Saturday, 12 January 2013

Saturday and sane. Thank God.

Good day to you, my brothers and sisters and all yet to realise we are all one wonderful manifestation of love in action. Remember, if you don't want to see the whole universe as separate from you then embrace all people and things with your heart and mine. Then we can become one in the manifestation of love that is so powerful, it exists in realms other than this time/space. 
Some of you are maybe like me and not always in a state of grace. Yet when we have a goal - and mine is to let go of attachments to the physical world. This is of course only in the importance which I place on dimension. That is to say I am here now at this moment and appreciate sitting on a chair and typing this for you to read.
So this is what my focus is on. What happened that I was conscious of yesterday, or what may happen tomorrow is not on my mind, nor in/out of my mind, nor underneath. Those of you who know a bit about me will see the use of artistic licence starting to creep in to the prose. Or did you! Maybe I don't write prose, but just meander around the monitor with words that are joined together.
Let me tell you about the art I did yesterday.      

    Above is the work I did yesterday at my private art therapy session. I mention that I pay for private
    therapy sessions, not in any way to brag, but because although my income is that small the government              
    bumps it up with income support payments, I decided a couple of years or more ago that it was worth it                              
                             for me to pay for this
    work. Believe me, it hasn't just been me that has benefited from it, but my whole family and in a little way
    those I come into contact with.
    I have to say that the art sessions have been part of an holistic package to overcome the damage done by
     my late wife's suicide and the resulting carbon monoxide poisoning brain injury, which she unwittingly left
    me with.
   The time for grieving is long  past and the love I have for her is timeless.
    I must share with you, that it amuses me especially when people say they are Christian or Hindu and then          
    hold grudges or have bad feelings for people who do them wrong.
   Yet for sure to be a Christian is to follow the way of Jesus and that is to bless those who
    persecute you. On the cross Jesus said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."
    I know that that for me, on a personal level, the one person I have  had both the most trouble giving and      also been
    hardest on  is my self (which there isn't really one!). Now though that time is long gone. I am not saying there are not the moments that
    the old man (or `ego`) rears his selfish head, but as soon as I recognise his attempt to be a presence I
    announce to `myself` that a separate `I` is only an illusion.   Lets just get back to the art, as Harry, my   youngest son is here and will not want me to spend too much time doing the blog! The photo above this writing and the one below go okay together and this is good as they were both captured in my consciousness and camera. To come out manifested and now shared with you my brothers and sisters.

    Below is an artwork of mine which is called I believe, Reflections and what I really like about this one is,    
    as you can see below, it has a reflection of me and there is another person, my wonderful forensic art
    therapist, Kate Rothwell. O, I dont say wonderful as a term of flattery, but just because of what she has
    been able to help me achieve!

    We stopped, my sister Viv and I on the way to driving to Kates at Redbourne, as we were a bit on the early side. An opportunity thought I to share with you this light, which I like both its design and location.

    I do like this photo and wish I had the technical ability to highten the contrast. Never mind, we 
    shall just have to have it how it is.

Harry has just said, "Dad, when are you going to stop writing your autobiography?" Do you think he  
    wants me to finish this blog?

Okay my brothers and sisters, I must go now and I actually think it is right for me to share some time with my son of whom I am well pleased.
 I feel sorry for those who cant say this, or are dissapointed with their children. I would like to send them the understanding I at times have, but they  might just not get it! 
Love and blessings to you and all beings. Your bro Peter. 

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