Tuesday, 13 September 2011

My greetings to you and now the sun is coming down I get to blog.

Going nowhere and doing nothing! Maybe Ive been going, but nowhere in particular. Also I have been doing something, but it wasn't something Id set out to do.
Me and the Buster were walking and running around some grassland over Stopsley on the edge of Luton. We came across a lovely young lady who wasn't finding life as wonderful as she aught to. She was attract, bright and had a good spirit about her. Yet The guy she had been seeing didnt seem to appreciate this and was perhaps more into wanting their relation ship to be, his relationship and on his terms. I didnt just offer advice. I was able to listen and also put my arm round to enable her to shed a few tears. Bless her and give thanks that me and Buster were able to be there to give some comfort to someone in a little emotional stress.
This is a real world and we are real people.
Like us though its not going to last forever.
Thats got to be good.
Immortal Spiritual beings cannot exist infinitely on a finite world!
This morning I was thinking about how some people define themselves as of a certain faith, or not. Then those of faith might be subdivided as practicing, not practicing, or even lapsed. Can this work with agnostics , or atheists? Perhaps they dont belive in comandents to follow, like do not steal, murder etc; yet dont do those things. Hey this could get a little bit crazy, but stay with me a minute. There are three large, seperate groups who follow the God of Abraham, Jews Christians and Muslims. Talk about putting up walls between each other, have you seen the massive wall people built in Isreal. I know its tiny compared to the great wall of China and expect thats why they dont call it the great wall. It has got some amazing art done on it though. Come on and do a minute of mental chanting; ONE WORLD ONE LOVE ONE WORLD ONE LOVE do it for one minute each day. Ive just done a bit to the ticking of my clock and reckon it a good to do about twenty to a minute. So if we started with five minutes upon awaking before we jumped out of bed and rushed around getting ready for the day, we might help the world and ourslves get in harmony. My blessings to all and my love goes especially any of you who feel lacking in love or appreciation. I apppreciate you and love you dearly. Your brother, Peter

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