Friday, 4 January 2013

Fish on Friday

Good day to you my brothers and sisters in Christ and also those not yet home with us.

Having just taken my eldest son home to his mothers house, I have a few hours with myself and the Holy Spirit. So we will concentrate on this blog.
One of this past years christmas presents to me, from I believe my youngest sister, was a wonderful A3 art pad. 300 g/m. So okay, I could do painting on  a cave wall and many graffiti artists do amazing stuff with spray paint on walls, but that is not my thing. Each to their own. Me, I am owned by God. I no longer live, yet Christ lives in me.
I will wait until the painting on the pad has dried and bring you some other recent art now.

                        So my brothers and 
                        sisters, beneath is the
                        one painting and then
                        below we have the
                        many from the one.

   This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. x3

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens
me. x3

I believe that this is a wonderful day  that the Lord has made. I am rejoicing and am glad in it. x3

Be we renewed by the transformation of the mind.
Empty our mind of negative and all thoughts, coming back again and again to silence.
                               At least 15 minutes 
               Be still and know that I Am God.

Knowing that Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth and The Life, will in itself not save anyone. 
If you come across a sign pointing to a place or state, called salvation and it points north and says 10 miles, then staying there in this place for the rest of your life will not get you there! Nor will going in any other direction. The good thing is to take notice from the sign and have the understanding and knowledge that you/we now have the way to take. We are followers of The Way. Or if you like, Wayfarers. This does not mean  
Rayban sunglasses!
How long will it take to reach enlightenment!
We only get out what we put in, with the respect of transformation from the old man/woman to the new  
                       We have to be overcomers 
If I state now to you - as I have done often to this universe in general - I know longer live, yet Christ lives in me; then all things are possible. For man nothing is possible and all things will pass and be swept away with time. The love of God though passes all understanding and goes beyond time and space and so in God we can rest in eternal life.

Blessings love and peace to you my brothers and sisters. Those who are with me in Christ, Jesus and those who are yet to be gathered in.
Your bro Peter.     

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