Saturday, 30 March 2013


First of all I should like to wish you all both love and peace, my wonderful brothers and sisters. 
Here are some photos I took of things around this morning. I didnt have the heart to take a photo of the `Smart Heart Score` test results.

The bad news is I have a 17.42% chance of  a cardiovascular event in the next ten years.
Risk of an average person at the same age, sex and ethnicity as me: 9.2%
So I do have some work to do on my diet and exercise.
The good news is that I can do it, but also that I existed before this present body and incarnation and will do so afterwards!

Last night I downloaded and watched a wonderful and uplifting - although slightly sad  - film called `Instinct` starring Anthony Hopkins, the award winning actor who many of us may know from the movie, `Silence of the Lambs.`

Lets now though get to some A rt
 Here are some photos I took to share on this blog.

                                           This one I took of a book which I am currently reading,though a glass bottomed metal tankard filled with a slightly coloured soft fizzy drink. I reccomend the book, but cant reccomend fizzy drinks, even though I havent yet given them up quite yet am and partial to a bottle of Dandelion & Burdock which was chosen by me from ASDA.

I am aware that the paintings below would look better if both nicely framed and hung on a wall with at least  eight feet or two and a half metre between each one. Then again they could be just hung anywhere and in no particular order.  

          My saint for today.
                                         St. Stephen of Mar Saba

A "do not disturb" sign helped today's saint find holiness and peace.
Stephen of Mar Saba was the nephew of St. John Damascene, who introduced the young boy to monastic life beginning at age 10. When he reached 24, Stephen served the community in a variety of ways, including guest master. After some time he asked permission to live a hermit's life. The answer from the abbot was yes and no: Stephen could follow his preferred lifestyle during the week, but on weekends he was to offer his skills as a counselor. Stephen placed a note on the door of his cell: "Forgive me, Fathers, in the name of the Lord, but please do not disturb me except on Saturdays and Sundays."
Despite his calling to prayer and quiet, Stephen displayed uncanny skills with people and was a valued spiritual guide.
His biographer and disciple wrote about Stephen: "Whatever help, spiritual or material, he was asked to give, he gave. He received and honored all with the same kindness. He possessed nothing and lacked nothing. In total poverty he possessed all things."
Stephen died in 794.

I am hoping that you my brothers and sisters will be my saints for this coming week. Knowing the love of God is meant to be shining from every last little quark of us.
Bless you all and know that you are loved, Your bro Peter.   

IMAGINATION what a Nation!! Just dont think too hard.

Good day my brothers and sisters. `I` have been pondering about IMAGINATION. John Lennon, The  Beatles and perhaps millions of us can Imagine all the people and all we need is love. No heaven and hell to die for. I am just going to take a brief excursion here - putting headphones on as its 7.07am and two sons are alseep in this very room.  Now to minimize this screen and go to youtube, put on Imagine and come back with the song playing through my ears to my mind. Well my siblings, I am back with tears in my eyes and not just from listening to that, but going on the watch VOICE PIECE FOR SOPRANO 7 WISH TREEatMOMA SUMMER20110 by yoko ono (I am praying that those who made such negative and hateful comments about Yoko will be forgiven and become nicer people,but thats all I can do for them. For now, who knows in the future. Yes I know at least one of us does.)   Well with her I should like to thank the universe and the earth planet for giving me so much. Thank you thank you thank you.

Do you see that as you are reading this I am thanking you. As I have said before and will undoubtedly say again, this universe wouldnt be without you in it. Belive me and belive in yourself as inbetween one moment and the next there is always now.

   There we are, all the shots I like and no one person plant or animal was killed during the loading and execution of this blog! The shot directly above is my favourite, as is the one above that and so on. Like you my dearest reading this - maybe I am just fortunate that when my wife died it didnt envolve an outsider as did John Lennons, yet my tears which are real, well they are for everybodies losses and gains. Bless you all in one and know that you are loved. Pass this on, though the tears which are still gladly here are not essentially anything less than a love blessing to you and all. Peter.  

Friday, 29 March 2013


Good Friday to all

I am having problems posting a blog today. Hope to be back soon. Peter

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Extra Post.

Hi there and I must say that having spent about an hour doing what I thought was an extensive and enlightening blog, just to see it vanish when I try to post it, had brought me to this. So let me explain where I am. At the point where I feel this is going to post okay, as it happened yesterday the blog I did not going through Google, like this one it took a longer response time between hitting the keys and the letters appearing on the screen!

This thought I am still unable to be 100% sure of so I will just share my latest work and a brief thought on it, which I had previously written reams about.

 So I am having a go at putting this on via Firefox. I will just mention that as an outsider artist who awoke during the middle of the night with the idea to finish this painting with the words you can see, that the importance of getting them down in their raw state came to me before any aesthetic beauty.
Be well and know that you are loved.
Your bro Peter


Managed to post a blog but not by using google.

Lets see if I can do a test one here too.
It seems at the moment I am able to get out blogs on Firefox, but not Google Chrome!

It for today. Another slow response in putting on the information, but its good I was able to. Lets see it this also can be posted!
Pray for me to be able to post tomorrow.
That is of course if you do pray and have already done so for more important things 
than an artists blog. Albeit a brain injured outsider artist! 

Third of fouth attempt to post a blog, this time not on google!!!

I shall get this on if I can in the briefest time possible as it is getting on for two hours of computer work  lost already.

Hear i will attempt again to share my latest art with you.

          This is so slow.

Bye for now.

 Ps here are a bonus couple of photos

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Its wednesday here now and this is the real blog for today.

Hi there, my beloved brothers and sisters and welcome to anyone else who has yet to realise we are one big family, living on a little rock in an enormous universe.

And if we think of how little we humans are in comparrison to the vastness of an ever (for now anyway) expanding universe, well we are like giants compared to the so lovely Shewanella bacterium.

The article included below thanks to the BBC I believe, but dont quote me on this, just shows that when we let scientists look for new discoveries, they are not all looking out into deep space, but in to deep space.

You can just scroll down to my art
if you so desire. I am just adding this incase you didnt come across it yet and like me find it interesting..

like me       

Bacteria power 'bio-battery' breakthrough

Shewanella oneidensiThe shewanella bacterium is found in lakes and rivers all over the planet

Related Stories

Bacteria could soon be acting as microscopic "bio-batteries" thanks to a joint UK-US research effort.
The team of scientists has laid bare the power-generating mechanism used by well-known marine bacteria.
Before now it was not clear whether the bacteria directly conducted an electrical charge themselves or used something else to do it.
Unpicking the process opens the door to using the bacteria as an in-situ, robust power source.
Power play
"This was the final part of the puzzle," said Dr Tom Clarke, a lecturer at the school of biological sciences at the University of East Anglia (UEA), who led the research. UEA collaborated with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Washington on the research project.
Before now, Dr Clarke told the BBC, the bacterium being studied had been seen influencing levels of minerals in lakes and seas but no-one really knew how it did it.
The bacterium, Shewanella oneidensis, occurred globally in rivers and seas, he said. "They are in everything from the Amazon to the Baltic seas," said Dr Clarke.
The strain used by the researchers was taken from a lake in New York.
"Scientists noticed that the levels of iron and manganese in the lake changed with the seasons and were co-ordinated with the growth patterns of the bacteria," Dr Clarke said.
However, he added, what was not known was the method by which the bacteria was bringing about these changes in mineral concentrations.
To understand the mechanism, Dr Clarke and his collaborators made a synthetic version of the bacterium and discovered that the organism generated a charge, and effected a chemical change, when in direct contact with the mineral surface.
"People have never really understood it before," he said. "It's about understanding how they interact with the environment and harnessing the energy they produce."
Understanding that mechanism gave scientists a chance to harness it, said Dr Clarke, and use it as a power source in places and for devices and processes in inaccessible or hostile environments.
"It's very useful as a model system," he said. "They are very robust, we can be quite rough with then in the lab and they will put up with it.
A paper about the research was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Now for the latest art which apart from God and myself, you are the first to see.

                                          The above painting was inspired by this master.

                    You may well have seen this one above before, but now I have worked more on it.

                                       Below though is a whole new kettle of fish.

                                          You will not have seen this before, unless of course you
                                           are either a practitioner of remote viewing, or you crept
                                           into my home earlier when I drove mum to the hospital!

    So first, here it is a few ways around. 

                          Now with the mirror image function on my camera.

It is midday now and I must get on with other things.
I will share though that the above painting is still wet
I will decide when it is dry how to procede. Ha ha thinks
I, how about I look to do a bit of guerilla gardening soon.
I can plant sunflower seeds all over the place. Maybe
I could even sow some when I go to the art studio in London.
And also put them in small manilla packets labelled `To be sown with love` and given away!

Ta ta for now my brothers and sisters and all those yet to realise we are one.   Peter.