Monday, 18 July 2011

Yes! another blog. We know only blogs can be seen.sorry! People on d problem

Good day to you good folks. Blessings be upon you this day.
Quote for today
"My interest is in experience that is wordless and silent, and in the fact that this experience can be expressed for me in art which is also wordless and silent." Agnus Martin (1912 - 2004) ninety one or two ay, Agnus lived a good age. My beloved Tracy didnt make thirty, yet lived a good age. Her suicide slammed me down on the canvas and I was out for the count. When I finaly rose to my feet it was only by the help of the people in my corner. I wouldnt have made it under my own steam. Its all saddened me and humbled me and yet made me a better man! For a short while after my beloved Tracy died I wished I`d never met her. That though was only because I`d come so close to death. Infact the old Peter Kimble, who thought the world revolved around him did die. Its not only me who has had trouble letting him go. I dont say thank God he has gone. Only thank God for the braininjury changing me into a spiritually enlightened being. Peace and love to all creation, your bro Peter
Gods got to exist otherwise I at times have been raging against nothing.
If life dumps a load of manure on you , then grow roses. so the saying grows.
Its occcurred to me that I am an artist and yet that must just be coincidental in that I go with regularity to a forensic art therapist. I wouldnt think an actor would go to a forensic acting therapist, or would they!
The Buster is getting restless so I really must take him out, but I may be back. Farewell my beautiful beings.

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