Love is unrestrained good-will, mercy, compassion and tolerance.
The physical body is not everything that we are. There is something which is vitally important, which dwells in the body. It is the spirit of man. Though identical with the cosmic Spirit, it is individualised by the Karmas of the individual soul.
The body passes away; the spirit lives. The individuality of the spirit is there as long as the body lasts; then it ought to return back to and dissolve itself in its original source. God alone is enough!
With a little of contentment, discrimination, devotion to God and self-surrender to His Will, with a little of detachment and non-expectation of anyone or anything, except the love of God and with this love, an attitude of prayer-fulness and abiding by ones conscience with unshakable faith in one`s spiritual principles and code of conduct and evaluation, life becomes easier, worthier and happier.
If we have difficulties, we should look to the cause first. The real trouble lies in ignoring the cause, or worst still, masking or avoiding it by the use of drink and, or, drugs. If the cause is remedied, difficulties become less, or rather accidental. (there is reasonable belief that could be held, there are no accidents!) The world is a great school where people are given ample opportunities to mend and mould themselves into better individuals.
No one, my brothers and sisters are born perfect. There are possibilities for everyone to improve oneself. Trials and difficulties ought to make one a better individual rather than create complexes and constrict the mind and heart. Take shelter in great and noble thoughts, and obtain perfection with Gods grace.
A spiritual adviser, or Guru`s always with the disciple, unreserved and unconditional. Much though depends, however, on the self-discipline, faith and purity of the disciple whether to make use of this grace or not. Christ or Guru resides in the hearts of his disciples. Some are aware of this and some are not. The living presence of The Holy Spirit within is the best asset of the disciple.
Thoughts of God.
Your mind must be empty of all worldly thoughts. The love of God alone will suffice and Gods will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
When we are filled with thoughts of God alone, our hearts and minds will give up no room for evil thoughts. Never speak any unnecessary word. Never allow any unnecessary or vain thought to occupy your mind.
Have a good day my brothers and sisters and know that you are loved. Dont though just know it, let there be a pure heart within you and may you spirit rejoice with love. Please pass this on and keep me in your prayers, as I do to you.. Your bro Peter.
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