Is it really though my heart; of course not!
Wishing us all a great and loving day.
The interior life of human beings consists of thoughts and feelings, and mystics use both head and heart to lead us to God. The philosopher`s path is to use his mind to transcend the mind. The word `intelligence` means literally `to reach between`. The intellect reaches between the multiplicity of the word and the Oneness of God, connecting the them and uniting them. In the stillness of contemplation, awakens his innate knowledge which is richer and more complete than if he had read a whole library of books. Jacob Boehme claimed to learn more in quarter of an hour of mystical experience than many years at university, for he `saw and knew the Being of all Beings`.
The path of the devotee is to open the heart to love. Whilst philosophers ( and I have to include the old me here.) see the divine as an absolute impersonal oneness, such mystics approach God (and yes, I include the new reborn me here!) more like a person with whom they can share an intimate relationship - a divine devotional love affair in which the may lose themselves in their beloved. Love unites all things; through it we transcend the division of self and other. As Sri Nisargadatta puts it, `Love is the bridge between spirit and matter.`
The path however is not the destination, and the seeker must be careful not to confuse the two. This would lead to becoming trapped in anything which sustains the separate self. The ego cannot seek its own annihilation, but embraces the inflated notion of being a `special person` - a seeker after truth. The path is only a means to an end.
The great mystics walk both the path of knowledge and the path of love. They transcend the division of head and heart in the experience of knowing God and therefore being love - for to experience the oneness of life is also to experience an all-embracing, unconditional compassion for the whole of creation. This is why I still have occasions when Ive reacted and killed an insect automatically, then experienced regret and remorse. Head and heart are like two legs with which we walk - they work together to carry us to our eternal home. Meister Eckhart wrote: `Up then noble soul! Put on the jumping shoes, which are intellect and love, and overleap the worship of the mental powers, overleap thine understanding, and spring into the heart of God.
Blessings peace and love I impart to you over this world wide web. Its amazing Grace, what! Your brother in Christ, Peter.
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