Good day to you all my brothers and sisters. I thank God my problems are so little that they are confined to circumstances which limit the ability to produce this blog to the standard I would wish. My sister is sending me a replacement camera in the post and so that will take a few days. When my son awakes in about two and a half hours I shall see if he knows how to download the photos I took using his mums little borrowed camera. If we are able then you will see below these works, the painting I did yesterday. Though the quality of images may not be as good. I do though thank my ex-wife for the loan of her camera.
Perhaps I ought to make clear that the insertion of little images of American comic heroes is meant to be an irony on my take of the culture across the atlantic, not any sort of hero worship!
Todays blog is a work in progress and so you can expect it to continue being updated until it is complete.
For now this me, your bro in Christ, the Buddha and all the saints, Peter saying bfn.
So now I am back again and its coming up to seven am. I shall share some of what I have been reading and absorbing into my consciousness from a medieval English mystic in the fourteenth century. Firstly I will say to those of us interested in being one in union with God, that I find copying down in notebooks, or typing like this the wise words which can lead one to enlightenment, brings the power in and behind the words to a place deep in our minds and souls. Secondly it makes them our own, as although they were initially conceived and put pen to parchment many hundreds of years ago, once we copy them down once more they become ours afresh!
I ask you first, what is perfection of the human soul, and what are the properties belonging to this perfection? Answering on your behalf, I say that perfection of the human soul is nothing other than a union brought about between it and God in perfect charity. This perfection is so high and pure in its nature, beyond human understanding, that it cannot be known or perceived in itself; but where the properties belonging to it can be truly seen and perceived, there it is likely that its substance abounds. And so, in order to explain why this spiritual exercise is more noble than all others, we need to know what are the properties belonging to perfection.
The properties belonging to perfection, which every perfect soul needs to possess, are virtues. Now, if you will closely examine this work in your soul, and the property and characteristics of each separate virtue, you will find that all virtues are clearly and completely contained within it, without any deflection or corruption of intention. I will not mention any specific virtue here, because that is unnecessary; you can find some mention of them in various other places. For the work in question, rightly understood, is the reverent affection and the fruit separated from the tree that I refer to in your little Epistle on Prayer. This is The Cloud of Unknowing, this is that secret thrust of love in purity of spirit; this is the Ark of the Testament. This is Dionysius`s Theology, his wisdom and his treasure, his bright darkness (this is a term I class as Christian Zen, as well as the following.) and his ignorant knowledge. This is what makes you silent in thought as well as speech. This makes your prayer very short. By this you are taught to forsake and despise the world.
What is more, by this you are taught to forsake and despise yourself, according to Christ`s teaching in the gospel, where he says; `Whoever will come after me, let him forsake himself, let him bear his cross and follow me`. In relation to our present subject, it is as if he meant you to understand: `Whoever will come humbly, not with me but after me, to the bliss of heaven or the height of perfection`. For Christ went ahead by nature, and we come after by grace.
May my brothers and sisters, the love of God and the fellowship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit be with us all as one, now and always.
Please pass this on, as it then becomes partly yours.
Your bro in Christ Peter.
Post Script. Have just awoken at 02.25am by seemingly a gust of wind and my eyes came upon the following. "God is to be worshipped as the one beloved, dearer than everything in this and the next life." So it seems a gust of wind, or only God knows, the Holy Spirit may have awoken me and so before going back to sleep I shall pray Maranatha on the Mala beads. Peace and love to you all and all beings. Peter. Yep and now I know I wanted to go back to sleep as for goodness sake its nearly 3am, yet for goodness sake I had to get back out of bed to share and say the following.
Infinite intelligence leads and guides us in all our ways. Perfect health is ours and the law of harmony operates in our mind, body and spirit.
Beauty, peace, love and abundance are ours.
The principle of divine action and right order govern our entire life.
I know this major premise is based on the eternal truths of life and I now feel and believe that my subconscious mind responds to the nature of my conscious mind thinking.
Good night my brothers and sisters and may God almighty bless you and keep you safe in the love of the Holy Spirit. P