Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Greetings brothers, sisters and all those yet to realize our sacred kinship!

Without further ado, I am sharing with you my latest art, which after God my sons and me, you are the first to see.

I will not today put any sayings as my art must suffice at this moment, due to my using it to stave of depression and annihilation.

Some people - I am no longer amongst them - use blood letting from themselves or others to cope with the feelings which appear  to overwhelm them.  Not me. Today I am free from self hate or hate of others. At this moment at least I can state this in all honesty, but I cannot for-tell the future.. I shall just say I am focused on, good thoughts, good words and good actions.

It was enjoyable to paint these and share them with you. If only I could let you see how much more impact they can have when you see them for real!
Hmm, real. It is real that I can love all creation, but not find a lot of human - even my own at times - behaviour acceptable. This is why I refer you to what I mentioned near the top of this blog. Centering our consciousness on good thoughts, good words and good actions.. Loving all creation and that which is beyond our understanding, but I believe there is a force of love which is both behind and in all creation.. Peace and love to you all. Your brother Peter G Kimble  ( 

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