Friday, 30 September 2011

11.20 and got to go to bed but if a couple people looking at blog, I will say enjoy and God bless.


Really its Fish on Friday, but I thought the above caption went with this image of me. When we look at other people are we constantly aware that God made them in his image. Now, the image is a likeness and not the real thing. Its a start though. We have to go deeper than the surface. This is where the spirit of love which links all things resides. As you can guess if you read yesterdays blog, I am going to tell you that most people deny it! Its a fact , as they do not have awareness of that which they have not yet experienced. First comes the faith, then the experience!
Now I shall impart some writing from our sister, Paula Giddings, for those of us on the journey to become enlightened beings.
When the image above was taken of my physical body, I was as an artist portraying a small aspect of a much greater reality. How often do we look at an image and a thought pops into our consciousness we cannot really justify. When you look at the picture above of me, do you realize that this is a picture of a person working hard on a spiritual journey. A person who loves all his family. Who prays often for his two sons. Also for his exwife and his ex lodger to have a bountiful life together. For them to also demonstrate I pray , a loving relationship to my sons. ( I dont mind if my elder sister edits this blog, as I am not sure of some of its revelence!)
You know its maybe the hottest day so far here in the UK today. So I shall leave you with Proberbly my shortest spiritual quote. `We reap what we sow.` Peace and love to all of you, Your brother, Peter

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Its okay to be different. War against conformity. Go for it.

Had a breakthrough yesterday in my art therapy session with Kate. I'm alright with my differences. If other people can`t accept me that is not my problem.
I am alright with who I am, fine, and I am changing every beautiful day. Its brilliant to see clearly now, some of the things I have to do.
I am at war with my ego. Maybe my super ego is having a battle with my ego. The ego is the force of authority. Its the moderater, but can dish out punishment!
To recap and explain further.
" The Ego"
Mostly conscious
balance between the Id & the Super Ego
works on reality principle
creates a compromise which is mutually
The "ego" is always caught in the middle
and that leads to one of two things:
Neurotic Anxiety
Nervous Anxiety
The "ego" stems of the "id" and thus makes it easier for the person to communicate what it is that they want. Without beingseen as socially inept.
Without conflict, the "ego" would not have a role in the persons mind.
The Super Ego
Lessons. Rewards. Punishments.
Moral center
Reflects actions for which you`ve been
Ego Ideal:
Parent`s / caregivers rewarded or approved of
in their (and your) lifetime.
"SuperEgo" is the polar opposite of the "Id"

The two forces of the mind (Id and Super Ego) are constantly struggling against one another, thus creating conflict.
(which the Ego settles)
Brothers and sisters. This is obviously not just in my unconscious mind the battles go on, but in most peoples. So whilst most people think they have conscious control over their lives, boy are they in the DARK. Wake up, or to put it in a more recognisable form, become awakened spiritual beings and win the war.
This is why the fight to become enlightened beings is worth fighting the battles in the first instance, to hopefully eventually win the war!

Look at the light at the bottom of the above picture and realize darkness has no power.
Your brother Peter

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Having three followers is wonderful. Three is my favourite number.

Good day to all who see this. Especially my three followers, Sabastuab Dolinski, Annie and am-a-sta.
A neighbour of mine introduced me to and it seems like a good thing to me. She also said look up `The Banker` with Bill Nighy on you tube. He is a good actor and he gets my blessing for taking part. After I spent six years in the Philippines and seeing some people work so hard and yet still unable to afford basic things like medicines, I understand the meaning of disparity. Also my heart and prayers go out to the street children in the Philippines and anywhere else in the world. Anyway I am for the see if you can be too. Spread the word!


~Walk on a rainbow trail;
walk on a trail of song,
and all about you will be beauty.
There is a way out of every dark mist,
over a rainbow trail.

Navajo song

I do the very best I know how
- the very best I can; and I
mean to keep doing so until
the end. If the end brings me
out all right, what is said
against me won`t amount to
anything. If the end brings me
out wrong, ten angels
swearing I was right would
make no difference.

Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

Back to the title of this blog. You may not need me to explain it and if thats the case, then skip this bit as I dont fully understand it myself. Three is the trinity of God. Also, as far as I know its the only time we have three consecutive prime numbers. I know famous and even infamous people could have thousands of followers. Some of the religeous gurus that have had many followers, have been corrupted by thier ego reamerging and seperating them from the source of all that is.

For some time I went to a baptist church, here in Luton, England. There would be sometimes a couple of hundred in the congregation, to be almost in rapture listening to the head pastor. Now, one of the karmic Christian principles I like to follow is, to do unto others as you would have done unto you. For surely we do reap what we sow. Pure physics + more. One day I was asked if I would help him clear his garden, I of course said yes. It took most of the day and as I recall I didnt so much help him, as I cleared the garden. Being that he was the leader of the church I had to look at it as helping the church and not just Brian. What galled me though, was at lunch time he bought out a sandwich for me and went inside to sit at the table with his wife and eat a meal!

My sons would often tell me that they didn't like to go to that church and most often I told them we had to. Once though I said, come on lets leave, before the service starts. I did witness one great memorable happening. This church has a sister church in the Phillipines and one day they had a second collection to go to help the street children in Manila. My youngest son, asked me if it was okay to put his pocket money in. I of course said yes, which brought tears to my eyes, as he put all his weekly money in. It reminded me of Jesus rebuking those who look down on those who have little to give. We dont all have money to give and often money isnt the solution.

At the end of it I found my boys are happy going to All saints with me and their gran, Lola Mavis. Our little Anglican church, with our good spiritual leader, Father Richard (who himself has been made a cannon) and a congregation who act like Jesus did. The last canon I knew was cannon Jenkins at Christ church here in Luton, when I was a choirboy, about fortyfive years ago. That of course before I was sixteen and my father died, leaving me to go quickly downhill. Still thats another story for another day. Now the birds are singing and the sun is shining. Im going to take the Buster out over Popes meadow now. O yes, the real date and time here as I post this, is, 8.10am wed 28th Sept.
Peace and love to all beings. Your brother, Peter

I found a new friend and took him over the park.

Good day to you. Here is a picture of me with one of my latest found objects. My first thought was to call it Marvin the Meercat. Then it just occurred to me, why not call it, `Stuffed fur fabric` finally realizing it may be pretending to be a female meercat and not a stuffed toy, I am settling on naming it Stevie Smith. I like Stevie Smith, especially her poem, `Not waving, but drowning.` Im not going to share that with you today as it may get me thinking about my late wife in a maudlin way. Instead here is some Paulo Coelho for you.

Every day, God gives us, as well as the sun,

a moment when it is possible to change anything

that is causing us unhappiness.

The magic moment is the moment when

a `yes` or a `no` can change our whole existence.

Every day, we try to pretend that we do not see

that moment, that it does not exist,

that today is the same as yesterday

and tomorrow will be the same tool

However, anyone who pays close attention to

his day will discover the magic moment.

It might be hidden in the instant

that we put the key in the door in the morning,

in the moment after supper,

in the thousand and one things

that appear to us to be the same.

This moment exists, a moment in which

all the strength of the stars flows through us

and allows us to perform miracles.


Oh yes, another great toy I found was an animaltronic lifelike cat that makes noises and moves. That's going to be given to Linda, a very special lady, who is unable to look after a real cat due to her learning difficulties. My sister Vivs partner Di is like a guardian for her.

Okay, I am off to the library to take some books back.

May all beings be happy

May all beings be joyfull

May all beings be in peace Your brother, Peter

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Its enough to make a grown man cry! A. W. Tozer 1897-1963

The following is taken from the book, Whatever happened to worship.
A young man talked to me about his spiritual life. He had been a Christian for several years, but he was concerned that he might not be fulfilling the will of God for his life. He spoke of coldness of heart and lack of spiritual power. I could tell that he was discouraged - and afraid of hardness of heart.
I gave him a helpful expression which has come from the writings of Bernard of Clairvaux: "My brother, only the heart is hard that does not know it is hard. Only he is hardened who does not know he is hardened. When we are concerned for our coldness, it is because of the yearning God has put there. God has not rejected us."
God puts the yearning and desire in our hearts, and He does not turn away and thus mock us. God asks us to seek His face in repentance and love and we then find all of His gracious fullness awaiting. In God`s grace, that is a promise for the whole wide world.
You have read of Blaise Pascal, the famous 17th century French scientist often classed as one of the six great thinkers of all time. He was considered a genius in mathematics, and his scientific inquiry was broad. He was a philosopher and a writer. But best of all, he experienced a personal, overwhelming encounter with God one night that changed his life.
Pascal wrote on a piece of paper a brief account of his experience, folded the paper and kept it in a pocket close to his heart, apparently as a reminder of what he had felt. Those who attended him at his death found the worn, creased paper. In Pascal`s own hand it read:
From about half-past ten at night to about half-past midnight-fire! O God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob-not the God of the philosophers and the wise.The God of Jesus Christ who can be known only in the ways of the Gospel. Security-feeling-peace-joy-tears of joy. Amen.
Were these the expressions of a fanatic, an extremist?
No. Pascal`s mind was one of the greatest. But the living God had broken through and beyond all that was human and intellectual and philosophies. The astonished Pascal could only describe in one word the visitation in his spirit: "Fire!"
Understand that this was not a statement in sentences for others to read. It was the ecstatic utterance of a yielded man during two awesome hours in the presence of his God.
There was no human engineering or manipulation there. There was only wonder and awe and adoration wrought by the presence of the Holy Spirit of God as Pascal worshiped.
What we need among us is a genuine visitation of the Spirit. We need a sudden bestowment of the spirit of worship among God`s people.
Maybe my brothers and sisters when I was reading some of that, the tears I cried were for those who have yet to experience the power of Gods love in their lives. I can never give up praying that they will open their hearts to this awesome grace, rather at dawn than sunset. Even though if they leave it until midnight they will see God the Father waiting for them with open arms. Maybe some tears cried were for my joy at welcoming God into my everything.
I give joy and love to all, knowing that the gift of life is not to me alone.
I share my good.
I accept life completely, without reservation, having the conviction that good is the eternal Reality, that God is the everlasting presence, that Christ within me is the eternal Guide, that my life is complete today.
Find peace. Be peace. Go in peace.
Brother Peter

Definatly sunday. So how about Pilippians!

Good day to you all and peace. My sons went back to there mums a couple of hours ago. So now its just me and the Buster here. So as its quiet now how about some reflection on the above title by Margaret Mitton, an ecumenical Christian. She devotes herself to writing and helping other on their own journey. Margaret sounds like a woman after my own heart, which is the heart of jesus!
Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with the bishops and deacons: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God every time I remember you, Constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now. I am confiednt of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.
Image what a difference it would make if, every time we remembered someone for whom we are grateful, we were to express that gratitude in some way, either directly or indirectly, in word or in deed. Gratitude helps us to recognise how much we owe to others and, ultimately, to God.
Even when we realize too late how grateful we are to those who have gone before us, we can still express that gratitude by passing on a word of appreciation and affirmation to those who are close to us now. We can `pay forward` the kindness in this way when we cannot `pay it back`. When we give thanks to God for the food on our tables, for example, we cannot thank all those who have helped to put it there, but we can ask God that the energy it gives us might be used for the benefit of others.
Today Paul tells his friends in Philippi that every thought of them is a prayer of thaksgiving. If we, too, could live like this, we would be like fireflies, constantly emitting sparks of gratitude into the darkness. Eventually, and collectively , this would turn the darkness into light. The spark of gratitue that each of us expresses leads us all a little closer to a world made radiant by the light of God.
A word of gratitude spreads into a pool of love, its ripples
reaching those we may never meet. Is ther someon for whom
you want to thank God, today?
Okay now the time is getting on and Im a thinking that the Buster will have to go out again soon. Its twenty past eight in the evening. Sunday still here in Luton, England and yep that is the Luton, England on planet earth, not the Luton, England on planet Bling in the incredulous rich galaxy of infinate stupidity. Though I do know how some beings looking only at the earths leaders and track record get us mixed up. So in peace and good faith I am sighning off (is this a new word sighed the artist readying his self to leave the key bored.) Joke lang. (lang one of my favorite filipino words.) Never give up on God, but if you so its not the end, as he still wont give up on you. Bye to all who follow my blogs, especially my followers, three. A trinity!
Your brother of Christ, Peter

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Death where is thy sting

Good day, brothers and sisters. On awaking I thought of Tracy my beloved late wife. She died in her twenties, a beautiful and innocent soul. Here am I now in my fifties. Most days are not a struggle, but a blessing to encounter. Occasionally, as today I awake with a heaviness, that must be shaken of, lest it becomes a burden all day. So in a book called God On Mute, I came across the following poem written in memory of an eighteen year old named Karl, who was killed in a car crash.
A thousand words can`t bring you back
We know because we`ve tried,
Neither will a thousand tears
We know because we`ve cried.
You left behind broken hearts
And happy memories too,
But we never wanted memories
We only wanted you.
RIP mate.
Its very easy to when missing someone, to wish that you could have them back. Tracy was sometimes tortured by her depression.
In the end the only way to escape it was to take her life and accidentally give me a brain injury!
Now sitting here at the keyboard I am literally crying, which brings the Buster (my faithful dog) over, bless him. So though I do miss Tracy dearly, I am glad that she is I hope at rest.
My second and now, thankfully ex wife, I do not miss, yet wish her well. Her and my ex lodger I hope will spend many years deserving each other.
The birds are singing and I must go and buy two treats to put under my sons pillows as they are coming here today.
To my lone follower I give thanks and bid you well.
Peace and love to all who read this, please pass it on. (the peace and love)

Friday, 23 September 2011


Great mystics and also novices like myself will tell you that the great mysteries of lide are waiting for anyone who seeks them. Jesus said, `Knock and the door will open.` When the door opens we discover we are already where we need to be - right here and now.
I knocked and the door
but I found I has been
knocking from the inside
Sufi Mystic
There is nothing to change. Everything is perfect just the way it is. We didn't need to find our `Way`, only to get out of the way - to transcend our preoccupations with our separate self and realize that God has been right next to us all along. Closer than that - God is our very self. That is after we have jettisoned our ego.
This is the humour of our predicament. Each one of us is God playing a cosmic game of hide and seek with Himself. Many choose to play this game and find as they start a set of rules applying to a specific philosophy or spiritual faith. For others and in this I include myself - as a universal mystical being - our search is wider and deeper. It is all of the life we are living. Each moment on the journey from birth to death is a fantastic opportunity to awaken. We will be faced with many troubles and difficulties along the way, yet we have no cause to worry, for each life of each one of us is designed to lead us to our destination. Sometimes we have to take our hands of the steering wheel, our feet of the pedals, letting go of control and letting God take over.
The mystic experience take us beyond our worries, fears and reactions to a place where we are simply in love with lide itsel, in all its variety. There is a good and bad - and that is perfect. There is meaning, but it can never be expressed. There is love which can never be exausted. There is knowledge, but no opinions. There is happiness, but for no reason other than it is good. There is equanimity in the face of changing fortunes and compassion for all beings. Everything is God. Everything is the ebb and flow of the Tao - ever - changing and ever the same as its always been.
Just to catch this moment with an open heart is all it takes to transform a troubled life into an extraordinary journey of awakening. Zen master Zuigan would greet himself each morning and request of himself, `Today please try to wake up`. to which he waould answer, `Yes, indeed I will.` This awakening cannot be learned, but it is real and it is possible. This is ultimately all that the great mystics can reveal to us.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Peace and Love to you on International Peace day

Greetings to you on this international peace day. I took a picture of the multi coloured flag with PEACE written on it to post on this blog, but unfortunately I am unable to put it on.
So I am hoping this `peace` of creative writing will make up for any short comings.
P lease
E nact
A ll
C hrist
E thics
The important thing to keep in mind, in the front of our minds today is that it is international peace day. So my brothers and sisters, peace to you from me and the power of love that dwells in me. Peter G Kimble
Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace. Money will come if we seek the kingdom of God - the rest will be given. Mother Teresa
If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace. Thich Naht Hanh
The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindmess, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control Against such things there is no law. (Galations 5:22)
The LORD blesses his people with peace. (Psalm 29:11)
Today and if not today then one day we shall hear that Peace has broken out all over the world. The killing has ended. The rape has ended. The poverty has ended. God almighty make me an instrument of your peace, so as to infect all I meet with your Love. Amen and amen.
Brothers and sisters I am joined by the sweet birdsong outside. Its reminded me that Buster would like to go out for his second run of the morning. So I leave you now, my brothers and sisters, with peace and love. Peter

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

I affirm; Love creates. In part through William Booth.

Well Ive heard the saying in a pigs ear, well how about a dogs ear, courtesy of Buster.
The sums of London were the stomping grounds for drunkenness and skulduggery. William Booth founded the Salvation Army to battle against that using the armoury of Gods Grace and power.
The Salvation Army has always had its slogan, "Blood and Fire." I am for that in the things of God. We know of cleansing by blood of Christ. The references to God`s workings often have to do with a holy flame. John the Baptist in Matthew 3:11 said, "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance.... he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire. Earthly fire will purify metals and cleanse the ground. The holy flame will purify our souls.
There ought to be a birth from above and within. There should be a terror of seeing ourselves in violent contrast to the holy, holy, holy God. A W Tozer said that unless we come into this place of conviction and pain, I am not sure how deep and real our repentance will ever be.
Before we go off to change the world, or save others we should save ourselves. We do this by surrendering our whole being to Almighty God. We allow ourselves to be possessed by the Holy Spirit and be as children under its direction.
So my brothers and sisters. We live in exiting times, where spiritual mystics and physicists are coming closer to mutual understing of the nature of the universe. When we set of with good intentions and works, we will find ourselve aided by an invisable power greater than electricity, or micro waves. The power of God can work through us and for us. It is pure distilled 100% Love.
Coming up for six in the morning and I am going to take the Buster out now for a little run. Have a great day. Peace and love, pass it on. Your brother Peter.

Good morning to wake up and have to fight depression!

Have you ever had one of those days when you just dont want to get out of bed? I awoke to one this morning. When I rang my mobile phone from my land line, to try and locate it! Well it rang. Not in my flat though. Good old Buster (pictured right) needed to go over the park and be fed.
Met a fellow who lives down the road. He was over the park with `Inca`. a cross Labrador/German Shepherd. Funny how I and maybe some others, find it easier to remember dogs names, yet not the peoples! Anyway, he said that my art would be more widely known if I went on facebook. I replied that I tried and couldnt set it up. He then told me that even a child can do it. No I didnt say f**ck off. I just realized how they call brain injury a hidden dissability, partly because people cannot see how difficult it is to do the thing they can with ease. Its taught me not to take things, - yep that includes, butterflies, cabbages and concepts - for granted.
I must not forget to walk Buster down the vets this morning and make a note of his weight. He is rather on the thin side. Yet he has been since I got him. Or perhaps, since he got me.
Then this afternoon My mother wants me to drive her to church. Then there will just be the evening to occupy constructively!
I will use writing the following, by Ernest Holmes to envigorate me today
It says in the Bible, "Ask and ye will receive". This is one of the most wonderful statements ever uttered. It implies that there is a Power which can and will honor your request. At the same time Jesus said that you should not ask amiss. However, these two sayings of Jesus are not contradictory. They merely mean that you should ask in the nature of the Divine Life which is love, truth, beauty, power, wisdom, goodness and peace.
Anything you ask in this nature you have a right to expect to receive. But it is only as you let go of the lesser that you can take hold of the greater, only as you drop confusion that you can entertain peace, only as you transcent doubt and fear that you can be lifted up to the hill tops of the inner Life. In asking, you must identify yourself with the greatmess of the Spirit. This is the only way you can breathe this Almighty Power. Permit you consciousness, through faith, to rise to a greater and broader realization of that Divine Presence which is always delivering Itself to you.
Believing that the Divine Mind is ever present, that Divine Intelligence is ever available, open your consciousness to Its guidance. Keep your mind steadfast and loyal to the thought that you are govened by this Divine Intelligence. Feel that you are impelled to make right decisions, that you are compelled to act upon these decisions intelligently, and know that the Power that is with you cannot desert you. Say:
My knowledge that the great I am is ever
available gives me an increasing capacity to
draw upon It and to become inwardly
aware of the presence of Spirit.
Through the quiet contemplation of the
omni-action of Spirit, I learn to look quietly
and calmly upon every false condition, see-
ing through it to the other side of the ivisi-
ble Reality which molds conditions and re-
creates all of my affairs after a more nearly
Divine pattern.
With a penetrating spiritual vision I can dis-
sipate the obstruction, remove the obstacle,
dissolve the wrong condition.
Standing still, I can watch the sure salvation
of the Law.
I now claim health instead of sickness,
wealth instead of poverty, happiness in-
stead of misary.
Every thought of fear or limitation is re-
moved from my consciousness.
I know that my word transmutes every
energy into constructive action, producing
Health, harmony, happiness and success.
I know there is something at the center of
my being which is absolutely certain of it-
It has complete assurance and it gives me
complete assurance that all is well.
I maintain my position as a Divine Being
here and now.
I know that in this consciousness of Reality
is the supply for my ever need-physical,
mental or spiritual-and I accept that
supply in deepest gratitude.
I am thankful that this is the way Life ful-
fills my needs, through the doorway of my
inner self, and I am thankful that I know
how to use this perfect Law.
I come to this great Fountain Supply, in
the very centre of my being, to absorb that
for which I have need, mentally and physi-
cally, and I am filled with the sense of the
Reality of that which I desire.
As I am filled with Reality I permit It to flow
into my world of thought and action, know-
ing that it brings peace, harmony and order
all around me.
There arises within melimitless faith in the
unconquerable Presence, the perfect Law,
and Divine Action.
What my brothers and sisters I like to do, ever since school, is not just to read a book, but write down in longhand, that which I want to be absorbed below the conscious level. This way it is more likely to become the reality of which I am a co-partaker.
Good is at the root of everything, regardless of its seeming absence. But this good must be recognized. Since there is but one Spirit and this Spirit is in you and in everthing, then everywhere you go you will meet this Spirit. You meet this Spirit in people, in places, in things. There is a Divine Essence perneating everything, flowing through everything, becoming all things. This one Spirit, which manifests Itself in and through all, including yourself, automatically adjusts parts to the whole. Therefore, you may accept with positive certainty that the Spirit within you does go before you and prepares your way.
This is no idle conclusion, no empty dream, no forlorn hope. Your faith is placed in something positive, certain as the laws of life, exact as the principle of mathematics, ever present, ever operating like the laws of nature.
Ive just noticed that the photo of Buster isnt the most flattering, but what the heck, Ive got to get going. Going to have a bright day of the soul with my spirit lifted as by angels. You too. Blessings and peace to you. Your brother in Christ, Peter.

Monday, 19 September 2011

rectification for mistakews in previous blg.

Can you know what its like to spend an hour constructing a great blog, to see it dissapear?

I just wrote a massive blog which disappeared. I was telling you before it disappeared how me and a guy performed two pieces of performance art in Broadmoor Special Hospital in the 1980`s.
Firstly we both rode on a sponsored biker ride to raise money from patients and staid for the Great Almond street children's hospital. Secondly , we trotted up and down, in front of the wards, in a pantomime horse costume, doing the hokey cokey dance.
This guy was a natural born artist. Could have been a reincarnation of Richard Dadd, who as an inmate some eons before. Okay back to now and you. What I was mainly talking about in the last blog, was an American guy named Micheal Morgan. An ex Vietnam vet whom I met in the Philippines and had had a bad blood transfusion, so was slowly dying. One day he said to me. Peter, if I didnt know you, then all the stories youve told me I`d think were from two or three peoples lives, not just yours! He did die and I dont think, in fact I know as I was there, that his two sons didnt come from Texas for his funeral. Maybe nobody told them! R.I.P. Micheal Morgan.

Afternoon post,just to share an idea.

Welcome my sisters and brothers to a peaceful blog today.

My neighbour sent me this photo that he took of the moon, a few nights ago. Its serene and I would like to share some writing it made me contemplate. whilst the author is the wonderful Ernest Holmes, this is from me to you.
Learn how to think abundantly. Think of the vastness of everything, the limitlessness of space, the numberless grains of sand on the seashore-how abundant, how lavish nature is! Learn to see abundance in everything, to multiply the good you already possess. Be consciously one with the law of abundance. Expectancy will speed your progress. Say:
I believe the Law of good will bring every
good and perfect thing to me and will bless
everyone I contact.
Now think of the thing you desire, and say:
I know that the Law of Good is operating
upon this idea.
I speak this word with implicit confidence,
belief and acceptance.
I know that it shall not return unto me void.
I know that I shall experience the good
which I now affirm.
Moon & Sun Yin & Yang Hot & Cold
The sun has lit up my whole apartment now and has revealed to me something I hadn't noticed before. The `Peace` of stain glass art which done before I went off to the Philippines for six yearsis all prime colours exept for the small bit of orange. I took for inspiration an abstract painting. I wanted to make an artpiece which could be appreciated by amongst other, those with limited, or no eyesight. The textured glass and the lead are very tactile. Of course in the early morning it will feel different as cold, to the mid afternoon!
Peace, Love and Soham to all my brothers & sisters. Those who can read this and those who are unable to. Especially the children at the orphanage I would visit outside Cagayan De Oro, in the Philippines. May God bless all beings and eventually bring them home.
Your brother, Peter G Kimble.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Sunday Morning Post

The birds are starting to sing and the kettle has just boiled. Are, I have just made a nice cup of coffee, yet am aware that by the time its drunk, its only fair that I should be ready to take buster out for some exercise!
My two boys are going to have their first conformation lesson today at church. I just remembered something that the three of us came up with on our last holiday, whilst camping in the Peak district of England. If one of us said " So be it," then another would say,"For the greater good." then the other would say, "In good faith." The order they were said would be rearranged on impulse. We go to all saints church in Luton. Although as a lot of people know, the church is the people and not the building. The greatest Temple of God was destroyed around two thousand year ago, but rebuilt in three days. My Lord is a strong tower and I run into him.
Today I uncover the perfection within me.
In its fullness I reveal the indwelling Kingdom.
I look out upon the world of my affairs,
knowing that the Spirit within me makes my
way both immediate and easy.
I know there is nothing in me that could pos-
sibly obstruct or withhold the divine circuit
of Life and Love, which Good is.
My word dissolves every negative thought
or impulse that could throw a shadow over
my perfection.
Good shines through my thoughts and actions.
Good harmonizes my mind, so that Love
sings joyously in my heart.
I am completely conscious of All-Good in
me, around me and in all that is.
I am in complete unity with Good.
I have complete confidence in my knowl-
edge and understanding of the Law of
I not only know what the Law is, I know
how to use It.
I know that I shall obtain definite results
through the use of It.
I realize that doubts about your ability to use
this Law are things of thought.
What thought has produced, thought can
Knowing this, having confidence in my abil-
ity to use the Law, and using It daily or
specific purposes, gradually I build up an
unshakable faith, both in the Law and the
possibility of demonstrating It.
There is no doubt in me, no uncertainty ris-
ing through me.
My mind rejoices in certainty and in assur-
I confidently expect that my word shall not
return unto me void.
Therefore, today I declare that the Law of
the Lord is perfect in everything that I do.
It will externalize happiness, It will bring
every good thing to me.
Today I am inwardly aware that there is a
secret way of the soul, there is a secret path-
way of peace, there is an invisible Presence
forever externalizing Itself for me and
through me.
Today I believe in Divine Guidance.
Today I believe that "underneath are the
everlasting arms."
Today I must rest in this divine assurance and
this divine security.
I know, not only that all is well with
my soul, my spirit and my mind-all is well
with my affairs.
We can choose to live in the house of God. The household of God is "the secret place of the most High" within you and within all. The inmates of this household are all divine. They will become as divine to you as you permit. As you look at them they look back at you, for this is the way of life.
Everything responds to you at the level of your recognition of it.
In the household of God there is no jealousy, no littleness nor meanness. It is a household of joy, a place of happiness and contentment. Here is warmth, colour and beauty. Seen in this light, you earthly house symbolizes the Kingdom of Divine Harmony in which no one is a stranger. Say:
I welcome all joy and love today to come into me come through me and to shine on all I see.
I especially bless those who feel alone and want there soul to feel the real presence of my Love
for them.
The birds are singing and I have an hour to shower, shave. Drive to my ex wife's house, getting halfway down the road and realizing its best to come back and get dressed. (joke)
Thank you, God for the people who look at this today, may they welcome you into their day. May we all use our unique gifts to worship you through all we do today. Remembering that the smiles and looks and words we give are meant to be your which are being channeled through us.
Please help us to be glad and willing in our giving , each new day.
I tried to put on this blog a great picture of the moon that my good neighbour Long took, but then I couldn't as I hadn't asked his permission. If he is in agreement then it might become a part of a Sunday supplement.
Peace and Love to you all. Peter

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Fish on Friday for some: Fasting for me.

This picture is one I took of the skyline here in luton. Some may tell you that what you are wanting is pie in the sky. Or you`ve got your head in the clouds. Get grounded. Down to earth. Expressions like these can at times can be appropriate, yet may at others be a hindrance and dissuade a heroic endeavor. Then they perhaps ought to tell you to, reach for the clouds and the sky`s the limit.
I am going to spend at least three days fasting, free from solid foods and just knocking back good old tap water and herbal teas. The last time I did a three day fast I was felling great and thought that the next time I did one I could extend the time. With this in mind, three days will only be a stage to decide if its good to carry on.
Let me move back to the sky. The sky, or outer space contains our sun which gives life to this world. Have you noticed how growing plants will move towards the direction of the sun, to get every bit of life force available.
Isaiah said, if you do this, "Thy sun shall no more go down ... for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended." St Gregory tells us that the sun signifies the illumination of truth. The sun stands for the inner spiritual Principle. When this sun shines, all obstructions are removed. This poetic utterance of Isaiah represents the everlasting sun of truth as the incarnation of God within each one of us, which the Bible calls The Christ.
I don't leave it there. Buddha said, "this light is like a medicine in destroying the poison of human corruption. It is like water in removing dirt and defilement. It is like a magic jewel in giving all good fortune." Jesus referred to it as " the pearl of great price." This light is not something we go in search of - although many do go off on fruitless journeys to find their self - the light is already within the self. This is why the Bible refers to man as "a candle of the Lord."
I pray we can continue to become enlightened, so as to spread love and healing to others through our countenance and good works. As an aside, your prayers for me to grow in spiritual strength over this next weeks praying and faster will be warmly appreciated. You all have a good weekend also.
Your brother Peter

Thursday post. The sun is shining and did I have any choice over getting a brain injury and reaffirming my status as an outsider

I got up this morning and couldn't find my glasses. They may be misplaced, or I could have lost them through vanity. I do remember yesterday evening over the grassland at stopsley with Buster, taking them off when I saw a woman without glasses and found her attractive. People like people like themselves. Maybe they fell out of my pocket. Maybe I put them down here before going to bed last night and they will turn up. Its of little importance, compared to my first wife killing herself and giving me a brain injury, then my second wife having an affair with one of my lodgers and running away to set up home with him! Now I know why Jesus wept. We love them all. We cant just love those who love us. We have to love those who even kill us and it it does break our hearts. Yet authentically live our lives to the full, it has to be done.
Its just dawned on me. The first paragraph had nothing at all to do with the title. Okay it did have a tenuous link, but I wont point it out as you may think I am pointing out the obvious. Why should I care what you think! Because I believe we are all one and those that haven't yet become enlightened need help at times along the way. It can be a long road for some. I know that I get weary at times. I don't revitalize myself with Pepsi Cola, I look outside of my self for inspiration to take part in a wonderful day. It was a bit embarrassing for me just now. I decided to stand up and jump up and down, whilst shouting, " Hey, today is going to be a great day." Buster who is lying sublime on the floor, just opened one eye, as if checking I wasn't going to go from strange to violent. The tone of my voice should have told him that. When I said Buster was lying on the floor sublime, that didn't mean the sublime as in he changed from solid to vapour. Though that would be a good trick if he could do it. Only though if he could change back again!
I had better push on and get this on the net, as I have to be at church for our Thursday morning communion service. The following I am sharing as a piece of art I came across this morning at just the right moment when it could have a transforming effect in my countenance and our day.
The following is by Paulo Coelho
Every day. God gives us, as well as the sun,
a moment when it is possible to change anything
that is causing us unhappiness,
The magic moment is the moment when
a `yes` or a `no` can change our whole existence.
Every day, we try to pretend that we do not see
that moment, that it does not exist,
that today is the same as yesterday
and that tomorrow will be the same too.
However, anyone who pays close attention to
his day will discover the magic moment.
It might be hidden in the instant
that we put the key in the door in the morning,
in the moment of silence after supper,
in the thousand and one things
that appear to us to be the same.
This moment exists, a moment in which
all the strength of the stars flows through us
and allows us to perform miracles.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Wednesday watchmen whats up!

Hi there folks, I was sure I had posted a blog today. Hang on whilst I go and stir the beans.
Okay, what I think it is , is that the blog isn't on British time. Well I just thought that how I cant always come up with my own original stuff, straight away , I`d share some of the words of wisdom that inspire me to soldier on! It might be a bit strange you think that they start of about death, but stick with it.
While I thought that I was learning to live, I have been learning how to die.
Leanardo Da Vinci
If some persons died, and other did not die, death would be a terrible affliction.
La Bruyere
Death, where art thou sting.
Father Of Light
Father of light, to thee I call;
My soul is dark within.
Thou who canst mark the sparrow`s fall,
Avert the death of sin.
Thou who canst guide the wandering star,
Who calm`st the elemental war,
Whose mantle is yon boundless sky;
My thoughts, my words, my crimes forgive,
And, since I soon must cease to live,
Instruct me how to die.
George Gordon, Lord Byron
When the moon is not full, the stars shine more brightly.
Buganda proverb
It is very dangerous to go into eternity with possibilities which one has oneself prevented from becoming realities. A possibility is a hint from God.
soren Kierkegaard
Shit happens, so why not grow roses.
The Mystic bit.
`Enough ideas! Ideas divide up the Whole. Following Tao in the world is as natural as a mountain stream, that becomes part of a valley brook, that becomes part of a great river, that flows to the One Sea.`
You and me may just drops in the ocean , but you can tell any one you like that without the drops that are you and me, All the waters in the world would just be like the dead sea. Alas folks thats all from me. I do hope to be able to drop in again, but for now I have to go and empty my mind for a while. Peace love and soham to you all, from your brother Peter
You and

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Being chased in a dream by three hells angels and the fighting which ensued.

Well sometimes our life is horrific and we cant wake up. Ten minutes ago I was able to wake up and realize that it was a dream. At the time though when they started to chase me down on their motorbikes no one told me and I wasn't aware that it was a dream. I couldn't outrun their motorbikes and yet in some dreams I would have been able to leap fifteen feet over them. Also although I was putting up a good fight. With just me against the three I just couldn't win. So it didn't take me many minutes upon awaking to realize that the meagre weapons I had available were just about useless against the enemy. It was my mind that created these enemies and I chose to run and fight them. When I was in the Philippines I was told the story of a woman that was attacked by thirty men. As one by one they took her, she prayed for each one. father, she said forgive them for doing this to me. This is not my body she went on to say, everything belongs to you.
So there I go getting sidetracked by incidental thoughts. Oh no, I know, its the fact that in my dream I decided to 1st run and secondly fight. It was only thirdly that I awoke and prayed. Obviously Id made the three attackers in the dream that I had run from. So I have prayed just now 106 times `Maranatha` on the mala beads. We cant escape what we are running from when its our own creation. We have to go outside ourselves in a sense to realize we need God inside us and God, no matter how almighty he is, cannot come inside us unless we invite Him.
The 18century philosopher,Hegal wrote, `Spirit is immortal; with it there is no past, no future, but an essential now .`
We miss our essential god nature because of our fears and desires. Desire is the memory of pleasure which we want to keep having. Fear is the memory of the pain which we seek to avoid. Perhaps if we stop seeking to avoid pain, then the pleasure will come of its own accord. Does that strike a cord!
Our dreams and also our memories are the stories we tell ourselves about who we have been, and therefore who we are. This covers up and hides from us the realization that our ego is scared of the truth, that it is not something separate. The truth is we are not just this life. Remember what I wrote earlier, spirit is immortal. Spirit is a form of energy and ask any good physicist, can energy die, or be destroyed. The trueful answer is, no it can only change form, but it will exist forever. A single photon of light will carry on being without end. Darkness though has no energy/power of its own and this is the same with evil. Evil has to currupt what is good to exist. It will try to seperate us by telling us we are differant. It will work on our fears or our fancies. Why should you want anothers great wealth, but not the other sorrow. Just be.
So its six in the morning and me and the Buster are just going to just be going over the park in a few minutes. So have a peacefull day, no matter the noise and madness around us. Love to you all, from, Peter and Abba

My greetings to you and now the sun is coming down I get to blog.

Going nowhere and doing nothing! Maybe Ive been going, but nowhere in particular. Also I have been doing something, but it wasn't something Id set out to do.
Me and the Buster were walking and running around some grassland over Stopsley on the edge of Luton. We came across a lovely young lady who wasn't finding life as wonderful as she aught to. She was attract, bright and had a good spirit about her. Yet The guy she had been seeing didnt seem to appreciate this and was perhaps more into wanting their relation ship to be, his relationship and on his terms. I didnt just offer advice. I was able to listen and also put my arm round to enable her to shed a few tears. Bless her and give thanks that me and Buster were able to be there to give some comfort to someone in a little emotional stress.
This is a real world and we are real people.
Like us though its not going to last forever.
Thats got to be good.
Immortal Spiritual beings cannot exist infinitely on a finite world!
This morning I was thinking about how some people define themselves as of a certain faith, or not. Then those of faith might be subdivided as practicing, not practicing, or even lapsed. Can this work with agnostics , or atheists? Perhaps they dont belive in comandents to follow, like do not steal, murder etc; yet dont do those things. Hey this could get a little bit crazy, but stay with me a minute. There are three large, seperate groups who follow the God of Abraham, Jews Christians and Muslims. Talk about putting up walls between each other, have you seen the massive wall people built in Isreal. I know its tiny compared to the great wall of China and expect thats why they dont call it the great wall. It has got some amazing art done on it though. Come on and do a minute of mental chanting; ONE WORLD ONE LOVE ONE WORLD ONE LOVE do it for one minute each day. Ive just done a bit to the ticking of my clock and reckon it a good to do about twenty to a minute. So if we started with five minutes upon awaking before we jumped out of bed and rushed around getting ready for the day, we might help the world and ourslves get in harmony. My blessings to all and my love goes especially any of you who feel lacking in love or appreciation. I apppreciate you and love you dearly. Your brother, Peter

Monday, 12 September 2011

The art of getting all I want. Nothing but Love.

Can you believe it that today I have all I want. In fact to be truthful, I have more than I want. I need to be here for my sons and my mother. At times I find this world is so unforgiving ( that its often different` religious` people, who are being bigoted and insular, that can be can be depressing for me. ) I don't want to leave out those who have no regard for others , so God help them (and me for that matter) to learn where they are getting it wrong. Whats that you say, can I change the subject? I sure can. Just took a photo of an artwork I'm working on, but can I put it on this blog. Can I heck. The computer makes a click as if its a dolphin and no picture. Sorry about that. Maybe in a later post, my neighbough `Long` will pop round and help me.
So for now I will put it out of my mind and follow what St John teaches. In order to receive the plentiful return promised by Christ one must not desire to take pleasure in anything , to possess anything, to be anything, to want anything. He maintains that we can never be at peace until we control our selfish desires which keep us in a state of restless agitation and often activate one or another of the capital sins. It is necessary to hold oneself in a state of holy indifference, satisfied with whatever God wills for us. These are the sentiments expressed by St John in his poem. Glosa a lo Divinno.
From creatures now my soul is free,
Detached from all created things;
Now she at last has taken wings
And lives her life delectably.
To God, and God alone she clings.
Before I started this blog I was feeling a bit vulnerable to feelings of a bruised ego. Me and Buster had a run in with some Asian youths over the field behind our flats smoking marijuana. Lets just say they were angry that Buster was barking at them, but Buster cant help but pick up the scent of people up to stuff they are nervous about. I left as I could see me acting in an non-saintly and Buster acting as German Shepard's can.
I am glad to impart that meditating on saint Johns little, but powerful poem has done the trick.
I leave you all with my love, blessings and peace, wishing that your path today is a good one.
Your Brother Peter

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Sunday evening my sons home and now quiet time for Buster and I.

Its strange how at the same time a person starts to understand the subject they are studying and immersed in, they get to a point when they think they are getting it and it hits them, they know nothing. What a realisation. All the knowledge they had spent accumulating has not been for nothing, but to bring them to the awareness of nothing. Then to open our eyes as if a child for the first time gazes at a wonderfull new world. Jesus says, `Except you become as little children, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.` ` If you want to to understand the Tao,` says the Chinese master Lap Tzu, `take a look at little children`.
To reach the maturity of spiritual enlightenment we must recapture the pristine immediacy that we experienced as little children. The mystical experience may sound strange and alien, but it is actually home. It returns us to that primal awareness that we knew even before we learned to talk; before we learned to think; before we learned to see ourselves as a separate and distinct individual. Until this point we still had a oneness with God. This is why Meister Eckhart says, (not to be foolled into thinking its Eckhart Tolle who says this!) `God is nearerto me than I am to myself.` It is only our `grown up` opinions and educated beliefs that stand between us and direct intuitive knowing.
Ironically, to walk the mysic path we must stay an eternal beginner, retaining the humble ignorance, innocence and enthusiasm with which we start the quest. `Zen mind is beginner`s mind,` says master Shunrye Suzuki, The quality of awareness realizxed in the mystic experience has the freshness and energy of the constant novice, and only this openness can sustain us on our adventure into consciousness. St Francois de Sales says; `Be patient with everyone, but above all with yourself. I mean do not be disheartened by your imperfections but always rise up with fresh courage. There is no better means of attaining to the spiritual life than by continually beggining again.
Hey folks, always remember to hit ground praying. Love peace and soham to you all, from your brother Peter.

Saturday, 10 September 2011


Living Free From Desire
Good day to all. I believe living free from desire only means from selfish desires. Our will is fueled by our desires. Mystics teach us to give up these desires and desire only what is. To transcend our separate self truly we must even abandon the desire for God or Truth or whatever name we give to our spiritual goal. Meister Eckhart wrote:
A man must become truly poor and as free from his own creaturely will as when he was born. And I tell you, by the eternal truth, that so long as you desire to fulfil the will of God and have any hankering after eternity and God, for just so long you are not truly poor. He alone has true spiritual poverty, who wills nothing, knows nothing, desires nothing.
The mystics tell us to concentrate all of our desires into the one desire to know God, and then finally, as we cross the threshold of realization, to be ready to abandon this also. The Hindus imagine the separate self consumed in fire, like a corpse on a funeral pyre. The disire tor God is like the stick with wich the priest stokes the fire to make sure the body is completely turned to ash; when it is, the stick too is thrown into the flames.
It was C S Lewis who said,"Dont think of God in terms of forms, because forms are limited." He also said,"When all the suns have passed away, each one of you will still be alive."
And the next one is a saying I could apply to many so called religious people, " A man is never so proud as when striking an attitude of humility." It should never be done that people put religeous laws, or government laws, higher than the Law of Love.
Buster has been out for his run and I suppose me also, though not as much as him. The sun is shining. Outside on the balcony Harry is sawing up wood the Buster brings back. Later in the day he can chop it into firewood for his auntyViv and her partner, aunty Di.
For anyone intersted in Contemplative prayer by Thomas Merton, then look it up at I hope this will be a help to at least one person as it was to me.
The signs
- at times imperceptible, at others very clear - are
all around us.
But they require careful interpretation
if they are to be transformed into a road map.
Manual of the warrior of light Paulo Coelho
One of my sons wants to go on the computer now and so I must go. Have a good day. Blessings and love, Peter

When the pathforks, which way do you go?

I took the upwards path with Buster a short while ago. On reflection I decided not to post a photo I took of a load of bird feathers, which was an obvious sign of a killing.
It reminds when I was seven or eight and saw on the road some blood and hair where a fellow pupil, Margaret Ryan hand been knocked down and killed. May her soul rest in peace.
.to move on, me and buster took the path upwards to a nice piece of sunlit meadow.
Eucharist means an act of thanksgiving. To celebrate the Eucharist and to live Eucharistically, then we must see our life as a wondrous gift. Its not easy to celebrate all the losses we have as time passes. Yet its only because of them that we can fully understand what a gift life is. Thinking too much of the time can dull our feelings, or make a person cynical. That why Jesus said we have to be like children(well, partly why.) The butterfly flittering about and the birdsong can be part of us if we just accept it. This doesnt mean its helpfull to ignore the sound of tanks rumbling through our streets or gunfire, but we mustnt accept it as part of us. We keep our attention on what is good and this will produce more goodness. This is the path, the way to awakening itself and is a sacred act of surrender and the ultimate act of love!
Now I have to spend some time on housework, so my sons dont come to an untidy unvacuumed flat this weekend.
So my brothers and sisters, whatever paths we take this weekend I trust in us being able to serve.

Oh yes, the word pathforks is it a word or two words. Anyway, that aside it reminded me of forks and fork handles or was it four candles. The two Ronnies sketch, which became a classic.
Another, just how fortunate it was for Barabas that he was due to be put to death at the same time as Jesus. I wonder if that changed him for the better!
Really got to go now. Peace and love to you all. Peter

Photographic remnents of killing and so took the other forked pathway

Friday, 9 September 2011

I met the woman of my dreams, it was still good to awaken.

Good day , peace, soham and shalom.
I'm feeling so good, as it was only a short while before waking I dreamt I was the perfect man for this lady I`d met She had long dark hair and eyes. No, her ewes weren't long, they were dark. She was tall maybe as tall as me 5`10, or taller or shorter it doesn't matter. What matters is to not have dreams like when I was a child trying to escape from monsters. I would go to sleep and the monsters would follow me into my dreams!
Anyway, back to this lady, who had long dark hair and brown , possibly blue, but more likely brown eyes. I would have to say I am like her. Try not to jump to assumptions, or conclusions. You know, if God can visit people in dreams and talk to someone through a donkey, well then he had just better get his skates on on bring us together. There is so much for us to do in this crazy unmerciful world. Oh yes, the picture. Well it is a picture is of Buster the German Shepherd dog who shares this humble abode and time with me. Now the two shadows, I thought it would be so cool to do another photo of me and her and the Buster. So if you believe you know who she is. Maybe some lady has seen my photo on a blog, read my writing and said, wow I`d like to spend some time with him. She may be in Israel, or Idaho. Birmingham or Berlin.
Ask her to email:
Okay, here is bit from the book Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman;
Possessions and changing fortunes don`t mean much in terms of happiness, but they are the stuff of life, and one aspect of the peaceful warrior`s way.
I conclude this commentary on material wealth with the story of a young journalist who traveled to Poland to interview a respected rabbi. When he entered the rabbi`s living quarters, a simple room furnished only with a cot, a single shelf with books, and a small desk, the reporter was moved to ask, "Rabbi, where is your furniture?" "Well, where is your furniture?" the rabbi responded. "My furniture?" asked the puzzled journalist. "But - I am just passing through..." "So am I," said the rabbi. "So am I." I saw that one coming, did you? Possessions can weigh us down and hold us back at times. Believe me, how family and friends see you is completely different to how God sees you. Who were the Buddhas family, or Jesus`s family. Followers. I follower the way o the light warriors and try to walk in peace and harmony. I must go now, but I WILL BE BACK.
Peace on love, pass it on. Peter

Fish on Friday: LIVING IN LOVE

In a book that I am reading, it says that mysticism is not just for saints and sages. I of course have to agree wholeheartedly.
Opening the heart to love is the central mystic teaching. This is something we can experience in every moment of our lives. Most people have experienced the unifying power of love. Lovers lose themselves in their love for one another. In physical love, two bodies become one. The boundaries of the separate self are dissolved and we enter the bliss of union. Socrates, relating the teachings of his mentor the prophetess Diotima, says that such love of another person is a pathway into Love itself, which can lead from the particular to the universal - from love for one person to Love for all.
I'm reminded of a saying I used to hear in the Roman Catholic church in the Philippines; `Hate the sin, but love the sinner. How about my one,` Don't hate the cook and love the dinner!
There I go, after writing down serious stuff. I think up a witty ditty. I can be a twit at times.
Was it C S Lewis who referred to himself as the chief of sinners? That was not a rhetorical question.
Fish on Friday; the joke.
The vicar was sitting at the table next to the young son of a couple in his congregation.
The couple were in the kitchen making last minute preparations and the vicar inquired of the lad what would me on the menu. The lad replied that he had overheard his mother tell his father that there were having the old trout for dinner on friday.
Sai Baba says: `All are One, and if someone believes otherwise, they are circumscribing their part in the whole and are imprisoning themselves in the part.` By circumscribing our part in the whole we alienate ourselves from the rest of existence and become a prisoner inside our own sense of self. The mystics urge us no longer to experience the world as a confusing mass of distinct and isolated people and things, but to see the Oneness which underlies everything.
The mystical vision of Oneness is revealed when we experience the totality within which the parts are so inter-related they coulk not be said to exist independently. Just as the liver in a human body could not exist without the brain, and the lungs could not function without the heart, so all of creation can be seen to be like one great body of the creator: each part performs its role according to its nature, yet functions as a whole.
All those who walk with
God reach their
Modern Hindu mystic
This is all for now folks, from your Brother Peter. Blessings and peace to all living things.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Half past midnight and still Im watching for God!

For an artist who wants to share himself with the world there has to be a yearning for their true soul mate. Me, o yes I had my true love Tracy, before death snatched her away.
Okay I know I leap into love, then realise small steps make for better footing. A platonic friendship would be okay for a start.
So, this is what I am going to do. my email address is
If you want to take a small step, we could have a paddle on the beach, whilst you tell me a good story. It could be yours, or even one you were read as a child and it stuck in your memory, becoming part of you. The child in me lives on, not to be stifled by time or overcome by aging skin.
At midnight me and Buster enjoyed a run over the park and I have to be satisfied with those moments, which we live life to the full. That doesnt mean that its wrong to yearn for a future with a woman to share and care for and her for me. See, I am not just an artist and a watchman waiting for God. Im waiting for my sweetheart to realize that I am the soul mate she needs to make us both complete. Yet I don't know her name or where she is! Patience is that in this one life my place is to wait for love unfulfilled. If that is the case people may be surprised how gladly I do it with a smile on my face. For if I were to give up hope I might just as well be dead. I refuse to be like miss Havershum? (story from Charles Dickens). ife is to short to be filled with bitterness, which destroys ones spirit and leaves a person old before their time. I'm in my fifties and can still enjoy skimming stones on the water and paddling with my trousers rolled up to my knees. I know it will only be a few years before my sons can outrun me and I yearn to see that day, when they feel the accomplishment of being able to run faster than their dad! Since I broke my arm a few months ago, as Buster (my beloved German sheepdog) knocked me over from behind, I have been unable to walk on my hands. Yet today, for the first time since the plaster come off, I was able to do a handstand against the wall. Only God knows what tomorrow will bring, but I say, bring it on and relish every moment. Peace and love to you all, especially the children in the Mary Mother of Jesus orphanage outside Cagayan De Oro, in the Philippines. My love goes to them as to you all. Blessings and peace from yours truly, Peter G Kimble

This is special evening post esp , but not only to south Korea.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

It is Thursday no matter what the computer says!

One in All, All in One.
When this is realized, no
more worry about not
being perfect
Thir century Zen Patriarch
The mystics journey
Although the mystic`s initiatory transcendental experiences brought the world to life, his subsequent spiritual journey may seem to be killing it. As he disengages himself from the dramas of his personal life, it appears as if the colour has drained out of things. Familiar activities that once exited his interest now leave him cold. He may experience the loneliness and spiritual isolation which St John of the Cross called `The Dark Night of the Soul`. He is no longer of this world, yet not fully of God either. He may feel apart from his culture or ostracized by others who see him as eccentric or neurotic, for he is now consumed with a mystical obsession for union with God.
Its interesting how the effects of brain injury alone has others seeing me as odd, or even crazy. I cant say my mystical journey cancels that out. I do not anymore actually see `others`, but only spiritual beings who dont, or do realize that we are all one and what we think of as reality is illusion. That doesnt mean the world is not real, just that reality is not what we think it is.

Stll dark outside, yet the Buster has been over the park already!

I was up at five this morning. The Valerian root capsules gave me a good nights sleep.
Over the park I came to finish what was going through my mind upon awaking. (I d recommend that people put paper and pen near their bed to write down anything which wont let them sleep at night, and then anything they want to jot down before alighting in the morning.
(let go and let God)
Lonely without an others love
Only I don't give up hope
Very close to despair brings God close to me
Eventually it dawns, I give my all and get it.
Although the above was written by me I dont claim to own it so if anyone likes it they can copy it down. Please though if you were to publish it the aknowledge my authorship.
Peace and soham.
P G Kimble

Evening Post. Mystical talk of the `All & Nothing.

The mystics talk of the ultimate reality as the `All and Nothing`, using paradoxical phrases such as `The Clear Light of the Void` and `The Dazzling Darkness`
Science teaches if there were to be only pure light with nothing for it to illuminate, it would paradoxically be totally dark. Like God who cannot be seen, yet is everywhere bringing all things into existance, light reveals everything. (let you and me become enlightened spirits.)
Modern physics has wrestled with the paradox that light sometimes appears as make up of particles and sometimes as a wave, depending on the way the experiment is set up. This is directly
comparable to the mystic`s observations about consciousness. From the perspective of our normal awareness each individual is a discrete particle of consciousness that we experience as `you` and `me`. But from the sublime perspective of the mystics there is only one consciounsness and individuals are no more than waves rising and falling on thisone ocean of being. When a mystic experiences pure consciousness he ceases to experience himself as a distinct `particle` of consciousness, and knows himself to be a `wave` - a transitory disturbance on the Sea of God that is his ultimate and only true identity. There are waves, but they are wholly made up up of the sea.(I can be glad to say that I am a drop in the ocean and the ocean is in this drop.) The mysticceases to focus on the objects which light reveals, and is aware of the one light which reveals them. He turns his attention from the contents of consciousness, and focuses on consciousness Itself - the sense of `I AM`. He sees the light. He is enlightened.
From its earliest beginnings in the Greek Mystery Schools to the amaxing moder insights of Albert Einstein, science has always been a soure of mystical wonder.Einstein wrote:
The most important function of science is to awaken the cosmic religious feeling and keep it alive... It isvery difficult to explain this feeling to anyone who is entirely without it. The individual feels the nothingness of human desire and aims and the sublimity and marvellous order which reveal themselves both in nature and the world of thought. He looks upon individual existence as a sort of prison and wants to experience the universe as a single significant whole.
I dont know about you but thats strikes a cord with me!
Buster must go out now, so I shall bid you a good night. Your brother, Peter.

Buster in the park wed 7th Sept 2011

Good day folks, from the Buster and me.
Buster is home now and chewing on a bone.
I am going to meditate on the word `love` and in the state of love for all.
Blessings and love to you.
From bro Peter.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Monday and have started some more art peaces!

Isn't it funny how sometimes one realizes what one has been doing for awhile and yet cant say how it dawned upon them! Of course with having a brain injury, one can forget the dawn and then the next time it dawns on one, one again thinks its for the first time. Okay what has dawned on me is that I am painting art on three walking sticks at the same time. Okay, not at exactly the same time, but I started one yesterday and then two more today. Yep I can see the Buster has been in on the act. There is white paint on his tail.
My late wife Tracy and I had a lovely bullmastif bitch called Nestar, who unfortunately or not, was in our land rover with Tracy as she gassed herself to death. It is some comfort that I may well have prolonged her life and given her a whole lot of love. The thing is though, that guilt makes one think of the times when one was selfish or just a downright bastard. I have a more balance picture now. I can remember us pony trekking in Derbyshire and staying in a little stone cottage, in a one pub village and Tracy loved it. I had a picture of her in my large hand knitted pullover standing by the pony up in the hills.
I say I had a picture as because of my poor organisational skills I would be able to find it very easy even if it is somewhere in this humble abode.
Okay. In taking an hour or so of art and spiritual pursuits (Though I have just taken a quick time out to pray for street children around the world to know they are loved and that God will empower me with opportunity and resoures to at the appropriate time, go back to the Phillippines and help them. Perhaps you will pray with me for children to feel loved everywhere. My heart goes out to the little boy in the orphaning near Cagayan De Oro who hadnt spoken since his family were killed by rebels. The brave lad came ower to me, held my hand and just looked in my eyes. He wont be a lad now, but a young man. Please whatever your beliefs, think good thought for all those worse of than us. Yet we can rejoice when things are good. I am going to watch a Ricky Gervais on the computer now and so must log off.
Peace and love to you all from your brother Peter.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

What to blog. I can only give my self as art of life.

Good day to all who either purposefully or accidentally come across this blog. The bird is singing outside. Me and buster and my youngest son Harry have got back from over the park.
Thanks to my good neighbour Longwriting the instructions down and my good son Harry, we may be successfull in puting a small video on this blog.

Now is the time for all good people to put out thoughts of forgiveness, healing and love to all living things.

So I shall leave you once again this morning with my love and hope that you can see the video.

Your brother Peter

EVENING POST Latest artwork painting finnished

Yep, its` love` in Chinese on a peace of found slate.
What I like about it is if you take the top character away, it becomes ` friend `.
Absence of attachment to
sense-objects is
liberation; desire for
sense-objects is bondage.
Understand this fact,
and then do as you please.
Hindu scripture
I cant commit to doing at least one artwork every day at the moment, but believe me you, I shall live trying. My son is in the bathroom painting a walking stick and he has just shouted, `Dad, finnished`. Well that took awhile, as he had got rather a lot of paint out. His stick is amazing. He hasnt decided if its finnished. Mine definatly arnt and are on the washing line to dry, before adding more.
Here is someone I havent heard of until today. (OR IF I DID I FORGOT) Paramahansa Yogananda. Apparently he is widely recognised as one of the great spiritual figures of the twentieth century. His Autobiography of a Yogi is a classic ( I havent read it yet, so if anyone can lend me a copy!) I could always look on the internet for a copy.
Anyway I must go and spend some more time with The buster and Harry. Toodle Lou. Lou Reed says take a walk on the wild side.
Your bro Peter

eEko Art just started many thousand years ago.

As some people know, I do enjoy doing a `peace` of eco art. Whilst taking the Buster for his walk through the wood this morning I was presented by the universe with this fragment of roof slate, which is of course a type of rock, like my monica, ay. So I I have painted a yellow square and that can be drying whilst I go off, pick up my sons and go to church. Leaving the trusty Buster to gstand on guard, lest some art thief happens by. (joke lang)
You are not this house of flesh and bone... " He about whom we know nothing. Make me Thy Truth, make me Thy Love, eternal Lord of Light.
The only way out is within. watchman Kimble.
So my brothers and sisters, I will bid thee fair well for now, make some coffee and get on with the day. Love and smiles, Peter

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Saturday afternoon is sunny outside and inside my heart!

Is it really though my heart; of course not!
Wishing us all a great and loving day.
The interior life of human beings consists of thoughts and feelings, and mystics use both head and heart to lead us to God. The philosopher`s path is to use his mind to transcend the mind. The word `intelligence` means literally `to reach between`. The intellect reaches between the multiplicity of the word and the Oneness of God, connecting the them and uniting them. In the stillness of contemplation, awakens his innate knowledge which is richer and more complete than if he had read a whole library of books. Jacob Boehme claimed to learn more in quarter of an hour of mystical experience than many years at university, for he `saw and knew the Being of all Beings`.
The path of the devotee is to open the heart to love. Whilst philosophers ( and I have to include the old me here.) see the divine as an absolute impersonal oneness, such mystics approach God (and yes, I include the new reborn me here!) more like a person with whom they can share an intimate relationship - a divine devotional love affair in which the may lose themselves in their beloved. Love unites all things; through it we transcend the division of self and other. As Sri Nisargadatta puts it, `Love is the bridge between spirit and matter.`
The path however is not the destination, and the seeker must be careful not to confuse the two. This would lead to becoming trapped in anything which sustains the separate self. The ego cannot seek its own annihilation, but embraces the inflated notion of being a `special person` - a seeker after truth. The path is only a means to an end.
The great mystics walk both the path of knowledge and the path of love. They transcend the division of head and heart in the experience of knowing God and therefore being love - for to experience the oneness of life is also to experience an all-embracing, unconditional compassion for the whole of creation. This is why I still have occasions when Ive reacted and killed an insect automatically, then experienced regret and remorse. Head and heart are like two legs with which we walk - they work together to carry us to our eternal home. Meister Eckhart wrote: `Up then noble soul! Put on the jumping shoes, which are intellect and love, and overleap the worship of the mental powers, overleap thine understanding, and spring into the heart of God.
Blessings peace and love I impart to you over this world wide web. Its amazing Grace, what! Your brother in Christ, Peter.