First of all I should like to wish you all both love and peace, my wonderful brothers and sisters.
Here are some photos I took of things around this morning. I didnt have the heart to take a photo of the `Smart Heart Score` test results.The bad news is I have a 17.42% chance of a cardiovascular event in the next ten years.
Risk of an average person at the same age, sex and ethnicity as me: 9.2%
So I do have some work to do on my diet and exercise.
The good news is that I can do it, but also that I existed before this present body and incarnation and will do so afterwards!
Last night I downloaded and watched a wonderful and uplifting - although slightly sad - film called `Instinct` starring Anthony Hopkins, the award winning actor who many of us may know from the movie, `Silence of the Lambs.`
Lets now though get to some A rt
Here are some photos I took to share on this blog.
This one I took of a book which I am currently reading,though a glass bottomed metal tankard filled with a slightly coloured soft fizzy drink. I reccomend the book, but cant reccomend fizzy drinks, even though I havent yet given them up quite yet am and partial to a bottle of Dandelion & Burdock which was chosen by me from ASDA.
I am aware that the paintings below would look better if both nicely framed and hung on a wall with at least eight feet or two and a half metre between each one. Then again they could be just hung anywhere and in no particular order.
My saint for today.
St. Stephen of Mar Saba
Stephen of Mar Saba was the nephew of St. John Damascene, who introduced the young boy to monastic life beginning at age 10. When he reached 24, Stephen served the community in a variety of ways, including guest master. After some time he asked permission to live a hermit's life. The answer from the abbot was yes and no: Stephen could follow his preferred lifestyle during the week, but on weekends he was to offer his skills as a counselor. Stephen placed a note on the door of his cell: "Forgive me, Fathers, in the name of the Lord, but please do not disturb me except on Saturdays and Sundays."
Despite his calling to prayer and quiet, Stephen displayed uncanny skills with people and was a valued spiritual guide.
His biographer and disciple wrote about Stephen: "Whatever help, spiritual or material, he was asked to give, he gave. He received and honored all with the same kindness. He possessed nothing and lacked nothing. In total poverty he possessed all things."
Stephen died in 794.
I am hoping that you my brothers and sisters will be my saints for this coming week. Knowing the love of God is meant to be shining from every last little quark of us.
Bless you all and know that you are loved, Your bro Peter.