Saturday, 15 June 2013

Sunshine a Saturday with a blog of art and reflection on the soul.

Good day to you all and blessings, love and peace from my humble abode, in this little part of England.

                                               My humble abode..
                                            O no, this is not where I live, its one of Elizabeth's
                                            many properties. You know Liz dont you? The head
                                            of the church of England and queen of England.. BAHHHH

                                          This Grand residence is where I live. Comfortably one.  

I used the words at the last sentence, ` Comfortably one` though I was thinking of `Comfortably numb, from a Pink Floyd record. Maybe lots of us are fooled at times to believe in the life of luxury as the best existence one can have, but then we may have our consciousness fixed firmly in the material world! This will pass given time. What will remain a constant? Love.

Although the world is consciousness and had a beginning, we are in the world, but not of the world. I am guessing that many of you who visit my website understand this and lots of you do so maybe far more than me. 

I try to write things down, then come back to them again and again in contemplation and prayer.
 The world is consciousness & consciousness began as did time.
 Consciousness = imagination
 Awareness in now it is always present. No beginning or end.   The mind cannot conceive that which is far greater than imagination.
 Awareness is self recognizing and self organizing - organizing
Self organizing awareness.
Become Aware.

Fear is the illusion of separation.
One drop of water on a wave in the ocean is one with all. There is not self to judge there is only love to experience. God is Love  is is!
If God is omnipresent then there is only God realized and God unrealized.
Find the holy in the wholeness.
Our being is not limited to our bodies. We are human beings, but the essential `I Am` is the beings part of us as one, not the `human`. So lets distance spiritual beings from this material world of wars and hunger and famine. Where the rich get richer by standing on the misery of the masses. Dont keep getting sucked into this exclusionary world of objects and entertainment that will sidetrack you from the reality of true LOVE. Remember what Jesus Christ said about the way to live and treat each other; If you have two coats (I like to think this applies to houses also.) then give one to those without clothes. It was something like that.

I understand that unless some of you have lived in the third world and like me, visited the homes of squatters; who I have to say many work harder than the rich in this world, you will feel okay with the status quota  as it is. I feel ashamed that we in the west can turn on our taps and drink water without giving a thought to the millions who every time they drink water, know the fear of malaria or other life threatening diseases!
In some countries people have to carry sometimes muddy dirty water to an hour or more to there homes. Imagine giving our little children here that to drink. Or God forbid it being  a terrible drought and having to lay lifeless to watch our baby then children die. Before passing away ourselves! 

I had filipino friends that live in places like this.

Below you can see the sort of house the richer in the Philippines live and yes many are of the Christian and Muslim faith and they worship regularly. Which god do they worship though, thats the point, is it the God of Kings and Queens and the rich, or is it the real true God of the poor and the sick? How do they do Gods bidding, is it in acts of selfish work for others, or do we put our own needs first?      

               Lie  Lie  Lie  Lie  Lie  Lie  Lie  Lie  Lie  Lie  Lie  Lie  Lie  Lie  Lie  Lie 

So my brothers and sisters do we follow the truth or the lie. My spiritual master, Jesus Christ said, " I am the way the truth and the life." So I have to say its okay to be rich - which by western standards I am not, but I am by third world standards. Its just not okay to think its you God given right to spend it all on you own whims and fancies. Coke and cocaine go together for some. Yes even lawyers and stockbrokers.  I am not saying I am perfect, just that I am always trying to follow a man who is.. I fall down, but I get up again!       Here is my latest art..
Yep, some of you may say about time too. Sorry, but you could have just scrolled down the blog..

So here are some shots from my painting which you are the first after my son, God and me to see. Yeah, remember the eyes that we look at the world through are the same eyes from which He sees and he also knows our every thought. Thats why I have to constantly thank Jesus for dying for my wrongs! 

                                          Zoomie is such a lovely creature.

                                                    She looks a bit sad, but isnt. Nor is her shadow!
                                                    Poverty is like a shadow, but created by those
                                                    who place the love of power and money over God!
                                                    The do sometimes come disguised as men and
                                                    women of god. Theres is a little pretend god.

       I know that this may seem to be a bit of a somber blog, but there is a war going on and we have to know which side we are standing for.  Do we support Oxfam and the those who fight poverty and suffering, or are we behind big business and the multinational corporations?   One day we may be called upon to answer for our actions.. Your bro Peter, the imperfect.        Continue the struggle..

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