Tuesday, 11 February 2014

My art and musings from others to amuse you or more my beloved brothers and sisters.

Good day my brothers and sisters.
Here is a picture of Maisy my adorable - at times - puppy.

A CEO sent a business card to a master, listing his name and title. The master sent a novice, saying, "Send him away. I have no time to waste with such a person!"
The visitor then scratched out his title and degrees, sending the card back with only his name.
"Aah, send him in!", the master said. "I have been longing to meet that fellow."

A philosopher said to a master, "Our judgements can err. I try to doubt things and disbelieve what cannot be proven, so that I will not hold false beliefs."
The master closed his eyes.
"What are you doing?", the philosopher asked.
"When I walk, I sometimes bump into things," the master explained. "I am closing my eyes so that the room will be empty."

Someone said to a master, "I want to believe in God. Persuade me, so that I can believe."
The master said, "I want you to be filled, but I can never eat enough to satisfy your hunger."

A wealthy novice came to a master, and said, "Teach me!"
The master said, "Scrub out all the wastebaskets."
The novice scrubbed out the wastebaskets and returned. The master did not give a word of thanks, so much as a smile. "Now weed the garden."
The novice weeded the garden and returned. The master did not give a word of thanks, so much as a smile. "Now give us your car."
The novice gave him his car, and then said in frustration, "Why haven't you shown so much as a hint of gratitude? I have done menial service and given you my own car. Isn't that a lot?"
The master said, "Yes, it is a lot, but we need neither your service nor your car. You came to us proud and accustomed to luxury. We gave you an opportunity to taste humble service. We gave you an opportunity to let go of a cherished possession. It is you who should be grateful."

  novice said to a master, "I want to serve God. What denomination should I join?"
The master said, "I want to be healthy. What part of my body should I cut off?"

A novice asked a master, "Do you believe that some days are especially holy, or that all days are equally holy?"
The master said, "Yes."

A novice asked a master, "How should I empty my mind of lust?"
The master said, "Fill it with Christ."

A physicist said to a master, "I believe my own private religion, which I design to suit me, provide me with meaning, and make me happy. What better suited religion can you possibly claim to have?"
The master began to write on a sheet of paper, "Gravity shall pull things together except on Tuesdays and Thursdays, when gravity shall have no effects whatsoever. Objects at rest tend to begin to move; objects in motion tend to ..."
"What on earth are you writing?", the novice said,
"I believe my own private physics, which I design to suit me, provide me with meaning, and make me happy. What better suited physics can you possibly claim to have?"

A wealthy novice came to a master, and said, "Teach me!"
The master said, "Scrub out all the wastebaskets."
The novice scrubbed out the wastebaskets and returned. The master did not give a word of thanks, so much as a smile. "Now weed the garden."
The novice weeded the garden and returned. The master did not give a word of thanks, so much as a smile. "Now give us your car."
The novice gave him his car, and then said in frustration, "Why haven't you shown so much as a hint of gratitude? I have done menial service and given you my own car. Isn't that a lot?"
The master said, "Yes, it is a lot, but we need neither your service nor your car. You came to us proud and accustomed to luxury. We gave you an opportunity to taste humble service. We gave you an opportunity to let go of a cherished possession. It is you who should be grateful."

                                                    To give you an idea of the size of todays
                                                    painting I shot this on the stair to my flat.

A philosopher said to a master, "Our judgements can err. I try to doubt things and disbelieve what cannot be proven, so that I will not hold false beliefs."
The master closed his eyes.
"What are you doing?", the philosopher asked.
"When I walk, I sometimes bump into things," the master explained. "I am closing my eyes so that the room will be empty."


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