Good evening from here now to whatever time and place you are in. Above. The old and the new. Then me and some pencils in I believe the national design gallery. Okay, one is not to take pictures, but they didnt reckon on me using my artistic licence. A word of warning to any of you intending to follow suit. It cannot be use in conjunction with a get out of jail card.
I have no idea who is the passenger of the London cab in the top picture and anyway, its more about the painted building. That carries on in the photo beneath.
The one beneath that I am not sure of other than to say it is an historical building in London! Well, part of it that caught my eye.
Hope that you are all having a good weekend. I am spending some time here alone with Buster, not knowing how many more days he will be with me and yet knowing he will be moving on.
It is best.
Bye. (O, 4now. I will be back.) Peter.
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Friday, 30 March 2012
Evening Post : Buster muzzled after man attack
My sister Viv puts a muzzle on Buster so he can go for a walk with us over the park.
Flat on my back is the only way I am able to balance the unicycle.
Peace, soham and have a blessed weekend to you reading this blog and all beings. Your brother Peter
Fish on Friday. The good shepherds dog reprieved.
Buster the German Shepherd, my loyal, but not yet trusty hound has won a reprieve from death sentence. A policeman left not long ago from my flat with an agreement that I write a letter of apology to the man Buster bit and pay sixty pounds for a new pair of jogging bottoms. The other thing was I agreed that buster would be muzzled when out of the flat in a public place and always on a lead in public parks.
I need a cup of coffee, decaf is okay as its for the taste not the caffeine!
Okay, coffee beside me and I shall carry on. I do not remember if I mentioned it, but the last camera I had for just a little while, when it kept saying no charge, even on replacing the batteries. They replaced it and now the new camera, same make and it is doing the same. So apology's for no pictures especially when the light is so good outside.
This seems an opportune moment to insert my fish on Friday `peace`.
I surrender myself to the almighty living God.
I freely give up my will to live my own life. Giving it to God, who is able to keep me from falling, and to Sanctification by the word of God.
Know and reckon on the fact that we can be dead to sin and self by no act, wish, or doing by our own part. I must die to this world and desires of the flesh first which is not possible fore me as a mere man. I have to work hard in prayer until the realisation is wrought that my old man was crucified with Christ. When Jesus died on the cross, I and we, can rightly say, we did die to self with him. This is positional truth, and its important to always reckon ourselves dead to self.
The death of Christ not only atones for the penalty of sin, but has power to deliver us from the practise of sin. This is a mighty powerful truth that we must "know" and on which we need to "reckon" continuously Pray at all times.
Through the indwelling Holy Spirit "ye are sealed unto the day of redemption."
(Ephesians 4:30)
Because God did "predestinate (us) to be conformed to the image of His son" (Romans 8:28) the glorious goal of our Adoption is assured.
I was the person Jesus was talking about when he said, " you say `I am rich, I have everything I want I don`t need a thing! And you dont realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. So I advise you to buy gold from me. Gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be ashamed of your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see.
(Revelation 3:17,18)
I want to share with you how when oftentimes I make plans I leave the proviso that they go according to the way that is universally good, or godly. Mainly as I believe the most important prayer I have thus far learnt is our Lords prayer. In this we ask for our heavenly Father`s will to be done. Who is best positioned to know our needs. Us where we are positioned in time and location/space. No, if you believe that then you ought to think all I write on my blogs is nonsense. Then if you have read many, my question to you would be, why? I no longer pay a television licence here in England as I dont think it worth spending much time out of this short life which I am at this moment leading, sitting watching television. Yes at times and for relaxation I do watched entertainment, factual programs and films on the Internet. As long as I do not watch BBC programs live here in the UK, then I am not required to spend any money on a television licence. Not everyone here knows that, as obviously the BBC dont shout about it. They would have you believe the licence is required to be payed for by everyone who watches the programs they make. O really. The six years I lived in the Philippines I saw the occasional program made by the BBC yet broadcast on a cable there! Obviously the cable provider was the organisation whom paid the piper. ( the BBC). I wouldnt carry on as some do watching soap operas and all the other stuff every night sat glued to the box, and pay for it. Years ago I used to go into work and hear the other guys talking about Easenders and Coronation street as if it was about real peoples lives. I didnt try to suggest they read a good book.
Live and let live.
My sister is going to arrive any minute and so I shall bid you all a good, or godly - leaving it entirely up to you - weekend. Please though, if you have no spiritual beliefs, dont be put off by me wisheing youwell and saying bless you. Their is no harm intended and infact I honestly believe I am sending you a positive energy, albiet small. Hey though, great things often come in small packages. So my brothers and sisters, Smile and know that you are loved. Yours, Brother Peter
I need a cup of coffee, decaf is okay as its for the taste not the caffeine!
Okay, coffee beside me and I shall carry on. I do not remember if I mentioned it, but the last camera I had for just a little while, when it kept saying no charge, even on replacing the batteries. They replaced it and now the new camera, same make and it is doing the same. So apology's for no pictures especially when the light is so good outside.
This seems an opportune moment to insert my fish on Friday `peace`.
I surrender myself to the almighty living God.
I freely give up my will to live my own life. Giving it to God, who is able to keep me from falling, and to Sanctification by the word of God.
Know and reckon on the fact that we can be dead to sin and self by no act, wish, or doing by our own part. I must die to this world and desires of the flesh first which is not possible fore me as a mere man. I have to work hard in prayer until the realisation is wrought that my old man was crucified with Christ. When Jesus died on the cross, I and we, can rightly say, we did die to self with him. This is positional truth, and its important to always reckon ourselves dead to self.
The death of Christ not only atones for the penalty of sin, but has power to deliver us from the practise of sin. This is a mighty powerful truth that we must "know" and on which we need to "reckon" continuously Pray at all times.
Through the indwelling Holy Spirit "ye are sealed unto the day of redemption."
(Ephesians 4:30)
Because God did "predestinate (us) to be conformed to the image of His son" (Romans 8:28) the glorious goal of our Adoption is assured.
I was the person Jesus was talking about when he said, " you say `I am rich, I have everything I want I don`t need a thing! And you dont realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. So I advise you to buy gold from me. Gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be ashamed of your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see.
(Revelation 3:17,18)
I want to share with you how when oftentimes I make plans I leave the proviso that they go according to the way that is universally good, or godly. Mainly as I believe the most important prayer I have thus far learnt is our Lords prayer. In this we ask for our heavenly Father`s will to be done. Who is best positioned to know our needs. Us where we are positioned in time and location/space. No, if you believe that then you ought to think all I write on my blogs is nonsense. Then if you have read many, my question to you would be, why? I no longer pay a television licence here in England as I dont think it worth spending much time out of this short life which I am at this moment leading, sitting watching television. Yes at times and for relaxation I do watched entertainment, factual programs and films on the Internet. As long as I do not watch BBC programs live here in the UK, then I am not required to spend any money on a television licence. Not everyone here knows that, as obviously the BBC dont shout about it. They would have you believe the licence is required to be payed for by everyone who watches the programs they make. O really. The six years I lived in the Philippines I saw the occasional program made by the BBC yet broadcast on a cable there! Obviously the cable provider was the organisation whom paid the piper. ( the BBC). I wouldnt carry on as some do watching soap operas and all the other stuff every night sat glued to the box, and pay for it. Years ago I used to go into work and hear the other guys talking about Easenders and Coronation street as if it was about real peoples lives. I didnt try to suggest they read a good book.
Live and let live.
My sister is going to arrive any minute and so I shall bid you all a good, or godly - leaving it entirely up to you - weekend. Please though, if you have no spiritual beliefs, dont be put off by me wisheing youwell and saying bless you. Their is no harm intended and infact I honestly believe I am sending you a positive energy, albiet small. Hey though, great things often come in small packages. So my brothers and sisters, Smile and know that you are loved. Yours, Brother Peter
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Buster Buster Buster. Loved by many, yet hated by a few!
Good old Buster Two Sticks. Well in fact he is has not been good this morning as he did nip a jogger on the leg, drawing a little blood. So these may be the last pictures of my loyal, yet incorrigible hound. He is going to the German Shepperd training class tonight and so maybe they will think it best to re-home him! God I hope no one wants to put him down. In the west people have killed a dog and not even gone to prison. Also they have been convicted of child killings and still got out after doing a prison sentence!
hmm peace and soham and breath in and breath out
Abba Anthony said, `I saw all the snares that the enemy spreads out over the world and I said groaning, what can get through from such snares?
Then I heard a voice saying to me `Humility`. ( Okay, noted, I must try harder.) Abba Anthony
He also said, `He who wishes to live in solitude in the desert is delivered from three conflict: hearing, speech and sight; there is only one conflict for him and that is fornication. ( Almost celibate!)
Someone questioned Abba Biar in these words,`What shall I do to be saved?` He replied, `Go reduce your appetite and your manual work, dwell without care in your cell and you will be saved.`
I must thank Abba (Father) Anthony also for the following advice which is of great help to me and you may also get something from it.
`Always have the fear of God before your eyes. Remember him who gives death and life. Hate the world and all that is in it. Hate all peace that comes from the flesh. Renounce this life, so that you may be alive to God. Remember what you have promised God, for it will be required of you on the day of judgement. Suffer hunger, thirst, nakedness, be watchful and sorrowful; weep, and groan in your heart; test yourselves, to see if you are worthy of god; despise the flesh, so that you may preserve your souls.`
Abba Anthony said, `A time is coming when men will go mad, and when you see someone who is not mad, they will attack him saying, `You are mad, you are not like us.` ( Amen, I am starting to get this now.)
My thanks for letting me share this blog with you. This helps me to become Christ centred and so diminish the self. If people decide Buster should be killed then I cannot fight them. Jesus, an innocent man was killed in an horrific manner, yet he never hurt anyone and did infact heal many!
So peace and soham to you from, Brother Peter.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Wednesday 28th March 2012 Peace and Love
Top picture. I like the way that although a bit stained, this foolscap paper which I copied stuff which I like to be reminded of, is obscured from us reading what is away from us.
Yet for you, here is a bit from the other side!
Metaphysics, branch of philosophy concerned with being and knowing. ( This gave me the realisation that one of the many hats I wear is that of a Metaphysician. I doubt if you will find me in the dictionary and thats the point.)
Next down is shadow me sitting Buddha like on a table balance upon an elephant. Oh no, I remember now its me sitting cross legged on a litter bin with the Buster walking past.
Next up. My shadow mingling with a tree. The tree trying to get a bit mouthy.
Up from that a silhouette of my head and shoulders.
Next come two of shadow me and the Buster.
The cloud of unknowing. Chapter 65: Salvation (very essential to me)
And so I realised that a man or woman who deliberately chooses God in this life out of love for him can be sure that they themselves are loved extremely. This endless love is activated by grace within the soul, for God wants us to be confident in our hope for heaven during this life and once we are there we shall be quite secure. The more pleasure and joy we have in this confidence, the better he likes it, as the revelations show, provided it is informed by a proper reverence and humility. The reverence I mean is a holy fear of our Lord that does not take him for granted and is linked to humility. The reverence I mean is a holy fear of our Lord that does not take him for granted and is linked to humility, whereby a creature sees the astonishing greatness of God and its own astonishing littleness. The people who are loved by God possess these virtues for all eternity. They can also be seen and experienced in this life too when the gracious presence of our Lord makes itself felt. We should yearn for this gracious presence of our Lord in all things more than anything isle because it produces a marvellous confidence in true faith and sure hope and a sweet, delightful fear because of his great charity. (I like that turn of phrase; a sweet, delightful fear!)
It is Gods will that I see myself to be as much beholden to him in love as if he had done everything just for me. This should be the interior attitude of every soul towards its lover. The charity of God created such a unity that, when it is seen correctly, nobody can separate himself from anybody else. This is the way that our soul can think that God has done everything for it alone.
God revealed this to make us love him and fear only him. For he wants us to realise that the whole power of our enemy has been taken into the hand of our Friend, and therefore the soul that is confident of this will not be afraid of anyone but the One he loves. It ascribes any other fear to our emotions, to physical illness and fantasy. And therefore even if we are in much pain, sorrow and distress that we seem unable to think of anything but the trouble we are in, we should pass over it lightly as soon as we can and regard it as nothing. Why? Because it is God`s will that we know him and if we know him, love him and fear him reverently, we will have peace and great rest and every-thing he does to please us. Our Lord revealed this to me when he said, `Why shold it grieve you to suffer for a while, since it is my will and for my glory?
I am off done the town now to see if I can get a charger to work with my new phone, as its got no power and cant be used. Does this cause me any concern, what do you think? I shall be walking with more concern for my prayer and ability to let Jesus look out through my eyes and we can share our thoughts and feelings on all we behold.
Blessings to you all from your brother Peter
I am off done the town now to see if I can get a charger to work with my new phone, as its got no power and cant be used. Does this cause me any concern, what do you think? I shall be walking with more concern for my prayer and ability to let Jesus look out through my eyes and we can share our thoughts and feelings on all we behold.
Blessings to you all from your brother Peter
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Shadows going in all directions! Sorry I couldnt turn bottom photo right way.
Good day my brothers and sisters. May God bless you this day. Some more shadow photos I should like to share with you.
Top. Two shadow people together have stepped out of the shade to contemplate the light, together.
2nd. Shadow person merges with tree as they contemplate the cross. Or it could be the multiplication sign. This one is up to you. Yep you can make the choice.
3rd. Shadow reflection. Still, quiet reflection.
4th. real dog in close proximity to shadow dog and shadow man, but doesnt notice them! Is that two shadow trees, or is one shadow a giant. Let the shadow children look and answer. We all have one inside us, but dont all realize it.
Bye for now. Hopefully - like Arnold Swartzeneggar, who did infact play a character in I believe kindergarton cop, with my family name (Kimble) - I`ll be back.
Your brother Peter G Kimble
wordless prayer
Shadow man emerges from shadow tree to contemplate the cross
Art and imagination.
Shadow man merges, and reemerges from being one with shadow tree and the cross
Shadow man in prayer, as horned shadow beast leaps up tree. Oblivious to each other and yet at the same time strangely one!
When we regularly delve into the word and pray for insight, the Spirit ministers and truth is revealed to us. It takes us beyond head knowledge into heart-rooted belief and into altered attitudes. We learn, draw closer and become more like Him.
Wordless prayer
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God`s people in accordance with the will of God.
My karma just ran over my dogma.
Have a good day my brothers and sisters. May you be blessed and also may you be a blessing for others.
Monday, 26 March 2012
I am the artist in the shadows & there`s more to come
Top photo is shadow me and shadow to the right of me, the bloke in photo underneath.
2nd photo Shadow me is hiding a bit with the black dogs tail touching Shadow me. Shadow me is patting shadow dog. Can you see that?
3rd is action Shadow me, shadow fire shooting out of my shadow mouth. Note; no shadow trees were burnt in this production.
Bottom photo is not of my bottom, but is shadow me standing betwixt shadow trees in front of the artist PGKimbles block of flats.
I as an artist think that for too long us shadows have been given a bad name. We don't lurk about in the shadows, as you can plainly see. So common fellow shadows stand proud and stand tall. Lets fight for our right to be recognised. We never hurt anyone or any living creature. The matter of the fact is we often offer a place of solace and shade to people and other creatures wanting to escape the heat. Well we have had enough, so we want you to know that we have given notice to politicians corrupt or just plain feckless, you shall hide in us no longer.
Us shadows have been discriminated and maligned in the press for too long. We don't hide in the shadows we are the shadows. The press go on about a large shadow of gloom hanging over the city.
Who owns the press I ask you. TheWBankers! Dont blame us for the problems you have caused.
So come shadow people and non shadow people alike, stand up for our rights to be recognised as an intrinsic and beneficial part of this world. Please even if you know someone who jumps and is frightened by their own shadow, tell them its not the shadows fault and they can get help.
So fellow shadow people we have to unite and stand as tall as the shadow trees in the picture above.
Shadow people are peace loving spiritual beings who never consume the worlds resources, nor kill non
shadow creatures. So peace and soham to all shadow people and non shadow people alike.
Your bro Peter
2nd photo Shadow me is hiding a bit with the black dogs tail touching Shadow me. Shadow me is patting shadow dog. Can you see that?
3rd is action Shadow me, shadow fire shooting out of my shadow mouth. Note; no shadow trees were burnt in this production.
Bottom photo is not of my bottom, but is shadow me standing betwixt shadow trees in front of the artist PGKimbles block of flats.
I as an artist think that for too long us shadows have been given a bad name. We don't lurk about in the shadows, as you can plainly see. So common fellow shadows stand proud and stand tall. Lets fight for our right to be recognised. We never hurt anyone or any living creature. The matter of the fact is we often offer a place of solace and shade to people and other creatures wanting to escape the heat. Well we have had enough, so we want you to know that we have given notice to politicians corrupt or just plain feckless, you shall hide in us no longer.
Us shadows have been discriminated and maligned in the press for too long. We don't hide in the shadows we are the shadows. The press go on about a large shadow of gloom hanging over the city.
Who owns the press I ask you. The
So come shadow people and non shadow people alike, stand up for our rights to be recognised as an intrinsic and beneficial part of this world. Please even if you know someone who jumps and is frightened by their own shadow, tell them its not the shadows fault and they can get help.
So fellow shadow people we have to unite and stand as tall as the shadow trees in the picture above.
Shadow people are peace loving spiritual beings who never consume the worlds resources, nor kill non
shadow creatures. So peace and soham to all shadow people and non shadow people alike.
Your bro Peter
More from Entering the Castle by Caroline Myss with my reflections
Good day my brothers and sisters. Its a trifle chilly outside. Buster had a good run around on the frosted grass and is now stretched out on the carpet panting. Oops, he just got up and wandered out into the hallway and now he is back and has laid himself beside my chair. Good boy.
So lets now visit the castle again, which our sister Caroline has led us to.
Entry Prayer
I cross the bridge into the silent bliss of my Castle. I close the drawbridge and forbid all outside influences from entry into this holy place that is my soul. Here in my Castle, I am alone with God. Under God`s light and companionship I discover the depth and beauty of my soul. I embrace the power of prayer. I open myself to divine guidance. I surrender myself to become as a channel for grace, healing, and service as God directs my life.
One of the most well-known prayers in the world is, "Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil." Any number of temptations surround you. It would be easier to answer the question, "What isn`t a temptation?" But in this room, you dialogue with your soul on the subject of temptations, which are far more than just a word in a prayer; a temptation is an archetype familiar with to the soul. The soul expects to be tempted literally and symbolically; perhaps in the desert, perhaps in the bar, perhaps in the bedroom. Who knows where your vulnerability is? The truth is-and that`s the point of this quest-do you know where you can be tempted? Do you know your own vulnerabilities? Do we attack people who are different than we are, perhaps too wild or too sensual, because they represent ways we want to be tempted but dare not admit? This is a room for rich inner work and self-reflection.
Soul Work: What tempts you to compromise your soul? What are your temptations? What do you fear you cannot go too near because your soul is not yet strong enough to hold its center? What are the root causes of your temptations? Which ones do you want to keep in your life because they are thrilling even if they are destructive? Which of your temptations cause you to lead a double life? Practise illuminating these demons by journaling or sharing with soul companions. This usually requires the support of soul companions.
For me, having a brain injury can be a blessing or a curse, depending on my attitude at any particular point in time. Also what about the way I am is just me and what is down to the brain injury. Also what does it matter at times. I do at times tend to analyse what is said quite deeply. Sometimes not too deeply, it may just be for comic effect. For example at a family gathering someone may mention to me that they have a headache and that it is killing them. So I could then raise my voice and sounding worried say quickly `SOMEONE PHONE FOR AN AMBULANCE (their name) IS DYING` `very rarely will anyone but me find this sort of thing funny. Yet there is an important point. We can often mislead others and even ourselves when we use words. I have - and this is more often since my brain injury than pre-brain injury - had people pretend to be friendly when in fact they have unbeknown to me at the time stolen from me. This doesn't make me more suspicious of everyone I meet. Yet of course I do have the insight to know the brain injury does leave me more vulnerable than many without disability, to be conned. Then again this disability gives me poorer than average memory and organisational skills.
The benefits of having this disability far outweigh the negative. It was very humbling for me to have my darling Tracy die and leave me like this. Then of course for the police to charge me with aiding her in suicide and having to endure the trail at the Old Bailey court in London made my life seem like it was from a Kafka novel. Some of the adventures since then, both in the Philippines and here wouldn't have been so hair raising, or indeed wouldn't have even occurred, but for Tracy dying. So no regrets. How can we only regret some things and not it all. I don't regret my later marriage and divorce to the mother of my two sons. Nor her running off to set up home with the young lodger who was renting a room in my house. They deserve each other. Thank God I didn't deserve her. It was so hard at times for me being married to her, that on one occasion I found myself at night swimming out to sea in the Philippines not knowing how far I would go and be unable to swim back. The thought of if my little sons would have a worse life if I kept on swimming and drowned made me decide to turn back and face the music. This reminds me of the poem by Stevie Smith, called Not waving but drowning. I going to go now and look at some more of her poems. If I find another one I like then I may share them both with you anon. You can of course look it up for yourself. I dont mind do though doing it though, as it does of course benefit me to serve others. I was just thinking, that those people who get so angry about something, they want to kill people over it, like so called Christians over Monty Pythons life of Brian, or so called Muslims over Salmon Rusdies book; they need to do a reality check. I am sorry, but your reality check just bounced. Get over it, God is big enough to look after Himself, Herself and us. Actually, I just threw the `Herself` in there to stir things up a bit. In a good way. Although the Hindus have Shiva which is a believe a God or an aspect of God which is female, I did like to think of the Holy Spirit as the feminine aspect of the God of Abraham. That is until today, when I looked at this days reading from the Bible.
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God`s people in accordance with the will of God. Romans 8:26-27
So the Father is male the Son(Jesus) is male and it seems so is the Holy Spirit! So now I am not sure if my tongue is in my cheek when I say that the trouble my ex wife had is she thought she was a good Christian and yet was not! If only she had followed the bit in the bible about being submissive to me. I kid you not. It does say, `wives submit to your husbands`. Also though when I go out in public with blinkers on lest I should be compelled to pluck out my eye for offending me.
Is the nonsense people get into at times really just using `God` as an excuse. Imagine two identical twins arguing and even fighting, saying `my dads better than your dad`, `No, you haven't even got a dad and my father is the toughest, fastest, richest dad in the world.
Micheal Morgan, may his soul rest in peace, was a Vietnam vet friend of mine whom I knew when I lived in the Philippines. He told me once that if he didn't know me, then he wouldn't believe all the stories I told him had been from one lifetime and that one, only half way perhaps over. Funny thing was that just a matter of weeks of weeks after he died I fought off an attack by some guys, one armed with a knife, who tried unsuccessfully to kill me. If I hadn't gone to karate lessons whilst married Tracy and living in London, I doubt I would have reacted instinctively and so quickly in blocking the guys thrust and punching him away. Still that is all water down the river now. O no, I got that saying wrong, didn't I! Isn't it water under the bridge. Does it matter? Move on Peter, or you will get stuck in the mud. Some will get it and some wont.
As I attend a church here in Luton now called, All Saints, then that is what I must set my cap at. Trying to be a saint. I don't think its possible to a success as a sinner and on a personal note, I never felt quite right in the past, when doing stuff like hurting people or stealing. It would be great if the two times people attempted to kill me in the Philippines were the only attempts on my life. That could be called even. Yet I cant follow Christ without being aware that their may be more. Of course the good thing was being able to pray to God for the salvation of those who attacked me. Also it brought more sorrow to me for my passed (should me thinks that be, `past`!) misdeeds. Those whom it comes natural to, then I will pray for them and pray for them to repent, but I must keep my distance from them, lest any of us should perish from the encounter!
I have just had a phone call from my mum and that sort of knocked me off my stride. It was good though, as she needs me to be her driver tomorrow and on Wednesday, as well as me driving us both to church for our usual Thursday morning communion service.
Okay I shall round this up with a little bit of lighthearted humour, or the attempt of.
Atheist. The definition of an atheist is someone with no invisible means of support.
O yeah I just want to say, nope, I just want to write something I thought of earlier then forgot. When people say like my god is bigger than your god, I want to say half jokingly; ` my God is both smaller and bigger than yours. You without a god and no belief in God are akin to ostriches, hiding your heads in sand to ignore reality. You scientists told me when I went to school that the smallest thing was an atom. Yep it was a long time ago I went to school and no son I didnt sit next to Plato, he was in the year above me. Surely a quark is smaller and hey, what about anti matter. Can there not be an anti Christ! Apparently if I am walking down the road and meet the anti me and we shake hands we will both disappear. That last bit may not be true, I know not. I do know that the Buster would like to go over the park for another run. I cant locate the litter picker device and so will just have to use my hands and give them a good wash on my return. If I return. You will just have to see if there is another blog from me. I may of course just have a gap like a while ago when I went to Sheffield with my sons for a few days. So there may be no blogs for two hundred years and then suddenly another one pops up out of the blue. Im off now for sure, but before Buster gets to go out I shall Google, `out of the blue`.
Cheerio my brothers and sisters. I do hope you realize I mean it when I say, `know you are loved!
ttfn Peter
So lets now visit the castle again, which our sister Caroline has led us to.
Entry Prayer
I cross the bridge into the silent bliss of my Castle. I close the drawbridge and forbid all outside influences from entry into this holy place that is my soul. Here in my Castle, I am alone with God. Under God`s light and companionship I discover the depth and beauty of my soul. I embrace the power of prayer. I open myself to divine guidance. I surrender myself to become as a channel for grace, healing, and service as God directs my life.
One of the most well-known prayers in the world is, "Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil." Any number of temptations surround you. It would be easier to answer the question, "What isn`t a temptation?" But in this room, you dialogue with your soul on the subject of temptations, which are far more than just a word in a prayer; a temptation is an archetype familiar with to the soul. The soul expects to be tempted literally and symbolically; perhaps in the desert, perhaps in the bar, perhaps in the bedroom. Who knows where your vulnerability is? The truth is-and that`s the point of this quest-do you know where you can be tempted? Do you know your own vulnerabilities? Do we attack people who are different than we are, perhaps too wild or too sensual, because they represent ways we want to be tempted but dare not admit? This is a room for rich inner work and self-reflection.
Soul Work: What tempts you to compromise your soul? What are your temptations? What do you fear you cannot go too near because your soul is not yet strong enough to hold its center? What are the root causes of your temptations? Which ones do you want to keep in your life because they are thrilling even if they are destructive? Which of your temptations cause you to lead a double life? Practise illuminating these demons by journaling or sharing with soul companions. This usually requires the support of soul companions.
For me, having a brain injury can be a blessing or a curse, depending on my attitude at any particular point in time. Also what about the way I am is just me and what is down to the brain injury. Also what does it matter at times. I do at times tend to analyse what is said quite deeply. Sometimes not too deeply, it may just be for comic effect. For example at a family gathering someone may mention to me that they have a headache and that it is killing them. So I could then raise my voice and sounding worried say quickly `SOMEONE PHONE FOR AN AMBULANCE (their name) IS DYING` `very rarely will anyone but me find this sort of thing funny. Yet there is an important point. We can often mislead others and even ourselves when we use words. I have - and this is more often since my brain injury than pre-brain injury - had people pretend to be friendly when in fact they have unbeknown to me at the time stolen from me. This doesn't make me more suspicious of everyone I meet. Yet of course I do have the insight to know the brain injury does leave me more vulnerable than many without disability, to be conned. Then again this disability gives me poorer than average memory and organisational skills.
The benefits of having this disability far outweigh the negative. It was very humbling for me to have my darling Tracy die and leave me like this. Then of course for the police to charge me with aiding her in suicide and having to endure the trail at the Old Bailey court in London made my life seem like it was from a Kafka novel. Some of the adventures since then, both in the Philippines and here wouldn't have been so hair raising, or indeed wouldn't have even occurred, but for Tracy dying. So no regrets. How can we only regret some things and not it all. I don't regret my later marriage and divorce to the mother of my two sons. Nor her running off to set up home with the young lodger who was renting a room in my house. They deserve each other. Thank God I didn't deserve her. It was so hard at times for me being married to her, that on one occasion I found myself at night swimming out to sea in the Philippines not knowing how far I would go and be unable to swim back. The thought of if my little sons would have a worse life if I kept on swimming and drowned made me decide to turn back and face the music. This reminds me of the poem by Stevie Smith, called Not waving but drowning. I going to go now and look at some more of her poems. If I find another one I like then I may share them both with you anon. You can of course look it up for yourself. I dont mind do though doing it though, as it does of course benefit me to serve others. I was just thinking, that those people who get so angry about something, they want to kill people over it, like so called Christians over Monty Pythons life of Brian, or so called Muslims over Salmon Rusdies book; they need to do a reality check. I am sorry, but your reality check just bounced. Get over it, God is big enough to look after Himself, Herself and us. Actually, I just threw the `Herself` in there to stir things up a bit. In a good way. Although the Hindus have Shiva which is a believe a God or an aspect of God which is female, I did like to think of the Holy Spirit as the feminine aspect of the God of Abraham. That is until today, when I looked at this days reading from the Bible.
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God`s people in accordance with the will of God. Romans 8:26-27
So the Father is male the Son(Jesus) is male and it seems so is the Holy Spirit! So now I am not sure if my tongue is in my cheek when I say that the trouble my ex wife had is she thought she was a good Christian and yet was not! If only she had followed the bit in the bible about being submissive to me. I kid you not. It does say, `wives submit to your husbands`. Also though when I go out in public with blinkers on lest I should be compelled to pluck out my eye for offending me.
Is the nonsense people get into at times really just using `God` as an excuse. Imagine two identical twins arguing and even fighting, saying `my dads better than your dad`, `No, you haven't even got a dad and my father is the toughest, fastest, richest dad in the world.
Micheal Morgan, may his soul rest in peace, was a Vietnam vet friend of mine whom I knew when I lived in the Philippines. He told me once that if he didn't know me, then he wouldn't believe all the stories I told him had been from one lifetime and that one, only half way perhaps over. Funny thing was that just a matter of weeks of weeks after he died I fought off an attack by some guys, one armed with a knife, who tried unsuccessfully to kill me. If I hadn't gone to karate lessons whilst married Tracy and living in London, I doubt I would have reacted instinctively and so quickly in blocking the guys thrust and punching him away. Still that is all water down the river now. O no, I got that saying wrong, didn't I! Isn't it water under the bridge. Does it matter? Move on Peter, or you will get stuck in the mud. Some will get it and some wont.
As I attend a church here in Luton now called, All Saints, then that is what I must set my cap at. Trying to be a saint. I don't think its possible to a success as a sinner and on a personal note, I never felt quite right in the past, when doing stuff like hurting people or stealing. It would be great if the two times people attempted to kill me in the Philippines were the only attempts on my life. That could be called even. Yet I cant follow Christ without being aware that their may be more. Of course the good thing was being able to pray to God for the salvation of those who attacked me. Also it brought more sorrow to me for my passed (should me thinks that be, `past`!) misdeeds. Those whom it comes natural to, then I will pray for them and pray for them to repent, but I must keep my distance from them, lest any of us should perish from the encounter!
I have just had a phone call from my mum and that sort of knocked me off my stride. It was good though, as she needs me to be her driver tomorrow and on Wednesday, as well as me driving us both to church for our usual Thursday morning communion service.
Okay I shall round this up with a little bit of lighthearted humour, or the attempt of.
Atheist. The definition of an atheist is someone with no invisible means of support.
O yeah I just want to say, nope, I just want to write something I thought of earlier then forgot. When people say like my god is bigger than your god, I want to say half jokingly; ` my God is both smaller and bigger than yours. You without a god and no belief in God are akin to ostriches, hiding your heads in sand to ignore reality. You scientists told me when I went to school that the smallest thing was an atom. Yep it was a long time ago I went to school and no son I didnt sit next to Plato, he was in the year above me. Surely a quark is smaller and hey, what about anti matter. Can there not be an anti Christ! Apparently if I am walking down the road and meet the anti me and we shake hands we will both disappear. That last bit may not be true, I know not. I do know that the Buster would like to go over the park for another run. I cant locate the litter picker device and so will just have to use my hands and give them a good wash on my return. If I return. You will just have to see if there is another blog from me. I may of course just have a gap like a while ago when I went to Sheffield with my sons for a few days. So there may be no blogs for two hundred years and then suddenly another one pops up out of the blue. Im off now for sure, but before Buster gets to go out I shall Google, `out of the blue`.
Cheerio my brothers and sisters. I do hope you realize I mean it when I say, `know you are loved!
ttfn Peter
Sunday, 25 March 2012
More for us to imagine!
More for us to imagine!
It cannot only be children and me that can use our imagination to place in this field some medieval tents.
The populate it with peasants and nobility. Jugglers and acrobats? How about you, what can you add? How about a sage or two to entrance us with talks of an enlightened world where love is put before profit and the only wars in the world are waged against hunger and poverty. The children and me are not the only ones to dream this I know; Martin Luther King had a similar dream. Then there was the Beatles, imagine. Lets not just imagine lets see it happening in our minds and know it can happen in our world. What can we do for our children. Dont forget the children within ourselves and we are on the way to victory.
Enough said?
Your brother Peter
Hi there my brothers and sisters. This is a photo I took today of a fallen tree, trying to be a monster in my imagination. It has succeeded albeit as a goodly wooden monster!
To be in touch with the child within ourselves, is a part of being realized spiritual beings. Jesus said that unless we can be as a child, then we cannot enter the kingdom of God. Did He say that?
Have a good week and know that you are loved. I do hope that you can feel it, as I do try to send it out to you all in the power of my prayer. Please forgive me if it is still quite weak. I am working on it!
Your brother Peter
A standing tree.
Gooday I say and I know it is nearly at the end of today. Family commitments meant I had to spend a lot of time away. Yet hey I am now back following the way. The life. NO NOT MACK THE KNIFE.
The Holy One. The Son.
Peace love and soham to you all. Have a good week my brothers and sisters and know that you are loved!
Your brother in Christ and of Buddha, Peter. WE ARE ONE BODY
Blessings be upon you.
Friday, 23 March 2012
Good day. Used Buster as model to do art instead of drink! ***
Soham and good day to you. Its nearly quarter past six in the morning. Me and Buster have been out roaming over the meadow for nearly an hour. So back now for some quiet time before my sons wake up. I was thinking about how in there minds, because they are asleep they are oblivious to whats going on around them. The moment they awake, will be to first adapt to their surroundings. Giving thanks for a safe nights sleep they can then pray for God to guide them in His way, this day. Or not! Thats what I have done. So below is the photo which I used to do the pen drawing of Buster. I did want to do a direct drawing of him, but he was too restless, being aware that his boys (Josh & Harry) were about outside.
Maybe thats what its like before we become awakened to the real spiritual reality of all that is LOVE.
This is all for now. Have a good day my brothers and sisters. Blessings to you. Your brother Peter
Fish on Friday
Good day my brothers and sisters and welcome to the Fish on Fridays blog.
Above is my latest artwork which I done yesterday. The present title is `free flowing colours with wrong way roundish fried eggs!
Its a joyful day for me and I hope it will be for you also
What have we got here, Yes you got it right. A picture of yours truly and The Buster focused on the end of his nose. Okay, you art me thinks right, maybe he is looking at the Buster Ball. Its not a tennis ball as its never been used for tennis; even if that is what it was made for.
That reminds me of the saying from the Bible about beating swords into plough shears. Talking of the bible, brings me to today's spiritual writing from Thomas a Kempis. I should just mention that when it says about listening to the words of Saints. We are all considered by God as Saints, but some of us have no realisation of this and continue to go wherever fancy takes us. One of my favourite saints is The Buddha, although most who I admire happen to be Christian, as those are the ones I know!
On Reading the Holy Scriptures
In the holy Scriptures, truth is to be looked for rather than fair phrase. All sacred scriptures should be read in the spirit in which they were written. In them, therefore, we should seek food for our souls rather than subtleties of speech, and we should as readily read simple and devout books as those that are lofty and profound. Do not be influenced by the importance of the writer, and whether his learning be great or small, but let the love of pure truth draw you to read, Do not inquire, `Who said this?` but pay attention to what is said.
Men pass away, but the word of the Lord endures for ever.
God speaks to us in different ways, and is no respecter of persons. But curiosity often hinders us in the reading of the Scriptures, for we try to examine and dispute over matters that we should pass over and accept in simplicity. If you desire to profit, read with humility, simplicity, and faith, and have no concern to appear learned. Ask questions freely, and listen in silence to the words of the Saints; hear with patience the parables of the fathers, for they are not told without good cause.
Milton Jones an award-winning Christian comedian (not all good ones are Jewish!)
King of the surreal one-liners. The Times
The Holy Spirit
The Spirit of God is a real person you can invite in. But watch out - in time he will go over, pull the fridge from the wall and say `Whats all this mess under here?` But at least he helps clear up.
Some people are afraid of the Holy Spirit because they think it might be like a ghost in an episode of Scooby Doo who turns out to be Mr Robinson the janitor after all.
The Holy Spirit is like a good spy who can get information and arrange explosions behind enemy lines. An unexpected friend in a difficult place. But no one knows how he does it. As soon as the code is discovered it gets changed.
Holy means set apart. Not like a set of cutlery that only comes out on Sundays. More like a Swiss army knife - remove a splinter, cut a rope, open a bottle, anytime anywhere. Whatever the boss needs.
I am back and am going to leave you with a slightly adapted ditty from a TV show.
Come on and sing it along with me.
`Gods the boss of me now, Gods the boss of me now, and He always will be` repeat and
Have a good day my wonderful brothers and sister. Oh and remember, its not over until the fat lady goes to weightwatchers! To ra loo la lay we are gonna all have a good day, so sing along with me.
Yours, brother Peter
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Smile and know that we are all loved
If anyone wishes to chat with me or has suggestions for spiritual/art work, then contact me & Buster
Skype name: theartistpgk
Human/spiritual being name Peter
It is a good time. I look at these pictures with hope for humanity!
Witnesses For Eternity
The woman in the picture above, with the cross on her back is alive. Not today, nor yesterday or tomorrow.
She does exist outside of time and torment. The men in the picture are dancing for joy in a new world. With laughter on their faces and forgiveness in their hearts. How do I know this. God told me. How can you or I believe that? Because its this very belief that brings it into existence. Love can conquer all ill. It has been shown on the cross. Death where is thy sting.
I was in the bath this morning at six am, after having taken Buster out for a run. Have you heard the term, `contemplating ones navel`? Actually it was a point one and a half to two inches above the navel I was focusing on. The solar plexus! network of nerves at pit of stomach. solar system system containing sun and heavenly bodies held in its gravitational field. The same sort of thing is going on within atoms. The difference is only in magnitude. Forget about the brain, that will probably get along better with you if you don't pay it so much attention. Will the moon still orbit the earth if you take all your attention from it? I am hoping so, as I am about to leave all thoughts of the moon to completely go. Nope its back. The image of a great big shining moon. Can you picture it in your imagination? Okay, so now if can still picture it up in the dark night sky within your imagination, see is getting smaller and smaller, so it just appears like a flickering candle flame. Now believe that this is the power of love and hold this power in your solar plexus. Within a time of meditation or prayer, one can if one desires see the solar plexus as the seat of the soul and be aware of it resting and growing stronger. Glowing brighter and reaching out to join up with the universal light. Or, the light of Christ. The light of the ascended masters.
Evil has only the power we give it. If we turn the word `evil` around then we get `live`. Live is where the power is and the dark side always has a need to hijack it, or turn people away from the light. O and yes it is ingenious, even if flawed. Why, is because it can never be satisfied, or complete. In this physical universe we need a balance of positive and negative, dark and light, this is the only way it can exist and for good purpose. Yet the darkness within people will always have a compulsion beyond the individuals control, to grow out of the control of that individual until it destroys their very soul. Can it be restored! Is anything impossible for God?
Light and love though on the other hand wants to just give and give. So cannot by its very nature be selfish or lacking. So who can among people condemn me for praying for all Gods children?
Jesus wont. He himself upon the cross said, "Father, forgive them. For they know not what they do." Or words with similar meaning. He didn't speak the queens English. He spoke the Kings universal language of love.
So my brothers and sisters, we ought to go out into this day shining lights of love from which all darkness will dissipate. Blessings love and peace to you and through you all. Your brother, Peter
These feet for what? walking; towards or away? For walking the way Jesus did. Yep that`s it. 100%
Well I have seen pictures of Jesus feet in sandals. Also barefoot and nailed upon a cross. Yet now in Nike trainers. Christ has no body on earth now, but yours and mine. So these are the feet which He goes about doing good.
This picture of a sister of Christ in a concentration camp is an image of someone who is alive today. I don't know where they are, as I haven't asked God. They are loved so much though that the light of Christ came into this universe to shine a light upon the darkness and evil which roams this world.
Love will prevail and so have Hope & Faith.
Thomas a Kempis: The Inner Life
Chapter 4
On Prudence in Action
We should not believe every word and suggestion, but should carefully and unhurriedly consider all things in accordance with the will of God.. For such is the weakness of human nature, alas, that evil is often more readily believed and spoken of another than good. But perfect men do not easily believe every tale that is told them, for they know that man`s nature is prone to evil, and his words to deception.
It is wise not to be over hasty in action, nor to cling stubbornly to our own opinions. It is wise also not to believe all that we hear, nor to hasten to report to others what we hear or believe. Take counsel of a wise and conscientious man, and seek to be guided by one who is better than yourself, rather than follow your own opinions. A good life makes a man wise towards God, and gives him experience in many things. The more humble and obedient to God a man is, the more wise and at peace he will be in all that he does.
Have a good day my brothers and sisters. Be a light which shines around you today. Peace and love to you and through you & me.
Your brother Peter
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Good day to you. Some art and more on The Inner Life.
Good day to you my brothers and sisters.
Welcome to some pictures of my latest rearrangement of an old work.
Funny thing is how you could say its a triptych of photos taken from the one painting. All different and yet with some common themes, which one would expect.
Welcome to some pictures of my latest rearrangement of an old work.
Funny thing is how you could say its a triptych of photos taken from the one painting. All different and yet with some common themes, which one would expect.
The one below is in fact upside down and believe you me, its gonna be a lot easier for most of us to move our heads and look at it, than for me to rotate it on the screen. I have already lost this page once trying to achieve that!
I shall continue with The Inner Life by Thomas a Kempis.
On the Teaching of Truth
Happy the man who is instructed by Truth itself, not by signs and passing words, but as It is in itself. Our own cojectures and observations often mislead us, and we discover little. Of what value are lengthy controversies on deep and obscure matters, when it is not by our knowledge of such things that we are judged? It is supreme folly to neglect things that are useful and vital, and deliberately turn to curious and harmful things. Truly, `we have eyes and see not`: for what concern to us are such things as genera and species?
Those to whom the Eternal Word speaks are delivered from uncertainty. From one Word proceed all things and all thins tell of Him; it is He, the Author of all things, who speaks to us. Without Him no one can understand or judge aright. But the man to whom all things are one, who refers everything to Ome, and who sees everything as in One, is enabled to remain steadfast in heart, and abide at peace with God.
O God, living Truth, unite me to Yourself in everlasting love! Often I am wearied by all I read and hear. In You alone is all that I desire and long for. Therefore let all teachers keep silence, and let all creation be still before You; do You, O Lord speak alone.
The mor slosely a man is united to You in pure simplicity, the more varied and profound the matters which he understands without effort, for he receives light and understanding from heaven. A pure, simple, and stable man, however busy and occupied, does not become distracted thereby, for he does all things to the glory of God, and strives to preserve himself free from all self-seeking. And what harms and hinders you more that the undisciplined passions of you own heart? A good and devout man firstly sets in order in his mind whatever tasks he has in hand, and never allows them to lead him into occasions of sin, but humbly subjects them to the dictates of a sound judgement. Who has a fiercer struggle than he who strives to conquer self, and by daily groving stronger than self, to advance in holiness.
All perfection in this life is accompanied by a measure of imperfection, and all our knowledge contains an element of obscurity. A humble knowledge of oneself is a surer road to God than a deep searching of the sciences. Yet learning itself is not to be blemed, nor is the simple knowledge of anything whatsoever to be despised, for true learning is good in itself and ordained by God; but a good conscience and a holy life are always to be preferred. But because many are more eager to acquire much learning than to live well, they often go astray, and bear little or no fruit. If only such people were as diligent in the uprooting of vices and the planting of virues as they are in the debating of problems, there would not be so many evils and scandals among the people, nor such laxity in communities. At the Day of Judgement, we shall not be asked what we have read, but what we have done; not how eloquently we have spoken, but how holily we have lived. Tell me, where are now all those Masters and Doctors whom you knew so well in their lifetime in the full flower of their learning? Other men now sit in their seats, and they are hardly ever called to mind. In their lifetime they seemed of great account, but now no one speaks of them.
Oh, how swiftly the glory of the world passes away! If only the lives of these men had been as admirable as their learning, their study and reading would have been to good purpose! But how many in this world care little for the service of God, and perish in their vain learning. Because they choose to be great rather than humble, they perish in their own conceit. He is truly great, who is great in the love of God. He is truly great, who is humble in mind, and regards earth`s highest honours as nothing. He is truly wise who counts all earthly things as dung, in order that he may win Christ. And he is truly learned, who renounces his own will for the will of God.
Well that was a long chapter. A good one though. Be assured, tomorrows is very short. That is of course if I am here to copy it and you are where you are to read it. We can but trust that wherever we are and whatever we are doing is for the best!
Yesterday I missed a dental check up. Partly to do with having lost my last mobile and so I didnt receive the text they usually send. Anyway I shall walk down there cap in hand, (figuratively speaking!) in a few minutes and try to arrange another.
This afternoon I am driving my elderly mother to Caddington, a little village on the outskirts of Luton, for her hair appointment. Right, for now though I shall get myself down town, so bye for now.
Your brother Peter
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