecting person may tread in it. Interesting how it ties in with the first quote;
People should think less about what they ought to do and more about what they ought to be.
Meister Eckhart. Christian mystic.
Im sure Eckhart was more than a Christian mystic.
Im more than a brain injured artist. I am a father and a child. A son and a brother. A truth seeker, walking with love. An all round caretaker.
Of course I recognise that some of you, unlike me; do not need a loving wife to kill hersel and give you a brain injury, to become enlightened.
Got to go and pick a son up and drop one off. Will try to catch the thread of this later. Peace to you all. Your brother Peter

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Putting Descartes before the horse could be artfull

Trademark arguement;
I have the idea of a perfect being. This must have a cause. A cause must be at least as perfect as its effect. So something at least as perfect as my idea caused it. Therefore such a thing exists. But that thing must be perfect, that is, God.
Does the following undermine the above?
We can touch a mountain with our hands but we cannot put our arms around it as we could round a tree or something else not too large for them. To grasp something is to embrace it in one`s thoughts; to know something it is sufficient to touch it with one`s thought.
Dont think too much. Everything in moderation. Exception to the rule. Love all you can and then Love some more.
I give my love this weekend to all who read this and many more who dont. bfn. Peter K

Friday, 29 July 2011

Fish on Friday

Good day my wonderful brothers and sisters. The `Fish on Friday` part 1) is the Collect for St Francis of Assisi. ` O God, you ever delight to reveal yourself to the childlike and lowly of heart. Grant that, following the example of the blessed Francis, we may count the wisdom of this world as foolishness and know only Jesus Christ and him crucified. Who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.`
Jesus hung on a tree, Bonhoeffer hung on a rope. Praise the Lord for such a cloud of witnesses.
Have we got the watchmen out? If you are interested in looking up this modern Christian martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Discipleship. It is my recommended reading for those of us seeking the truth and trying let go of our old selves.
My sons will be around this weekend. One of them will be going to his learning how to be a Bee Keeper. His gran and I bought him a beekeepers suit for his twelfth birthday. Last time he went He dad to wear one of the adult suits they have got. So his step dad takes him to Graham Earls House of Champions, to learn boxing. Gladly I can take him to learn how to become a bee keeper!
Fish on Friday part 2)
Sadhu Sundar Singh, said;
"Jesus told us, that the disciple is not above his Lord, nor he that is sent greater than Him that sent him. When we have left this life we shall not have a second chance of bearing the cross for Christ. We must therefore bear it all the gladly now."
"How can my poor prayers help anyone, when I myself am so sinful?" asked someone. Sundar pointed to the clouds. " The sun draws salt water from the sea yet when it falls again to the earth it is clear and pure and drinkable. The sun has cleansed it. So it is with God and our prayers".
" A Christian," he declared, " is a man who has fallen in love with Christ."
I didnt know Amy Winehouse, but it saddened me that she died so young. Perhaps it brought up feelings about my beloved Tracys death! I have been going through a bit of a dark night of the soul, this morning and am feeling quite depressed. I`d appreciate it if those of you who believe in an immortal creating power of love - whatever you name it, or dont - please ask it to come and strenthen me and also give me energy to carry on doing all the good work I am meant to be doing.
Although its only 14. 38 I am going to have to take an afternoon siesta for an hour or two, before doing some housework.
Got to get this humble abode clean and shipshape for my sons coming over the weekend.
Toodle pip and blessings upon you all. Your Brother Peter

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Shooting in London on Thames

This is some more of the trip to London a few weeks ago. We took a trip on the river Thames. You can see some of the things tourists like to see. The London eye. Big Ben. London Bridge and St Paul's cathedral. Also what about the clouds in top picture. Top, or not?
Quote for today, " Happiness is not something ready made, it comes from your own actions." Dalai Lama.
I leave you now with love for all sentient beings.
Your brother, Peter

Today is really Thursday Post

I have been reading a book by Thich Nhat Hanh called, the miracle of mindfulness and finding it helpful in reminding me of things to be aware of - like ones breath - on this journey of enlightenment.
The old man in me is dead and is floating down the Ganges on a burning raft. The babe in me has been born and is in rapture, living in every present moment. Noticing the spider and now aware of birdsong. I am part of everything and all is part of me. The child does not have to understand how electricity is made, or cd players work, to enjoy the experience in the moment of a nursury ryme.
Im going to try as I drive to pick my mother up, be mindful of every present moment. Not have my mind on the past, or the future. Be aware of all the pedestrians and other drivers who are made in the image of God. I will be trying to keep my talking to the minimum. Have a good day.
Your brother Peter

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

THURSDAY POST levitating artist

People around the World be amazed by levitating artist who write tonights blog without a line underneath all the words. O yes I just hit the return key and not only did the type revert back to normal, but I have reverted back to being unable to levitate. This means there is someone upstairs in a house across thats looking through the window at me. Its a bit of a bummer that I have only reached the level of being able to levitate alone and above the artist at work sign.
Quote for today. At the Day of Judgement we shall not be asked what we have read but what we have done. Thomas a`Kempis 1380 - 1471
It has sometimes struck me how long some of the spiritual people from all different religions, or none lived for even thousands of years ago.
Here is a thought I will leave you with; How can we strengthen our frontal cortex and would you want to?
Toodle pip my sweet things.

Turning the world upside down

My prayers are mostly with the people of Norway and elswhere in the world. At times its impossible for some people to love their enemies.
Good grief, Im waiting the long wait, but the time will come when the lion shall lay down with the lamb. Im offto spend time with my sons and am hoping that my neighbour Lond will succeed in getting this blog on, as I lost the long one with art and other stuff on it. Peace and love to all beings, your bro Peter

Monday, 25 July 2011

Morning Post. Another Paulo Coelho poem then The Buster

The art 1st of Paulo Coelho
If we pay close attention
we will come to realize that
no day is the same as another.
Every morning brings
with it a hidden blessing.
Greetings and blessings to you all. This morning I awoke a bit sad. Yet am hoping that meditating on the following will lift my spirit;
I was very disturbed and
turned to myself.
Having seen the light
that embraces me and
the good that is in me, I
became divine.
Gnostic sage
Albert Einstein said, `I want to know God`s thoughts... the rest are details.`He wondered what it would be like to be light. The mystics say that time and space are illusion. Einstein has scientifically shown that this is true. If we could move at the speed of light these fundamental dimensions would cease to exist.
Science teaches that from lights point of view there is no space and no time, just as the mystics teach that from God`s perspective there is only oneness and eternity.
THE ARTIST P G KIMBLE on becoming enlightened. I am an unenlightened spiritual being, who is definitely and actively seeking and becoming an enlightened, spiritual being. More mystic than mistake.
The moon has no light of its own, but reflects the light of the sun. The mystic comes to realise that the self is only a reflection of the self.
`My me is God, nor do I recognise any other me except my God Himself`, declared St Catherine of Genoa.
God is the greatest artist who has always lived. So if I quote the Bible and say `I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.` Then please dont criticise anything being created through this broken, yet still functioning tool of God.

Evening Post Finished artist at work sign 4 greenbelt

Okay Ive finished the artist at work sign for greenbelt! So Public lending libraries are a great thing, and saying such It would be great if as like a sister to Band aid There grew an Art aid. Where artists donated som of there work for the images to remain the right of, but the actual works auctioned off to raise money to provide libraries in places in third world countries where they didnt have them. Knowledge is power. If relitively unknown artists like me and famous artists donated five new works, never been seen by the general public. Then the works were autioned off with a list of artists names, but individual works would not be identifiable, using masking tape or whatever.
As an outsider artist I do belive there is quite a lot of Kings new clothes in the artworld. Enough from me. Any of you have any thoughts on the subject. I have taken my gauntlet of and thrown it in the ring as a challenge to others. Cant someone without braindamage
pick up the ball and get it rolling?
Everything tells me
that I am about to make a wrong decision,
but making mistakes is just part of life.
What does the world want from me?
Does it want me to take no risks,
to go back where I came from
because I didn`t have the courage
to say yes to life?
Paulo Caelho
Okay I must take the Buster out shortly, so I will leave you all with peace, which is really Gods peace, but he gave it to us to use often. It wont run out its a bit like Love you give it away all over the place, just to fingd that you still have more than when you started. Bless you all. I could hug every one of you. I wouldnt say that if I had millions of you looking at my website. Dont let that stop you from recomending it to others. Blessings Love and peace be upon you
brother Peter

Evening post artist at work sign finished. Hooray

Well Ive finished the artist at work sign. So thats ready for me to do a performance` peace`this summer

Amy Winehouse Rest In Peace

Hi you all. May Amy winehouse rest in peace. Im sure Ive heard her singing, but just not been aware it was her. People may hear me singing in the shower and not realize it is me. I went into town to get a form for a replacement driving licence and to order a new bank card. The latter I accomplished, but forgot the former. Yep I did have it written on a piece of paper and yes, was holding it walking into town and walking home! Im just going to go and hang the washing on the line before I forget.
Thich Nhat Hanh says that something as simple as attention to ones breath has a central part to play in meditation and prayer and I have to agree with him. try silently in your mind to say `I Am` on inhalation and `Love` on exhalation I am just going to do it with my 106 mala beads. I leave you in peace and love with all creation. your brother Peter. ps God and other artists are always a little obscure.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Sunday Post Read all about it. Nigeria scores more than USA

Love and Peace to all life. Leading the intercessions at church in just over six hours for the first time, is not something to relish. At times people complain if our summer fate is rained off, instead of praying for rain in Somalia who have suffered drought for something like two years. We must pray for all those suffering from the drought in the horn of Africa. Brother and sisters in Nigeria,(more people visited this site yesterday than from the USA) let us use this Internet to inter join in magnifying the almighty power of prayer. Spread the word, let us become truly all one body in Christ, with Christ and through Christ.
In church today I will be asking for us to pray for the victims, families and friends of those shot in Norway, but that also those carrying out such wickedness.
We will pray for our friendship link with St. Vincent. For Bishop Friday father Michael Marshall and the parish of Georgetown and Sandy Bay. The ART today in this blog is to convay to people that art isnt just painting pretty pictures, But can also be a spiritual mindfullness that everything is linked in someway. Thought of healing and harmony, may help in the bring of the right actions.
May peace , love and healing energy touch all. Your brother Peter

Saturday and battling the brain injury. part one

Apparantly the sage (and i`d rather be a sage, than a sausage!)has no personal `I`so am just going to take out the `I`s and reference to a self in this blog, to see how it scans
Got sons round today and one is even staying overnight, so he can go to bee keeping tomorrow to learn more about it.
Believe wallet was stolen last night by someone who distracted me. The worst thing about it is its unlikely that the disabled bus pass will be replaced as the government has chanced the criteria on who can have a bus pass.
Anyway went into the bank and got a stop on the bank card and told them not to replace for the meantime. Shall have to pay for a replace driving licence. Am a bit fed up, yet the positive thing was the library gave out a replacement card free. Yo ho ho. `When you are a clown no-one takes you seriously!` Mel Gibson said that in southpark. Being positive is not easy at times, its just often the best option. One of the boys, here for the day just told me the southpark bit.
Quote for today To know Tao ( I look at this as Holy Spirit) is the most wonderful thing in the world. Lao Tzu
The great sages who experienced the state of wu wei achieved a state of sublime indifference. ( Thats so hard at the moment, as my sons in different rooms, because they have been fighting.
Chuang Tzuwrote: `Oblivious of their own existence, they made no plans, therefore failing they has no cause of regret or succeeding no cause of congratulations. They cheerfully played their allotted parts, waiting patiently for the end.`
The son which was hurt wants to go on the computer so this blog is ending now, with the hope that those reading this blog can keep internal or external conflict to the minimum.
Peace and love to all beings. Peter

Friday, 22 July 2011

Fish on Friday

Good day to you wherever you are. I have three quotes to share with you my brothers and sisters on this fish on Friday blog. Interestingly for me, the earliest is the shortest and the latest the longest!
What is most necessary for understanding Divine things is prayer. Origen ( c 185 - 254 )
God never allows us to see another person at fault so we may criticise them, but only that we might intercede. Oswald Chambers (1874 - 1917)
If I can see God in you and all else I survey and you are able to see God in me and all you survey, how can we fail not to love each other and all around us? P G Kimble ( 1957 - )
I had a session with Kate, an art therapist this morning, took the Buster out for a run on returning and I still have the intercessions to write and then say at church on sunday. Im going to go and lay down for awhile and restfully look at the book, `the miracle of mindfulness`, by THICH NHAT HANH
Peace, blessings and soham to you and all creation,
Your brother Peter

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Taking a second look at things with an artist!

Greetings and my peace to you all. I came back to reflect on this picture I took some 100 metres from my humble abode and initially thought its title was `Dark night.` Now reflecting on it the realization came; its really called `Light` thats it. Its only because of the light that you will see the darkness of things which are there! Some things need the absence of light to rest in that stillness. Maybe the stilling of thoughts is part of the dark night of the soul, needed for growing spiritually.
Quote for today
Music without words means leaving behind the mind. And Leaving behind the mind is meditation. Meditation returns you to the source. And the source of all is sound. - Kabir
Between the concsious and the unconscious, the mind has put up a swing: all earth creatures, even the supernovas, sway between these two trees, and it never winds down.
Angels, animals, humans, insects by the million, also the wheeling son and moon;
ages go by, and it goes on.
Everything is swinging: heaven, earth, water, fire, and the secret onegrowing a body.
Kabir saw that for fifteen seconds, and it made him a servant for life.
The Emperor asked Master Gudo, " What happens to a man of enlightenment after death?"
"How should I know?" Gudo repleid.
"Because you are a master, "answered the Emperor.
"Yes sir," said Gudo," but not a dead one."
I dont think it worthwile to answer a persons question to which I have no answer, with, "Go ask Gudo". Thats just the thought that comes to the artist in me.
Its raining and yet even mystics, even poor ones like me, have to take their library books back.
So bye for now my brothers and sisters of light. Your loving brother Peter.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

good morning got to take Buster out in the rain!

At nearly 7.30 in the morning this cannot be an early morning post. When me and Tracy lived in london nearly twenty years ago, Id see the vans dropping off the newspapers before 4am. Hmm, what do you reckon to Murdoch and the bent policemen, is it better to sweep it under the carpet, or get it out into the wash. Maybe the latter expression could mean the wash,as in the mouth of a river. Or is that what its always meant and I`ve been the only person in the universe to think it meant, the wash as in washing clothes clean.
This is not really a bog about art, though I do try to write as an artist in my own artistic way. Also as I couldnt put a blog on yesterday, but was gladdened to see that the galleries are back online, I cannot be sure if what is being written now will be able to go online. Going `online` do you you think thats something we can do even without a computer. It could mean focusing all our attention to the present moment. Enough. The Buster must go out and do his business.
Toodle loo Your brother, Peter

Latest News Galleries back on the site!

I bet that I am one of the last to have found out that my galleries are back online. Anyway Good news Good news good news good news good news. I go and sweep up some chewed up wood that the Buster left on the carpet. Come back and find one of my boys typed good news more times neglecting the G. Sometimes its an advantage to be me! I don't neglect the G. Hmm something occurred; a realization that my subconcious self can have as big, if not bigger influence on my art than my concious.

Art requires courage ~ Anne Tucker

Okay I want to spend the rest of the evening with my son and dog. so bye
Pedro (Peter really, but I was Pedro for six yrs in Philippines.)

Portrait of an artist as a tough guy.

Greetings, peace and love to you all. I couldnt get this to stand the right way and so my apologise to anyone who cant lean sideways. Also too, imagine not seeing the two dark sides.
                                                           Quote for this morning
 When my daughter was about seven years old, she asked me one day what I did at work. I told her I worked at the college - that my job was to teach people how to draw. She stared at me,  incredulas, and said, " You mean they forget?" Howard Ikemoto
God and other artists are always a little obscure, so just focus on , that I am telling you how you are loved so much we all weep when you are sad and we cheer when you are happy. The universe loves you so much that it was created for you to enjoy. Your brother in Christ Peter G Kimble

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Evening post new painting out today

I know my big sis said to wait until my new paintings can be photograghed well so they can be shown on the website to their full potential. Yet this is a time of unusual circumstances, where people are logging into my website unable to see the galleries, maybe not even aware that they exist. I want people to look at something Ive produced. Be it a painting, a sculpture, or a piece of creative writing or whatever. Okay Ive got to say the best things I have produced albeit with my ex wife are my two sons. It does rile me that as they are only a year apart they seem to fight often, at least now they go to do boxing in the gym. I  just offer it up to God. Maybe unlike Cain and Able they will eventually become allies. Dare I hope, even Brothers of the Cross! Okay back to this canvas, away from the boxing ring. I believe you would have to see this one in real life to see the gold paint shining through the blue grey mist. This is the best I can do at this moment folks. May the force be with you. Till tomorrow, adieu. I could hug everyone of you. 

Monday, 18 July 2011

Yes! another blog. We know only blogs can be seen.sorry! People on d problem

Good day to you good folks. Blessings be upon you this day.
Quote for today
"My interest is in experience that is wordless and silent, and in the fact that this experience can be expressed for me in art which is also wordless and silent." Agnus Martin (1912 - 2004) ninety one or two ay, Agnus lived a good age. My beloved Tracy didnt make thirty, yet lived a good age. Her suicide slammed me down on the canvas and I was out for the count. When I finaly rose to my feet it was only by the help of the people in my corner. I wouldnt have made it under my own steam. Its all saddened me and humbled me and yet made me a better man! For a short while after my beloved Tracy died I wished I`d never met her. That though was only because I`d come so close to death. Infact the old Peter Kimble, who thought the world revolved around him did die. Its not only me who has had trouble letting him go. I dont say thank God he has gone. Only thank God for the braininjury changing me into a spiritually enlightened being. Peace and love to all creation, your bro Peter
Gods got to exist otherwise I at times have been raging against nothing.
If life dumps a load of manure on you , then grow roses. so the saying grows.
Its occcurred to me that I am an artist and yet that must just be coincidental in that I go with regularity to a forensic art therapist. I wouldnt think an actor would go to a forensic acting therapist, or would they!
The Buster is getting restless so I really must take him out, but I may be back. Farewell my beautiful beings.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Mom day or Monday? Why not give both a thought. Moving on to Art 1ST

As an artist reluctant to sell his work,but whom doesnt mind on accasion gifting it, I end up with a lot of my work at home. Hence my back livingroom wall. This morning Ive been out with my camera experimenting with moving the camera whilst shooting.On a completely different note, today we can celebrate Elizabeth Ferard, first deaconess of the Church of England.

She worked with the poor parish in the Kings Cross area of London, then Notting hill in 1873. My prayers today are with women everywhere nursing, or teaching the sick and poor. Your Brother, Peter ps. You see the picture on top of the painting `Same Cross Different Colours` The painting and the photo are almost capturing simultainous stillness in motion. Its a paradox. Me and Abba love them; only a little less than a smile or grimace! Can you work that out duelists? Once again I go unto the Breach, or is it the beach my peaches.
Quotes for today
People who urge you to be realistic generally want you to accept their version of reality. by unknown
The Buddha said hold on to the truth as a lamp. So Jesus , light of the world I shall clasp you so tight that you you and me; we become one body.
Amen and Amen. Watchman Kimble

Sunday suppliment

Greetings and blessings upon you a second time today. Hope you can feel the force of love.
Just wanted to mention and welcome the newcomers to visit my blog and wish them joy.
1 from Israel
8 from south Korea ( dont think that north Koreans wont ever see it! I pray hard and tough.)
7 from Latvia.
1 from Russia, I welcome you my brother or sister and want you to know that me and my big brother, ( Jesus Christ ) my other brother, Buddha and all the angels and saints are glad you made it. Even if you did stumble upon the blog. There are no accidents!
Toodle pip you all. Peace and love. pass it on

Sunday with my sons. Now just me and the Buster

My apoligies once again for the main website being off line. So I will share some lighthearted but sound sayings, two of which are from cartoon charactors.
Accept that some days you are a pigeon, and some days you are a statue. Dilbert
Bart, stop pestering Saten! Marge Simpson
Avoid employing unlucky people. Throw half the pile of CVs into the bin without reading them.
By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you`ll be happy; if you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher. Socrates
When I was born I forgot what came before. P G Kimble (yours truly)
Hope you do

nt mind me using my artistic licence to scatter my saying amongst such giants as Marge Simpson.
I trust you all have had a good weekend. Please send a desire out into the universal machinary for my website to be soon 100%. Peace and love to all life. Your contemplative brother, Peter

Friday, 15 July 2011

Outsider insider Art. Art inside out.

Hi what you am looking at to the left is the photo I took of a battleship on the Thames! So If you try to conceive and really study the picture as an artpeace called `Battleship resting on the Thames, just for form and lines, NOT FOR WAR `. Peace and love to all living things.
Oh yes today. Today I started work on a box which Is intended to be used in a piece of performance art at Greenbelt. One more thing. Apologies if you cant look at the art galleries. The problem is being looked into by the specialist. Oh yeah, did I tell you we all had pie, mash and liquer (green gravy made from pea and eel juice. My boys loved it.
ttfn Peter

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Belated thursday blog.

To those who think size is important have you never been in been in bed with a mosquito! Hmm, having lived in the phillippines, I can attest to that.
"Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size do you? Hmm?Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.!" Yoda (star wars)
The test of the pudding is in the eating and to me, as Jesus could teach in parables, its easy for him also to use fictional charactors likewise. So be wise. Do you know the story of Robert the Bruce and the spider, in the cave? For insects dont have much brain, but bucket loads of persistance.Yet how easy we humans at times give up hope, or trying again. So brothers and sister, arise and sieze the day. Persist and know you are blest. My love to all beings

At last the machine lets me in to do a fish on friday. Peace to all.

Its a test of ones patience when we are unable through no fault of our own, to work at what we are glad to do. It is also a lesson to be busy doing another thing we can do. The following is from Albert Einstein; `The finest emotion of which we are capable is the mystic emotion. Herein lies the germ of all art and all true science. Anyone to whom this feeling is alien, who is no longer capable of wonderment and lives in a state of fear, is a dead man. To know that what is impenetrable ror us really exists and manifests itself as the highest wisdom and most radiant beauty, whose gross forms are intelligable to our poor facilities - this knowledge, this feeling.. That is the core of the true religious sentiment. In this sense and in this alone, I rank myself among profoundly religeous men.
He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead; his eyes are closed. You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. Peace and love to all life. Your brother, Peter

Monday, 11 July 2011

2nd photo from trip to London our trip on boat on the river me land lubbers

I like the way the flag on the left appears to be balancing out the building on the right.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Quiet, still Monday. Peace within and Peace throughout this week.

Good day to all that is and all that can be. Me, two sisters and two sons went to London for two days and a good time was had by all. The photo is me and Lord Nelson in pose. Nelson is the one with only a left hand. Okay; I am the one without a hat on. I wish a good week to all. Especially you who see this. Though all is connected, I feel a stronger connection with thee. Wishing you a good week, brother Peter.  Sorry, yes, a quote for today. `I discovered the secret of the sea in meditation upon a dewdrop.`

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Fish on Friday and blessings to all from brother Peter and Buster

I the Christian artist Peter G Kimble surrender my self to the almighty living God. I freely, without duress, give up my free will to live my own life. I give my life to God. My Lord who in his great Love and mercy is able to present me faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.

Sanctification by the Word of God.
Know and rekon on the fact that we can be dead to sin and self by no act, or wish, by our own part. I must die to this world and desires of the flesh first, which is not possible for me as a mere man. I have to work hard in prayer until the realization is wrought that my old man was crucified with Christ. When Jesus died on the cross, I and we can rightly say, we did die to self with him. This is positional truth, and its important to always reckon ourselves dead to self. The death of Christ not only atones for the penalty of sin, but has the power to deliver us from the practice of sin. This is a mighty powerful truth that we must "know" and on which we need to "reckon" continuously.
Pray at all times 
Through the indwelling Holy Spirit "ye are sealed unto the day of redemption." Because God did "predestinate (us) to be conformed to the image of His Son" (Romans 8.28) the glorious goal of our Adoption is assured.

I am going to take a break from blogging for two or three days, So as to give some time to my sons.I wish you, my brothers and sisters my love and may the peace of our Lord Jesus be with you now and always.
Your brother in Christ, Peter


It saddens me as someone who's depressed wife killed herself and in doing so unknowingly gave me brain damage; that people without disability and lots going for them can attempt to, or manage to kill themselves. Particularly as they may destroy themselves and also hurt others, but wont be able to destroy what is essentially them, as it isn't made of material seen energy.
It gladdens me that it was my wife that killed herself, because if my darling Tracy had been married to another and left them with a brain injury, then there would be a bigger chance they would regret the meeting. Their life would be devastated by the family loss, memory and job loss, and loss in confidence. Not me. I thank God I  met her. Her mother was surprised she hadn't succeeded years before in her attempts. Me though thinking back, realise that if I had managed to keep her alive and happy most of the time. for six years, just with faith in myself. Well, now I have given up faith in myself. I can smile as this brain damaged artist relies on using God in others and letting others use God in me. I cant trust my memory and so as has often happened, people sometimes think they can steal from me. On my own with God, I say ," Father all is yours and nothing mine, so take any anger or thoughts of vengance from me and help to only want your will and your love to be mine. Peace & love to all my brothers and sisters (yep I am smiling for being given such grace.)

The art of zen in everything. From social intercourse to being selfless one.

Hi folks and to those of you who would wish I didn't blog on about God and should keep it to `Fish on Friday`, I am sorry, but felt it important to share the following with those brothers and sisters who like me are working to be enlightened. Oh yes, I ought to add here that Id be most grateful if anyone sends me knowledge which helps in this enlightenment 
Greetings and doxology, to all who see this and all who don't.  Christianity and zen may precede the gospel of Thomas. The following is something to meditate on. From the  King James Bible.
                                         THE FIRST BOOK OF MOSES


3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4And God saw the light, that it was good; and god divided the light from the dark.

The following is what I forgot to put in earlier.
So from the above it appears that at first God made light which was good and also had dark within it. Then God divided the light from the dark. So I do not believe that darkness is either evil or an absence of God. God himself in Jesus was able to enter into Hell to save us. His dominion cannot be contained.
I wish add the proviso for any and all of my blogs/website. I am fallible and can get things wrong. Yet that can lead to going over something again at a later date and finding a truth revealed. Stumbling for me is praying.

It seems to me that people mislead themselves and others when they make judgements without empirical knowledge. Its natural to prefer pleasure to pain, but we mustn't fail to recognise the necessity of realizing the positive aspect to pain. Alerting consciousness to injury/problem and then aiding in the spiritual/physical healing. Don't you get the urge to scratch when things are getting better. I scratch my head now, not because I am flummoxed ,but in recognition that at some level things are being sorted out and I shall be enlightened, or healed at the appropriate time.                                Holistic/spiritual health care is the best remedy.  Brother Peter G Kimble

Its our minds and not our surroundings that create our moods and so lets be part of the Revelation./revolution Infect others with love, forgiveness and acceptance. I leave you with my love for all. Peter

  Quote for today; When we point 1 finger at someone else , we are pointing three at our self!

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

A bit of a jambori

Hi, and blessings be upon you this day. Me and the Buster went out at 6am and this was one of the pictures that I took. No prizes for guessing that its the sky. To be a good artist I believe one has to be in touch with the child within. Mostly to retain the wonderful imagination. I wonder if you can see anything in this photo of the sky! No prizes if you can, nor admonishments if you cant.

  The best things to pigeon hole are pigeons. To try and pigeonhole creatures as complex as a dogs, humans or dolphins is rash and naive. (I just had an image of Mr T pop in my head saying, "Who are you calling rash, fool!") When we put limitations on that which we perceive, then we limit what we are able to conceive. Tagore said "The artist is the lover of Nature, therefore he is her slave and her master." I also like this one of his;"The scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the sword."         Ive just been looking out of the windows at some clouds moving from left to right slowly and then some higher up faster. This accompanied by the birdsong, reminds me why I don't have a television. Hmm, I wonder if my physical being is like a scabbard protecting briefly this immortal wisdom to you... So I don't have a television as I don't want to get into that habit of watching programs for hours each evening, which aren't helpful to me, or enabling me to be helpful to others. At least with the Internet I have to direct more thought to that which I look at. O, I must give a plug to radio. Go on the Internet and listen to BBC radio four and also for those with old radios , theres the world service. Theres some good comedy on radio four. Also science programs. When I told people I was going to be a comedian they laughed. Well, they`re not laughing now!   Off  to make a cup of coffee, so you all have a good day, especially the two followers. If you know whom I'm following, then you realize we are going on the right road! Love and peace to all beings, Your brother Peter  


Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Didnt manage to log in yesterday and frustration ensued, but now om

Couldnt do a blog yesterday as the machine wouldnt let me log in. Thankfully my neighbour, who works at the university and is chinese sorted it out. My thanks to all the brothers and sisters in america, who visit my site. There are more hits from the USA than the rest of the world put together. Only two from china, but its what people get from my site thats important to me. A fellow once said that life without art would be a mistake. The greatest artist can create a universe of different marvels.




                                      Quote forTuesday
The moment we set off in search of love, it sets off in search of us.
And saves us.      Paulo Coelho

Sunday, 3 July 2011

I dont like mondays was a song. I do like monday is a good mantra (on mondays!)

I`ve just turned to the the last page of a book; STRAY BIRDS TAGORE published by MACMILLAN

    Release me from my unfulfilled past clinging
to me from behind making death difficult. 

   Let this be my last word, that I trust in thy
Number 14 has got me thinking; `The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night-it is great. Delusions of knowledge are a fog of the morning.`
 This got me thinking about how when  in high school some forty plus years ago the books had it sussed. An atom was a the smallest particle of matter, comprised of a proton and a neutron. Well if you take a look at physics now you will find that matter can be in two places at the same time. Also its all just energy. So dont try hard, but relax and let the same energy which is love going through me touch you then connect to it and send onwards. I should have hugged a tree earlier. Later 

one of my favourite views. though at night.

This was a wonderful sight of the bands of blue light sandwiching the silver, as the darkness draws in. Its a view I took recently in daytime and posted. If I could make time to use it for meditation tonight, then peacefull sleep will ensue. Goodnight and bless you, Peter   

Sunday News. Monarch wants babies slain

Good morning world and greetings of love from me and the Buster, here in Luton.
I was thinking  earlier how the tabloid press would present the Biblical news as it unfolded!
      How about somes quotes rom Tagore to meditate on.
Let me not put myself wrongly to my world and set it against me.
Praise shames me, for I secretly beg it.
Those who have everything but thee, my God, laugh at those who have nothing but thyself.

Well, its a nice sunny day and the birds are singing. I shall be of to pick up my sons in a bit. Leaving Buster with their stepdad . Were going to have a family cricket match and picnic. Unfortunatly Buster might not get on with other dogs there, bless him.
Gratitude is heaven itself: there could be no heaven without gratitude; I feel it and I know it. I thank God and man for it....    William Blake   poet and artist, 1751 - 1827
Okay I must go and so I leave you with peace and love, Your Brother Peter

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Saturday in St Albans cathederal Hertfordshire, Earth, Milkyway

Okay the title may be a tad optimistic, as thus far my most distant viewers have probably been all those in America.

Took our mum to see our new curate : the Rev`d Isabella Image being ordained. To see where we went, check out the title of the blog. We didnt have far to go to get there from Luton.

A zen Christian (yours truly and could be you also!) does not only become directed and informed by the bible. Their being reforms and validates the bible. In my acceptance of the creative good in this world, this world accepts me. We are all One.

Anarchy isnt what it used to be

Anarchy isnt what it used to be

I didnt need bars or a prison cell
to feel sad or locked up in my mind.
Each year I found and tried some different key.
Yesterday it came and unlocked me,
Anarchy isnt what it used to be.

 *  Laugh `n` cry and live and die
     Lay on a hill and stare at the sky.
    Make puzzles without answers
    and find the reason why,
   Anarchy isn`t what it used to be.

Released from expectations, ryme n reason.
Free at last to laugh `n` shout and cry.
Able to live free of guilt and sadness.
Wanting to give without a reason, why.
Anarchy isn`t what it used to be.

The key is truth to your own spirit.
Dont live a lie, what others want from you.
Learn to accept what you never would expect,
Its gonna happen anyway.
Anarchy isn`t what it used to be.

That poem was penned by yours truly monday 15th May 2000 in Cagayan de oro city philipinnes.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Fish on friday

Good day  and peace to you.

Someone once said, `I dont want a church within the sounde of the chapel bell. I want to run a mission hall within a yard of Hell.` Was it C.T.Stubbs?

For the first time since breaking my arm Ive been kneeding dough and shall just go and switch the oven on to warm up!

Oh yes. an important thing. I ask you please to checkout and sign theonline petition at its supporting Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi`s movement for democracy in Burma.
The only real sage worthy of the name is one who realizes that the answer to to creation, life and eternity is a theological answer, not a scientific one. "He hath made everything beautiful in his time." (Ecc 3:11)
You all have a good weekend and remember to do for others as you would have them do to you!