Friday, 17 February 2012

I should thank my God that getting my latest artwork on the blog is my main problem at this moment.

Good day my brothers and sisters. I have just had to take a deep breath and say, its okay I cant put the photo images of my latest work on. Learn patience. They are on my spanking brand new camera. They are in a file on my computer. But, can I put a couple on this blog. That is of course a retorical question.
Just shooting off on a tangent here. Is there such a thing as a retorical answer? Later aligator.

So, its all I can do at this moment in time to describe them briefly. The latest work in progress is called `Layers` and was started off by sticking strips of coloured tissue paper on a large sheet of white paper.
I am calling it Layers as Kate my art therapist said that its the layers which are good about this work.

Kate and I have been asked to give a talk for The Philadelphia Society - (R.D. Laing)
in Hampstead - in October 2012 - on a Saturday - we agreed to use my image entitled ` Looks like a nice day; doesn`t it.  A discussion with ex Broadmoor patient and artist P.G.Kimble & his art therapist, K.Rothwell - on his use of art therapy as a means of exploring his life with an acquired brain injury.

I attended an AA meeting yesterday and it was good. Put a couple of quid in the collection box as it went around and thought about how much that was a saving both financially and in many other ways, to spending money and time drinking!
I went on the Internet to look at the `Bigbook` which other people had talked about and I identified so much with the following which I copied into my art therapy workbook.

It relived me to find out that in alcoholics the will is amazingly weakened when it comes to combating liquor, though it often remains strong in other respects.
I had always believed in a power greater than me & mankind. I simply had to believe in a Spirit of the universe, who knew neither time nor limitation. A God personal to  me, who was love, was forgiveness and also in superhuman strength and direction. Faith has to work twenty-four hours a day in and through us or we perish.

Should you find yourself the victim of other people`s bitterness, ignorance, smallness or insecurities;
Remember, things could be worse. You could be them!!!

Got to go and get ready for today. Buster has been out already for a good run. My sister will be driving me and my sons to visit Turvey monastery, where I am booked to have a talk with one of the brothers. I am contemplating joining the third order! May all who read this be blest and know you are loved. Pass it on. Your brother in Christ and of Buddha and all the Saints, Peter. 

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