Wednesday, 8 February 2012

I think therefore I am. So thoughts can control feelings. Think LOVE FEEL LOVING.

Good day, as this is another cold day perhaps we who are in a cold climate can think, or have the belief that we are warm and we will be warm. Stupid! No. Ascetics with practise,  like some monks in Tibet jump in an ice cold lake and then soaked in icy water, sit and meditate whilst their robes dry. They have control over the body to that extent. In India, holy men can stick needles through themselves without drawing blood.

Who are we and can we get stuck in a rut. Are some of us defined by what others say about us?
If we are not happy with ourselves, then we may see the unhappiness reflected around us. Our thoughts become our actions, which in turn can become habits. these habits are each moment they pass, become our past. So people and this often includes ourselves become stuck on the image they hold of each other. Because each moment in time brings changes to this world and our mind cannot adapt to all of these changes, we hold the past in our mind until circumstances force revaluation. When we free ourselves of the past, then we no longer depend on it to know who and where we are.
Part of me is now trying to stop defining each present moment in relationship with the past or any hopes for the future. I have to judge when crossing a busy road when to step across, but dont need to judge if anyone inside the car is good, bad, short or tall; its not relevant to my wanting to be on the other side of the road. When I judge, it is not an I seperate from the car, the earth, or the sun and moon. It is the I which is part of the great I Am.

O dear, back to now. The alarm has gone of and so I must shortly make my way the the clinic to have a blood test. Once we get to fifty yrs old they like to test our blood to look for risk of heart attack. I must go along with them, even though I am as fit as a fiddle. I will be back.

Your brother Peter. 

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