Saturday, 17 September 2011

Sunday Morning Post

The birds are starting to sing and the kettle has just boiled. Are, I have just made a nice cup of coffee, yet am aware that by the time its drunk, its only fair that I should be ready to take buster out for some exercise!
My two boys are going to have their first conformation lesson today at church. I just remembered something that the three of us came up with on our last holiday, whilst camping in the Peak district of England. If one of us said " So be it," then another would say,"For the greater good." then the other would say, "In good faith." The order they were said would be rearranged on impulse. We go to all saints church in Luton. Although as a lot of people know, the church is the people and not the building. The greatest Temple of God was destroyed around two thousand year ago, but rebuilt in three days. My Lord is a strong tower and I run into him.
Today I uncover the perfection within me.
In its fullness I reveal the indwelling Kingdom.
I look out upon the world of my affairs,
knowing that the Spirit within me makes my
way both immediate and easy.
I know there is nothing in me that could pos-
sibly obstruct or withhold the divine circuit
of Life and Love, which Good is.
My word dissolves every negative thought
or impulse that could throw a shadow over
my perfection.
Good shines through my thoughts and actions.
Good harmonizes my mind, so that Love
sings joyously in my heart.
I am completely conscious of All-Good in
me, around me and in all that is.
I am in complete unity with Good.
I have complete confidence in my knowl-
edge and understanding of the Law of
I not only know what the Law is, I know
how to use It.
I know that I shall obtain definite results
through the use of It.
I realize that doubts about your ability to use
this Law are things of thought.
What thought has produced, thought can
Knowing this, having confidence in my abil-
ity to use the Law, and using It daily or
specific purposes, gradually I build up an
unshakable faith, both in the Law and the
possibility of demonstrating It.
There is no doubt in me, no uncertainty ris-
ing through me.
My mind rejoices in certainty and in assur-
I confidently expect that my word shall not
return unto me void.
Therefore, today I declare that the Law of
the Lord is perfect in everything that I do.
It will externalize happiness, It will bring
every good thing to me.
Today I am inwardly aware that there is a
secret way of the soul, there is a secret path-
way of peace, there is an invisible Presence
forever externalizing Itself for me and
through me.
Today I believe in Divine Guidance.
Today I believe that "underneath are the
everlasting arms."
Today I must rest in this divine assurance and
this divine security.
I know, not only that all is well with
my soul, my spirit and my mind-all is well
with my affairs.
We can choose to live in the house of God. The household of God is "the secret place of the most High" within you and within all. The inmates of this household are all divine. They will become as divine to you as you permit. As you look at them they look back at you, for this is the way of life.
Everything responds to you at the level of your recognition of it.
In the household of God there is no jealousy, no littleness nor meanness. It is a household of joy, a place of happiness and contentment. Here is warmth, colour and beauty. Seen in this light, you earthly house symbolizes the Kingdom of Divine Harmony in which no one is a stranger. Say:
I welcome all joy and love today to come into me come through me and to shine on all I see.
I especially bless those who feel alone and want there soul to feel the real presence of my Love
for them.
The birds are singing and I have an hour to shower, shave. Drive to my ex wife's house, getting halfway down the road and realizing its best to come back and get dressed. (joke)
Thank you, God for the people who look at this today, may they welcome you into their day. May we all use our unique gifts to worship you through all we do today. Remembering that the smiles and looks and words we give are meant to be your which are being channeled through us.
Please help us to be glad and willing in our giving , each new day.
I tried to put on this blog a great picture of the moon that my good neighbour Long took, but then I couldn't as I hadn't asked his permission. If he is in agreement then it might become a part of a Sunday supplement.
Peace and Love to you all. Peter

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