Thursday, 28 March 2013

Extra Post.

Hi there and I must say that having spent about an hour doing what I thought was an extensive and enlightening blog, just to see it vanish when I try to post it, had brought me to this. So let me explain where I am. At the point where I feel this is going to post okay, as it happened yesterday the blog I did not going through Google, like this one it took a longer response time between hitting the keys and the letters appearing on the screen!

This thought I am still unable to be 100% sure of so I will just share my latest work and a brief thought on it, which I had previously written reams about.

 So I am having a go at putting this on via Firefox. I will just mention that as an outsider artist who awoke during the middle of the night with the idea to finish this painting with the words you can see, that the importance of getting them down in their raw state came to me before any aesthetic beauty.
Be well and know that you are loved.
Your bro Peter


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