Friday, 1 March 2013

Fish on friday and pudding.

Good day my brothers and sisters. I dont know what will happen if you click on the blue writing below. I am hoping that it will take you to avaaz an organisation who I am just but one member trying to stop people changing this world for the worst. A famous actor is putting his name to this campaign. His name is Leonardo. Just as well I said actor and not painter!

How far that little
candle throws his beams!
So shines a good deed in a 
naughty world.

William Shakespeare,
The Merchant of Venice

The power of 
imagination makes
us infinite.

John Muir

I Think what has this
 day brought me, and
what have I given it?

Henry Moore

How can I decline the
opportunity to do good
and still feel justified
in being here.

Peter G Kimble

Experience is the child of
thought, and thought is the 
child of action.

Benjamin Disraeli

Nobody can go back and 
start a new beginning, but
anyone can start today and
make a new ending.

Maria Robinson

Why are there tears more flowing from my left eye? Has is got something to do with the right side of the brain being empathatic to elephants than the left? Anybody understand this! 

God`s Care for the Individual
Perhaps the greatest single difficulty in maintaining the habit of prayer is our tendency to make of it a pious form and not a vital transaction. We begin by trying to pray and end by saying prayers. To  urge ourselves to a practise that has thus become a stereotyped and lifeless form is futile. Nobody ever succeeds in praying as a tour de force; but if the act of prayer can be seen as the great Christians have seen it-a vital and sustaining friendship with a God Who cares for ever one of us-praying will cease being a form and become a force and a privilege. Note the vitality of prayer as the Psalmist has experienced it:

 My soul, wait thou only upon God;
 For my expectation is from him.
 He only is my rock and my salvation:
 He is my high tower; I shall not be moved,
 With God is my salvation and my glory:    
 The rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.
 Trust in him at all times, ye people;
  Pour out your heart before him:
 God is a refuge for us.
                                      PSALM 62:5-8

 In confirmation of this same experience in our own day, consider the testimony of Sir Wilfred Grenfell: "The privilege of prayer to me is one of the most cherished possessions, because faith and experience alike convince me that God Himself sees the answers, and His answers I never venture to criticise. It is only my part to ask. It is entirely His to give or withhold, as He knows is best. If it were otherwise, I would not dare to pray at all. In the quiet of home, in the heat of life and strife, in the face of death, the privilege of speech with God is inestimable, I value it more because it calls for nothing that the wayfaring man, though a fool, cannot give-that is, the simplest expression to his simplest desire. When I can neither see, nor hear, nor speak, still I can pray so that God can hear. When I finally pass through the valley of the shadow of death, I expect to pass through it in conversation with Him."

 O Lord, renew our spirits and draw our hearts unto Thyself that our work may not be to us a burden, but a delight; and give us such a mighty love to Thee as may sweeten all our obedience. Oh, let us not serve Thee with the spirit of bondage as slaves, but with the cheerfulness and gladness of children, delighting ourselves in Thee and rejoicing in Thy work. Amen. 
                          Benjamin Jenks (1646-1724).

Oh yes I am also an artist, as well as a purveyor of  other peoples Godly writing. I was just waiting for the morning light to become enough to take pictures of a painting done for us yesterday. So I shall share these and a couple or so other ones taken at church yesterday.

                                          Above Father Grantly is about to start our communion.

 So my brothers and sisters below is the whole painting brought into existance through me for us!

  This one above is more out of focus than I would usually allow on a blog. But I wanted to share it for the movement in the lower middle. A lion is falling and a mans head looks distressed at this!  Tomorrow I may be able to see a happy frog............................... In the painting, or in a pond, or perhaps even a dream..
                                I am determined not to see any sad or groaning faces! All is well.

            Maybe this photo is upside down!  What do you think?

                     Blessed mother and all the
                      saints, pray for us now
                          and always.
              Farewell for now, you bro Peter.

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