Thursday, 4 September 2014

Fish on Friday. A saint I found nearest to todays date and of course oodles of my origanal art which is share with you and you are the first after me and a few close other people to see. ( This is a day early, as my sister has just informed me it is Thursday!)

Brothers and sisters
I have lots of photos of my recent art to share with you.

But first as its friday I shall share the following about a saint who is the nearest to today that I can find and who when we read about brothers and sisters like these, can help us to combat the negative thoughts and feelings which charlatans posing as spiritual leaders can leave us with and of course are meat the extremest atheists!

Secondly I would like to say thanks to those who make comments and especially to someone whose language I do not know but I am grateful to and put the writing into the search engine and was treated to a nice song. You may like to do also, its 


Just copy and paste the above.

Saints are holy people and human people who lived extraordinary lives. Each saint the Church honors responded to God's invitation to use his or her unique gifts. God calls each one of us to be a saint. 

Rose's dying words to her parents were: "I die with joy, for I desire to be united to my God. Live so as not to fear death. For those who live well in the world, death is not frightening, but sweet and precious."

Rose achieved sainthood in only 18 years of life. Even as a child Rose had a great desire to pray and to aid the poor. While still very young, she began a life of penance in her parents’ house. She was as generous to the poor as she was strict with herself. At the age of 10 she became a Secular Franciscan and soon began preaching in the streets about sin and the sufferings of Jesus.
Viterbo, her native city, was then in revolt against the pope. When Rose took the pope’s side against the emperor, she and her family were exiled from the city. When the pope’s side won in Viterbo, Rose was allowed to return. Her attempt at age 15 to found a religious community failed, and she returned to a life of prayer and penance in her father’s home, where she died in 1251. Rose was canonized in 1457.

 Rose's dying words to her parents were: "I die with joy, for I desire to be united to my God. Live so as not to fear death. For those who live well in the world, death is not frightening, but sweet and precious."

To the above I say, amen.


                      This below I experimented with using overpaintable
         decorators caulk!

                      Above is my beloved youngest son Harry. Well its not actually him! Just my
                      representation of Him! (just my Kimble sense of humour (humor for americans.)...
                      Have you heard the saying, that England and the USA are two nations seperated
                      by a common lanquage? Thats not rhetorical, or is it?
                      Below is a self portrait, that I am not really happy with and so why did I put it in,
                      you may well ask. Its included for at least two reasons. As with all the paintings
                      above, one like some of ones own work - as one also does of others - better
                      some, but as this is an artists blog and a brain injured artist at that, then its more
                      authentic to include such as this. Wow, that was a long sentence, but not as long
                      as the six years I spent in Broadmoor Special Hospital! Thats for another time,
                      or even a book.  

                     I ought to mention that both the portraits were done on top of paintings which were
                     not finished, but started of as abstract works.. I may do more like this, even on top
                     of painting that I had considered finished and like as they are! Why would I do that,
                     I ask rhetorically? There are at least three answers that come straight to my mind,
                     how about yours? That is not a rhetorical question, but I dont expect an answer,
                     as a) Its very hard for those of you to leave messages on my website; though people
                     advertizing dont seem to have a problem; bless them. AAArrr. 
                     You though could always drop me a short line and, or even send me an image or an
                     artwork you like or a photo of aught else.  This is it for today, as I am going to make
                     a coffee and then take Maisy my beloved pooch out for a run.. If I remember I will
                     call my next dog Pooch.
                     Have a good day and if you can, realize that you are loved and pass this on..
                     Peter, your brother of Christ, St Rose, St Alban (our local saint). Buddha and all the saints.

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