Thursday, 21 March 2013

Have a wonderful day and bless those that persecute us.

Good day and see today as your performance to outdo all those days that have been great up untiluntil today.

Let your smiles today light up others faces and 
throw in pleasent encouragement to those you encounter today. Especially be nice to at least one person who you dont know. 

Just had my mum on the phone and she wants me to stop with her at the pharmacy on the way to taking us to church this morning. Thank you God for reminding me that I have to be especially nice also to those that I do know!

                                 I had a good day yesterday at the art studio in London, but didnt think to take photos to share with you. Am sorry about that, as it would have been good to have blogged about my first full day at the art studio. No regrets though, ay.  

I am sorry that I may not know you personally and so cannot take a share of any heavy load that you are carrying. Be it a stack of work you have to personally accomplish resolving the best outcome you are capable of with all the resources open to you. Or overcoming an emotional state which is either being expressed in negative or self destructive ways.

I am right at this moment praying that as you read these words I am typing, the awesome limitless loving power of God, which transcends our imagination and understanding, will come upon you and you will be open to this force of Love. May God use me and my life to bring His blessings and love to you and others.   

What I can do is share with you that as long as we fight for what is right then we will be fighting on the side of good. Although it may seem at times we are fighting against the odds, this is only because we cannot see the masses of spiritual beings on our side. 
It says in the Bible that when there was a fight in Heaven, one third of the angels took up opposition against God, by following Lucifer (the angel of light, or light bearer.) But they were no match even using dirty tactics and deception for the overwelming goodness of the two thirds. The Good forces of Heaven triumphed and God cast the leader - who by his decision to be rebellious and evil had transformed from light to become Satan or the Devil - into the pit of Hell. Now although I am not privaledged yet to have had almighty God share with me the actuality of this story. I do know that darkness is the absense of light and so cannot have any power in itself. If we keep that which is light and right centred in our being we shall find it easier to overcome trials than if we listen to negative suggestions, from outside our minds or within. 
We have to fight a good fight and keep faith in all that is good. So with this in mind and our hearts my brothers and sisters, lets have a good day today. Know we are loved and not only lets share this love with others, but lets use it to fight any negative thoughts or emotions which hanker to find a home within our being. Today is a great day and we are imortal spiritual beings have a wonderful human experiance. So lets fill it up and drink it to the dregs. Amen.  Now for some art I have painted to share with you and others you inform of theartistpgkimble(me).  

  Got to go and take mum to church. You all have a good day and know that you are loved.
Ya bro Peter.

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