Good day, brothers, sisters and all not yet awakened.
Interesting how when awakened in the morning, we can have on occasion a vague idea of what we will be doing, but nothing more than that. This morning I awoke and after some prayer and meditation looked at the artwork I did yesterday and thought it perhaps not finished, but no idea what it needed.
I knew I was driving my mother tomorrow for us to attend Auntie Rita`s funeral. Auntie Rita was my birth mothers twin sister. That was Nita and she died whilst I was two and a half and my brother Alan only a three month old baby. Probably at the time I didn't see him as a baby, but as an interloper who was stealing my mothers attention. But who knows, that may be being too hard an myself. I shall
get back to my thoughts on this day. I did think it would be good to have a quiet day inside the hermitage. I opened the curtains on the world outside and the view decided it for me.
As you can see; snow, yet not deep enough to venture out up the steps and through the gate with the sledge.
What it did do though was to think of yesterdays painting and realise it lacked white!
I had already worked on it some more before opening the curtains and looking outside and so now it is finished.
Here below are three slightly different aspects of it for you.
I am so happy with the result and enjoy it and what it says and gives me.
For me to be the one to have painted it is of little importance. Of course if we had choice in the matter, then I should be glad to resposible for works of art, rather than mass destruction. Each to their own though and it is not for me to judge. Of course I will like you to enjoy my art or blogs, other than for you to find them gastly. I am not like some who get their sustinance as some critics do by putting down others, or their work. Not that I havent been guilty of this in the past.
Thinking of Hindus and Budhists and others who believe in reincarnation, they can really say stuff like, I have led a peaceful life, but thats not to say I havent been responsible for rape and plunder, even mass genocide in other lives!
Christians, well I am a Christian amongst everything else, in this present form typing this. I have to hold up the example of St Paul, who started of as a rightious Jew and as such was responsible for the deaths of Christians.
Cor blimey, see how I ramble on and forget momentarily about the art.
Am I the only one who can see a tiger emerging from an abstract forest! I think not. Is there such a thing as an abstract forest and what would it sound like?
Well, my mum has phoned and talked about the arrangements for tomorrows funeral. I shall be driving both her and my younger brother Alan. I think that she said Alan wont be wearing a white shirt but will have a black tie. She would prefer me to wear a white shirt and a black tie. Because of the brevity of the occasion and it is reality as oppossed to `Malcolm in the middle`(a show me and my sons have been enjoying.), I wont turn up at mums with my black tie in my pocket, but my black bow tie on at her door! With this in mind, I shall end todays blog with a short prayer for us.
Yours bro Peter.
Lord, keep us from making the mistakes we are most prone to when temptation comes. We confess that what we think is necessary, smart, or personally beneficial is so often only the beautiful wrapping on sin. So please, keep evil far from us, this day and always. Amen
PS Was anyone else`s attention caught on my blog yesterday to the plant growing in one of the photos. Well I ought to say, `image` as i wasnt an actual plant! I am happy and trying to send you all good vibes in all I do and also that which I dont do.
If you are reading this then you acknowledge I have not destroyed us all!
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