Good day. Greetings and blessings to you all.
Fish on Friday
"There is a certain mysticism in the christian`s affirmation of the physical universe. There is confidence that whatever is discovered conforms with Jesus Christ and is a manifestation of His will.
- Gene Edward Veith Jr. Loving God with all your mind.
Faith does not accept limitation.
Practise compassion and forgiveness.
Have faith in our own way but have respect for others ways.
- P G Kimble. Loving God with a brain-damaged mind. (yet to be written.)
The following is somethings that we can reflect on if we are feeling down, or we just want some assurance.
1) I am not a loser. I am a child of God, and he loves me and is going to help me in every way. (combats the personal mis-explanations.)
I am convinced that nothing can
Separate us from God`s love.
Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow. Not even the powers of hell can separate us from Gods love. No power in the sky above or the earth below - indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
2) "This event is not going to be true for every area of my life, for God is in ultimate control and will bring good out of everything that happens". (combats the pervasive mis - explanations.)
3) "My future is not bleak, and life will not always be this way. God will never leave me or forsake me. There is no such thing as a hopeless future with God in the picture." (combats the permanent mis-explanations.
God has said, "Never will I leave you."
There is surely a future for you,
and your hope will not be cut off.
He will have no fear of bad news;
his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
I have been this morning to have one and a half hours forensic art therapy. Kate the therapist is so good at the job and has worked in special hospitals I believe, which meant when we started two years ago or so, she was not startled by the events of my personal history.
Anyway, good therapist, good job by her and me both. Here is the painting I done today. O yes I took photos at stages where I would be happy to have it as a finished work once it dried, but then went on to work more. So having the photos to record the transformation.
Wow, that interesting, whats happened above?
Well my brothers and sisters. I am sorry that there wasn't enough time - as looking at this last picture the session was come to the end of its time - for me to then take close ups of each painting individually. My thanks to Kate for taking these photos whilst I was absorbed in my painting.
For sure you got a close up look at the process of my painting and if I remember the camera at the next session, then I can take some close ups to post. That will probably be in another three weeks time. To any of you who were wondering how much is costs for individual Forensic Art therapy sessions. It would depend on the quality and qualifications of the therapist I guess. Kate Rothwell is impeccable and has worked in special hospitals. As I myself am an ex-patient of Broadmoor Special Hospital and spent six years in residence there I can tell you the professionals in the various disciplines is world class. You have to remember that I was there in the period 1979 - 1985 and saw the changes taking place for the better.
Patients with learning difficulties were rarely being hit around the head whilst I was there. Only on one occasion for sure I was there when a nursing officer hit a patient with Downs syndrome around the head, just before he went into his mental health review tribunal. The patient was that angry which combined with the now total incoherent of angry outbursts, may have put paid to him getting a discharge on this occasion.
Looking back now one can say I ought to have spoken out. Back then I wasn't following a spiritual path and so probably weighed up that if I made complaints then I may have been locked up there for twenty years and not the six that I was. As I have said before, hindsight is a clever thing, but foresight is better! Anyway that is all in the past. Some of you may not have been born. Lucky you. I meant born back then, not been born at all otherwise its doubtful you would see this blog. Not beyond the realms of multi-universe ideas. Not that I personally propound those. All I know and not for sure is that I am here on planet Earth typing this with good thoughts for you reading this and all other beings. So Have a good weekend my brothers and sisters. Pass on the good news, that we are all so loved.
Your brother Peter.