Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Harry has a fever and so I am praying for his temperature to return to normal and ask you please to do the same as the battle against Leukemia goes on.

Good day my wonderful brothers and sisters.

I shall just ask you to be mindful of the title of my blog today and pass it on. The power of prayer should not be underestimated.

My two sons do wish for their father to remain single and although I cannot agree with them I have to go along with them happily until the universe sings a different song with me!

So for now I art out time between silence, joy and noise; loving every moment, thing and everyone!

                                         I am here looking at this work and
                           it is all good and I appreciate you
                           looking at this and I appreciate you
                           for being you. Yet you can say I am,
                           with me!    I am me and I am one.
                                You are, I am we are one.
                                           One love.

                                                    I am here now present in
                                   a state of love for all. 

One of the attributes of the saint is that he has no fear, for fear is anticipating some disagreeable event that might come or expecting that something beloved might pass away in the future. The saint is concerned only with the present moment. He has no future to fear.
- From the Sufi tradition

Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free.
Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing.
This is the ultimate.
- Chuang Tzu

I weave a silence onto my lips.
I weave a silence into my mind.
I weave a silence within my heart.
I close my ears to distractions.
I close my eyes to attractions.
I close my heart to temptations.
Calm me, O Lord, as you stilled the storm.
Still me, O Lord, keep me from harm.
Let all tumult within me cease.
Enfold me, Lord, in your peace.
- From the Gaelic tradition

What can we gain by sailing to the moon
if we cannot cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves?
- Thomas Merton

The greatest of all delusions is the conviction that knowledge is not a delusion.
- Tripura Rahasya

In the market, in the cloister – only God I saw.
In the valley and on the mountain – only God I saw.
Him I have seen beside me oft in tribulation;
In favor and in fortune – only God I saw.
In prayer and fasting, in praise and contemplation,
In the religion of the Prophet – only God I saw.
Neither soul nor body, accident nor substance,
Qualities nor causes – only God I saw.
I opened mine eyes and by the light of his face around me
In all the eye discovered – only God I saw.
Like a candle I was melting in his fire:
Amidst the flames outflashing – only God I saw.
Myself with mine own eyes I saw most clearly,
But when I looked with God’s eyes – only God I saw.
I passed away into nothingness, I vanished,
And lo, I was the All-living – only God I saw.
- Baba Kuhi of Shiraz

You are all searching for the silence of the mountain. But you’re looking for something outside. This silence is accessible to you right now, inside the center of your own being.
- Ramana Maharshi

Have a day of wonder my brothers and sisters. Be love and forgiveness for self and others. In the beginning and end there`s only one love and so lets enjoy this time in our many manifestations. Your bro Peter

 Ps. here are some words for if you want to pick one or more for meditation today.  Animals Attachment Awakening Awareness Compassion Contemplation Death Desire Duality Ego Eternity Faith Fear Forgiving Freedom Giving God Good and evil Gratitude Humor Illusion Impermanence Infinity Joy Knowledge Life Longing Mind Nature Peace Prayer Reality Renunciation Selflessness Simplicity Soul Spiritual journey Stillness Suffering Surrender The body The Self The world Truth Work

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Once again Maisy the Dogue De Staff gets in the blog. Plus of course photos of my art which YOU are the first to see after God and me!

Good day my wonderful brothers and sisters.

I drove over to Cambridge yesterday to visit Harry, my twelve year old son, who is winning the battle against Leukemia. My thanks to those of you who are praying for us.

I have been using art as always, to out any negative thoughts and emotions. Instilling only a positive attitude and feelings.

So, without any further ado I will - as I sit here with a Rooibos  tea - get on with the blog.

 Here is Maisy having a kip on the sofa this morning!
Now though, below is the art.

I am excited about the future and I am that.

  I love my family even if they do not understand me completely.

 There is a good reason I was paired with this perfect family.

  I listen with love to this inner conflict and reflect on it until I get to peace around it.

 . I may not understand the good in this situation yet but it is there.

 I am the creator of my existence and I am Love.

 Wonderful thing unfold before me.

 . I know the situation will work out for my highest good.

 Nervousness surrounding what I want to do is a good sign.

  I trust my inner light and intuition to guide me.

 I trust myself.

 . I am drawing from my inner strength and inner light.

I am a unique child of this world.

I have every bit as much brightness to offer the world as the next person.

 I focus on breathing and grounding myself.

 I take pleasure in my own solitude.

  I am too big a gift to this world to feel self-pity and sadness.

I love and approve of myself.

This is it for today's blog folks. Please pass it to others, along with the love we should all be centering upon. Your bro Peter.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

I am praying for our brothers and sisters in the Ukraine to be living in a free and loving country. Please join me in prayer and peaceful meditation to empower our brothers and sisters in receiving justice.

 Pro-Russian activists outside Donetsk regional administration building

Here now is my latest art interspersed with our beloved puppy Maisy.

 Have a good day my brothers and sisters and centre and focus on Love and forgiveness.

Your bro Peter..

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Our dream is possible, but we have to wake up and create a better reality.

Good day my wonderful brothers and sisters..
I had a good sleep and vaguely remember having a good dream whilst asleep. 
Now though I want good dreams to remember whilst awake.
Lets wake up and smell the coffee.
I got up early and took Maisy over the sports field. Here below is a photo I took a couple of hours or so ago.

 “If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar

 “The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking.” – Robert H Schuller

 “Learning is a gift. Even when pain is your teacher.” - Maya Watson

 “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha

                                              “Hope is a waking dream.” – Aristotle

 “Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.” – Francesca Reigler

 “I do believe we’re all connected. I do believe in positive energy. I do believe in the power of prayer. I do believe in putting good out into the world. And I believe in taking care of each other.” - Harvey Fierstein

Although you can see these quotes were bought into being by individuals other than us, at our core we are all one and can claim them and own them as our own..  Peter G Kimble & YOU

I love you and pray this day is
for you and that goodness
emanates for us and through us, as

          “If you want light to come into your life, you need to stand where it is shining.” – Guy Finley

 “We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.” – Robin Sharma

“You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream.” – C.S Lewis

 You all have a great day my adorable brothers and sisters and know that you are loved.
Peter G Kimble

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Painting not drowning.. My youngest son is still battling Leukemia and I am doing my hardest to be strong for both my sons.


GRRRR I am mad at that cancer and want to kill it with my `bear` hands. I will have to be content to use my heart and mind..

Pray with my family with me please, for Harry to get better. Also pass this on. 

Thank you..


Now for some of my latest art
which after God
&me, you are
the first to




 I do hope my brothers and sisters that Harry will win his biggest battle and then when he gets back to his and Joshua's boxing club it will seem like childs play in comparison to the enemy he has defeated with the grace of God!

I also hope of course that you have enjoyed my art which for me is a creative expression of hope for good things to come unto you and me.
When I say `things` this is not limited to the material, but the spiritual and emotional also.
Every so often I question if I have no intimate loving relationship with a lady, because I am meant to be of the third order! ( a celibate un-ordained monk) or as I have put my life in Gods hands, then He is waiting for my sons to be open to women coming into our lives..

Yeah I sigh and by and by must pick myself up by my bootstraps and say that fortitude is inside!
You all have a good day and if anyone does want to maybe be an E friend then send me a line to

Best wishes for all to have a great day. 
Peter G Kimble  
 ps. This below is a painting done not long ago which I came across the image just now and wanted to add for you.