Good day to you my beloved brothers and sisters. Especially welcome to the blog are those yet to realise our kinship with one another and our almighty brother Jesus Christ.
Before I show you the art I completed today I will share some spiritual quotes, as this is a Fish on Friday blog!
Now my brothers and sisters, of the quotes I am sharing with you, one had me crying. I read it twice, leaving a few minutes in between and yet still I cried. So I am not saying that it will bring tears to your eyes and yet maybe another one will, or not!
There are those who say to God Your will be done, and there are those to whom God will say Your will be done. (C.S.Lewis)
Preach the Gospel at all times; use the exact words when necessary. (St Francis of Assisi)
This below is not my artwork
but a depiction of St Francis.
I include it as its inspiration for
my own work.
SAINT, TROUBADOUR, revolutionary, fanatic, clown – whatever impression we may have of Francis of Assisi, no one can deny the inspiration that he has been down the centuries. Europe in the time of Francis (1182-1226) was a place of deep divisions. Towns and kingdoms nourished ancient feuds with their rivals, while the established princes struggled against the growing power of the merchants. Many people lived in poverty, while those at the top fared sumptuously but even the ordinary poor were not so wretched as the lepers, the ultimate outcasts of those days. Meanwhile the witness of the Church was weak, and Francis responded to the call from God to ‘rebuild my church’, with Clare, by founding a religious Order at that time.
Francis and Clare, with their brothers and sisters, met the evident needs of the people by sharing food and shelter, and through preaching and living reconciliation, based on prayer and an active love for Christ. They answered the pain of the outcasts by making them their friends, such as the lepers, and shared the reproaches hurled at them. Their witness incorporated a spirit of conversion and penitence, fortified by times of quiet and withdrawal. Today within the Anglican Church there are three related Franciscan Orders which all started in the early years of the 20th Century:
- The First Order, consisting of men and women who live in community under a rule based on the traditional vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. They give expression to their mission by a variety of activities, seeking to maintain a balance, corporately and individually, between prayer, study and active work.
- The Second Order, the Community of Saint Clare, which is composed of women who feel called by God to an enclosed life of contemplative prayer, coupled with work to be self supporting.
- The Third Order, which is open to men and women, ordained or lay, married or single who feel that God is calling them to live out their Franciscan vocation in the world. While committed to family responsibilities and engaged in the ordinary tasks of life, the Third Order offers a life of challenge and support for those who are called to a deeper commitment to Christ, their Lord and Master, to a life under vow. There are currently nearly 2,000 members of the Third Order (called Tertiaries) in the European Province throughout England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Sweden. There are Tertiaries also in other Provinces across the world.
- The First Order, consisting of men and women who live in community under a rule based on the traditional vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. They give expression to their mission by a variety of activities, seeking to maintain a balance, corporately and individually, between prayer, study and active work.
- The Second Order, the Community of Saint Clare, which is composed of women who feel called by God to an enclosed life of contemplative prayer, coupled with work to be self supporting.
- The Third Order, which is open to men and women, ordained or lay, married or single who feel that God is calling them to live out their Franciscan vocation in the world. While committed to family responsibilities and engaged in the ordinary tasks of life, the Third Order offers a life of challenge and support for those who are called to a deeper commitment to Christ, their Lord and Master, to a life under vow. There are currently nearly 2,000 members of the Third Order (called Tertiaries) in the European Province throughout England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Sweden. There are Tertiaries also in other Provinces across the world.
Once again
If anyone of you knows how I can join the Third Order here in England then please be so kind as to send me an email to ` Thank you once again.
If anyone of you knows how I can join the Third Order here in England then please be so kind as to send me an email to ` Thank you once again.
Remain in your cell, and your cell will teach you all things. Father Moses
I must go by the way that I know not, that I may become that which I am not. (?St John of the cross?)
Its coming up to 6.15am and so I shall post this for you to hopefully enjoy and share with others. This box was finished - if it actually is and I dont come back to stick more of my paintings on it! - before 6am and now I see its gone 6.15am, so toodle pip and I am off with a smile and a skip to enjoy this day The Lord has made...
Your brother of Christ and all the saints, Peter G Kimble. (ps, pass this blog on, please.)
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