Good day my brothers and sisters.
I love you all not only for what you are,
but for what I am when I have you to create
this for.
Today I am off to the art studio in London, England. There may be London's in other countries, but its not any of them that I am going to!
For now, getting up before any of you,(this may not be 100% fact, but please allow me artistic license!) I am just going to post some photos. It should not be a surprise to you, to read here; that you are the first to see these after God and me!
Here are the photos by me accompanied with some sayings by the desert fathers.
Pambo asked Abba Anthony, 'What ought I to
do?' and the old man said to him 'Do not trust in your own
righteousness do not worry about the past, but control your
tongue and your stomach.
Abba Anthony said, 'I saw the snares that the enemy
spreads out over the world and I said groaning, "What can
get through from such snares?" Then I heard a voice saying
to me, "Humility."Some have afflicted their bodies by
asceticism, but they lack discernment, and so they are far
from God.'just as fish die if they stay too long out
of water, so the monks who loiter outside their cells or pass
their time with men of the world lose the intensity of inner
peace. So like a fish going towards the sea, we must hurry
to reach our cell, for fear that if we delay outside we will
lose our interior watchfulness`.
A hunter in the desert saw Abba Anthony enjoying
himself with the brethren and he was shocked. Wanting to
show him that it was necessary sometimes to meet the needs
of the brethren, the old man said to him, 'Put an arrow in
your bow and shoot it.' So he did. The old man then said,
'Shoot another,' and he did so. Then the old man said, 'Shoot
yet again and the hunter replied 'If I bend my bow so much I
will break it.' Then the old man said to him, 'It is the same
with the work of God. If we stretch the brethren beyond
measure they will soon break. Sometimes it is necessary to
come down to meet their needs.' When he heard these words
“the hunter was pierced by compunction and, greatly edified
by the old man, he went away. As for the brethren, they
went home strengthened.. ( some of you may be a tad quicker than me in getting this one. I had to read through it three times before I understood it fully. Even saying this, I have to allow for further enlightenment.)A brother said to Abba Anthony, 'Pray for me.' The
old man said to him, 'I will have no mercy upon you, nor will
God have any, if you yourself do not make an effort and if
you do not pray to God`.This is one writing I (the artist and spiritual brother, Peter G Kimble) find very helpful. It is all too easy to deny oneself and also leave all to God outside one`s own abilities.
Yet God is inside our being, if we so desire and in this we should do all we can to join in communion with His loving presence. For goodness sake pray my brothers and sisters!!!
The brethren came to the Abba Anthony and said to
him, 'Speak a word; how are we to be saved?' The old man
said to them, 'You have heard the Scriptures. That should
teach you how.' But they said, 'We want to hear from you
too, Father.' Then the old man said to them, 'The Gospel
says, "if anyone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the
other also." (Matt. 5.39) They said, 'We cannot do that.' The
old man said, 'If you cannot offer the other cheek, at least
allow one cheek to be struck.' 'We cannot do that either, '
they said. So he said, 'If you are not able to do that, do not
return evil for evil, ' and they said, 'we cannot do that either.'
Then the old man said to his disciple, 'Prepare a little brew of
corn for these invalids. If you cannot do this, or that, what
can I do for you? What you need is prayers..
While still living in the palace, Abba Arsenius prayed
to God in these words, 'Lord, lead me in the way of
salvation.' And a voice came saying to him, 'Arsenius, flee
from men and you will be saved.I have a long day today, catching the train to london and then going on the underground to the art studio. So please bare with me. Is that the right way spell it, or do we all have to get undressed? (joke)
Okay, get centered Peter, on the way the truth and the life. I am about 20% or less, through completing an artwork which when finished is better than a previous example of a similar work. I cannot say anymore than this, for to do so will tempt my subconscious mind to make a mess of it and relegate me to a past state of material wanting. I dont know, maybe that is a load of nonsense!
Art and spiritual achievement has to transcend ego and so now I will go my beloved brothers and sisters and leave you with my love. You are in my prayers and I ask you also to pray for me.
Your bro Peter.
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