Thursday, 24 January 2013

Pictures of my painting and someone elses + Prayer.

Good day to all and blessings be upon us. That was a little prayer .

Now, my brothers and sisters I shall get right into my art and also share a couple of photos of other peoples art which gave me some pleasure this morning.

This first was that which others brought into being and I am passing on to you.

The painting directly above especially caught my eye as I have just started to experiment with letting some paint dribble down or move with gravity.

These below were brought into being by the universe through me.

                                           Here we can see that I dont always paint for the painting
                                            to end up in one stationary position, but it can be turned.
                                                          Let light turn us to see all the lovely colours in life.

                      I would like to see this painting taken by a better photographer than me  and blown
                     up to about three metres by eight metres.

These blow - got to get a coffee - below are also mine, but oops see they are now yours to do with what you will. 

(update)  It is now 3.17pm and I totally reworked this piece to become - in my estimation
a much better `Peace`... I added colour. The thinking was, I do that many paintings that as I have photos of it, then the risk of messing it up as opposed to trying to put a bit of emotional colour into the work was worth doing. For now I will say it was well worth it, but will only know more so when it is dry!   

                                                    The three below I purposefully moved
                                                    the camera either in or out!

I can imagine these being transposed into large images which in a large room in subdued light, were flashed onto a white wall intermitantly! 
Maybe trying them with sounds and then with silence!
Wouldnt it be interesting to try doing it with holographic 3d projection. Can this be done!
ans to me or

Have a good day and be a blessing to all you encounter. I have just gone and given the houseplants which share this hermitage with me some words of encouragement and thanks. As well as a stroke of their leaves. May sound a bit crazy, but then I am the kind of guy who tries not to curse nettles when I get stung. I have been known to bite my tongue when assaulted by a cactus! ttfn bro Peter.

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