Saturday, 29 June 2013

Saturday and glad to be able to share this blog with you and give a thought to those less fortunate.

Good day my brothers and sisters and welcome to my art and thoughts. Also I will if I am able share some art from others and writing from one other.

Here is the first from another artist.

 This above is by Georg Baselitz and is oil on canvas
  1976. Two things I like about it. One is the choice of colours and composition, with the lady upside down.
Secondly its maybe an echo of how I would have liked to have painted in 1976. There is a freedom in this work for me! I may get to be doing more life painting, but I have to feel that its the right time and as yet I have to explore more my abstractions.

 This is by an artist I admire; Tatiana Domazetovich. 

So what I am sharing today my beloved brothers and sisters are photos from two separate works now, of mine. Which I do trust you will appreciate. Please share these with others as they are a work of love.

   Okay, I am know going talk about last night and then awaking from a dream this morning at about 5am.  Having last night had my eldest son stop over, we watched the latest superman movie. In it there was a scene where superman was fighting another being from his home planet and they were smashing each other all over the place, through buildings and everything. So maybe this influenced my dream. Three or four `bad` guys (all constructed by my subconscious mind) were trying to take me out and they were not able to hurt me with their blows, yet my punches and kicks had no effect on them either. I am not sure how this resolved itself so we didnt just carry on the struggle, fighting eternally, but I have the feeling it was from letting go and giving in to whatever would be and then the illusion fell away and I awoke!
 Many of our brothers and sisters are still asleep in their belief that they are separate from us and this will make them desperate to cling to things, material and emotional for comfort. Then though as time goes by and these illusions lose their shine, they will be looking for something new. Its like the story of the person, or god condemned to roll the boulder up the hill only to have it roll down again. So now I am sharing some Serenity Affirmations which it is up to you, but I would advise copying out by hand as this helps get them into a deeper part of your mind! Then keep them handy. You may want to leave them by your bed and read them before going to sleep and then upon waking. There will be those us looking at this blog - I am not one of them unfortunately - who do not need to do this exercise or even pray; as they are already totally enlightened beings who have chosen to remain here only to help in the relief of suffering of us less fortunate. My thanks then to them and the following is for those of us yet to transcend our worldly bonds. Hopefully this will help:

I am relaxed.
I am safe.
I am joyful.
I am calm.
I remain calm and composed.
Love is what I am.
I am a gift.
I am grateful for the gift.
I am blessed.
I accept the Divine plan.
The Universe is purposeful.
I am serene.
I acknowledge the good in all.
I am nonjudgmental.
I am caring and sharing.
I am loving.
I am love in action.
I am compassionate.
I am detached from worldly woes.
I recognize the illusion.

I Am Sorry
Please forgive me
I love you
Thank you 

 Peace and love to you all here and may all you encounter be blessed by your presence. My thanks and love for your being here at this moment. Peter.


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