Well sometimes our life is horrific and we cant wake up. Ten minutes ago I was able to wake up and realize that it was a dream. At the time though when they started to chase me down on their motorbikes no one told me and I wasn't aware that it was a dream. I couldn't outrun their motorbikes and yet in some dreams I would have been able to leap fifteen feet over them. Also although I was putting up a good fight. With just me against the three I just couldn't win. So it didn't take me many minutes upon awaking to realize that the meagre weapons I had available were just about useless against the enemy. It was my mind that created these enemies and I chose to run and fight them. When I was in the Philippines I was told the story of a woman that was attacked by thirty men. As one by one they took her, she prayed for each one. father, she said forgive them for doing this to me. This is not my body she went on to say, everything belongs to you.
So there I go getting sidetracked by incidental thoughts. Oh no, I know, its the fact that in my dream I decided to 1st run and secondly fight. It was only thirdly that I awoke and prayed. Obviously Id made the three attackers in the dream that I had run from. So I have prayed just now 106 times `Maranatha` on the mala beads. We cant escape what we are running from when its our own creation. We have to go outside ourselves in a sense to realize we need God inside us and God, no matter how almighty he is, cannot come inside us unless we invite Him.
The 18century philosopher,Hegal wrote, `Spirit is immortal; with it there is no past, no future, but an essential now .`
We miss our essential god nature because of our fears and desires. Desire is the memory of pleasure which we want to keep having. Fear is the memory of the pain which we seek to avoid. Perhaps if we stop seeking to avoid pain, then the pleasure will come of its own accord. Does that strike a cord!
Our dreams and also our memories are the stories we tell ourselves about who we have been, and therefore who we are. This covers up and hides from us the realization that our ego is scared of the truth, that it is not something separate. The truth is we are not just this life. Remember what I wrote earlier, spirit is immortal. Spirit is a form of energy and ask any good physicist, can energy die, or be destroyed. The trueful answer is, no it can only change form, but it will exist forever. A single photon of light will carry on being without end. Darkness though has no energy/power of its own and this is the same with evil. Evil has to currupt what is good to exist. It will try to seperate us by telling us we are differant. It will work on our fears or our fancies. Why should you want anothers great wealth, but not the other sorrow. Just be.
So its six in the morning and me and the Buster are just going to just be going over the park in a few minutes. So have a peacefull day, no matter the noise and madness around us. Love to you all, from, Peter and Abba
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