Good evening here. These are two of my latest works of art. Hope that you like them. Your brother is for turning. Turning this world upside down. No, I am not going to do it on my own and it may take me more than one lifetime. I can be patient though as we have eternity.
As you can see, there is Buster the GSD . Me and my drum. But I am not banging my own drum! Perhaps thats something which I can ask the universal dinner lady/ Spirit of the loving God to rectify.
I am getting wid d program and going wid t flow. Got me head down and is working hard geezer. Good grief. please lets not go down this awful slang lane to the mixed up manor.
How about I share with you some verse from a proper writer. Blake.
"We behold
Where Death eternal is put off eternally. O Lamb
Assume the dark satanic body in the Virgins`s womb!
O Lamb divine! it cannot thee annoy! O pitying One,
Thy pity is from the foundation of the world, and thy Redemption Begins already in Eternity."
And now for something completly different. Or is it!
Okay how about a quote from funny Christian man, Milton Jones.
Salvation is like being returned to
factory settings. But you have to
admit there is a factory, and that
there could be some settings.
Would the owner of the
Ferrari number plate
CSG 3P71
please sell your car and
give the money to the poor
Lastly, I am doing the intercessions at All Saints church on Sunday and am not sure if I shall just be reading those printed on the TESTIMONY, or if God will inspire me to add something.
Okey dokey. This is me signing off this evening post. Be well my brothers and sisters. Know that you are loved. Peter G Kimble
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