Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Getting on with life, but being mindful of those who are slowing down or stuck.

Good day my beloved brothers and sisters.
As some of you are aware I am still missing my youngest son Harry, who is fortunate enough to have gone to Heaven already.

His brother Josh has already had a dream that Harry was with my first wife Tracy who died at the age of 25yrs old!

So lets move on to the art which I have to get immersed in as my activity of choice. 
It seems some artists, be they painters or musicians seem to transfer their activity of choice from their art, to drinking or taking drugs.    Each to their own hey!   I understand it and have myself to fight the desire to take to the bottle and take up paint and paper instead. Being steadfast!  

I have been doing an extraordinary amount of work. Also going to the gym and swimming pool as well. One day soon I may decide to get in the water, or use the gym! Only joking.
   Harry was going to the gym a lot just before he got the graft vs host syndrome and died within days. Yes, recalling this does make me groan and my eyes leak salty water. Having finished the blog some time ago I check it for mistakes and groan out in anguish when I come to this small bit about Harry.  ;-\  


I am, without further ado going to share so much work done over recent days with you now and so I hope you are ready!


          Loads of mono prints on this blog.   


           Mono prints below.

     and mono prints above.

      Getting in close below and looking at the `peaces` which attracted my attention.

         These seem like the paint wants to rise up off the paper and whirl through the air!

Finishing off my beloved brothers and sisters with, yes, some more monoprint work. Though as you can see there is an odd one out. Or are there five odd ones out and one odd one in?  Dont want to make you think. Just feel. Feel good and feel love. I am loving you all and want you to pass this on. 
Your brother in Christ and of all the saints, esp St. Blaise. ps... Be good and know that you are loved. As I on occasion do, I shall let you know my email address is  petgkimb@gmail.com  this is so anyone can contact me for a variety of reasons. For example just to share some thing you like or that you like which I have done. Another is that you may really like my art and have somewhere for me to exhibit, or better still for us all; you want to purchase my art.
Then again you may just want to make friends and I am happy for this!    

  Saints Fun Facts for St. Blaise

The Acts of St. Blaise

The legend as given in the Grande Encyclopédie is as follows:The legendary Acts of St. Blaise were written 400 years later.[5] The Acts of St. Blaise, written in Greek, are medieval.
Blaise, who had studied philosophy in his youth, was a doctor in Sebaste in Armenia, the city of his birth, who exercised his art with miraculous ability, good-will, and piety. When the bishop of the city died, he was chosen to succeed him, with the acclamation of all the people. His holiness was manifest through many miracles: from all around, people came to him to find cures for their spirit and their body; even wild animals came in herds to receive his blessing. In 316, Agricola, the governor of Cappadocia and of Lesser Armenia, having arrived in Sebastia at the order of the emperor Licinius to kill the Christians, arrested the bishop. As he was being led to jail, a mother set her only son, choking to death of a fish-bone, at his feet, and the child was cured straight away. Regardless, the governor, unable to make Blaise renounce his faith, beat him with a stick, ripped his flesh with iron combs, and beheaded him.[6]

I know some people claim to be Christian and yet do atrocities in the name of God, or in secret behind closed doors. These are not Christians, but are wolves in sheep`s clothing.   

The blessing of St. Blaise

 Blessing of the Throats
According to the Acts, while Blaise was being taken into custody, a distraught mother, whose only child was choking on a fishbone, threw herself at his feet and implored his intercession. Touched at her grief, he offered up his prayers, and the child was cured. Consequently, Saint Blaise is invoked for protection against injuries and illnesses of the throat.
ttfn brothers and sisters. Please those of you who pray, pray that I continue to think good thoughts, speak good words and do good actions. 

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