Friday, 29 July 2011

Fish on Friday

Good day my wonderful brothers and sisters. The `Fish on Friday` part 1) is the Collect for St Francis of Assisi. ` O God, you ever delight to reveal yourself to the childlike and lowly of heart. Grant that, following the example of the blessed Francis, we may count the wisdom of this world as foolishness and know only Jesus Christ and him crucified. Who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.`
Jesus hung on a tree, Bonhoeffer hung on a rope. Praise the Lord for such a cloud of witnesses.
Have we got the watchmen out? If you are interested in looking up this modern Christian martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Discipleship. It is my recommended reading for those of us seeking the truth and trying let go of our old selves.
My sons will be around this weekend. One of them will be going to his learning how to be a Bee Keeper. His gran and I bought him a beekeepers suit for his twelfth birthday. Last time he went He dad to wear one of the adult suits they have got. So his step dad takes him to Graham Earls House of Champions, to learn boxing. Gladly I can take him to learn how to become a bee keeper!
Fish on Friday part 2)
Sadhu Sundar Singh, said;
"Jesus told us, that the disciple is not above his Lord, nor he that is sent greater than Him that sent him. When we have left this life we shall not have a second chance of bearing the cross for Christ. We must therefore bear it all the gladly now."
"How can my poor prayers help anyone, when I myself am so sinful?" asked someone. Sundar pointed to the clouds. " The sun draws salt water from the sea yet when it falls again to the earth it is clear and pure and drinkable. The sun has cleansed it. So it is with God and our prayers".
" A Christian," he declared, " is a man who has fallen in love with Christ."
I didnt know Amy Winehouse, but it saddened me that she died so young. Perhaps it brought up feelings about my beloved Tracys death! I have been going through a bit of a dark night of the soul, this morning and am feeling quite depressed. I`d appreciate it if those of you who believe in an immortal creating power of love - whatever you name it, or dont - please ask it to come and strenthen me and also give me energy to carry on doing all the good work I am meant to be doing.
Although its only 14. 38 I am going to have to take an afternoon siesta for an hour or two, before doing some housework.
Got to get this humble abode clean and shipshape for my sons coming over the weekend.
Toodle pip and blessings upon you all. Your Brother Peter

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