But its true and so lets rectify this!
Good day my brothers and sisters. Its been busy here. Mothers day and all.
Then there was the rugby game which I had the opportunity to watch on a big television at my mums. She went out for a meal with a brother and sister, but I was a bit tired after yesterday with my sons and then; well this morning for the first time as an adult I robed up and went to be the only man singing in the church choir. This meant I could keep a better eye on my two sons who were serving at the alter. Not that I don't think God does a better job, its just that he perhaps relies on me to tell them, `Good Job.` occasionally.
So now at 5:45pm I am here to share some art with you. Also to let you into a little secret. I could have really enjoyed a bottle of wine this evening, or just a few beers, but I cant give into want as that is what I am still in Gods army waging a war against. Want is need for so many who are dying from lack of food, or in arenas of war in which companies make obsene profit from sales of weapons and amunition. So here is some painting I just did with the thoughts transferred to feelings and then abstracted in phenominological artistic expression!
This photo portrays darkness
So we need to lighten up and start to see the colour.
This isnt too bright is it!
Lets zigzag down away.
Three crosses amongst others. Maybe ours!
Nice colour though and so its working.
Yes, I like these. Do you too?
Time for me to leave you for now, with blessings of love and joy.
Your brother of Jesus Christ, Peter.
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