Thursday, 8 September 2011

Half past midnight and still Im watching for God!

For an artist who wants to share himself with the world there has to be a yearning for their true soul mate. Me, o yes I had my true love Tracy, before death snatched her away.
Okay I know I leap into love, then realise small steps make for better footing. A platonic friendship would be okay for a start.
So, this is what I am going to do. my email address is
If you want to take a small step, we could have a paddle on the beach, whilst you tell me a good story. It could be yours, or even one you were read as a child and it stuck in your memory, becoming part of you. The child in me lives on, not to be stifled by time or overcome by aging skin.
At midnight me and Buster enjoyed a run over the park and I have to be satisfied with those moments, which we live life to the full. That doesnt mean that its wrong to yearn for a future with a woman to share and care for and her for me. See, I am not just an artist and a watchman waiting for God. Im waiting for my sweetheart to realize that I am the soul mate she needs to make us both complete. Yet I don't know her name or where she is! Patience is that in this one life my place is to wait for love unfulfilled. If that is the case people may be surprised how gladly I do it with a smile on my face. For if I were to give up hope I might just as well be dead. I refuse to be like miss Havershum? (story from Charles Dickens). ife is to short to be filled with bitterness, which destroys ones spirit and leaves a person old before their time. I'm in my fifties and can still enjoy skimming stones on the water and paddling with my trousers rolled up to my knees. I know it will only be a few years before my sons can outrun me and I yearn to see that day, when they feel the accomplishment of being able to run faster than their dad! Since I broke my arm a few months ago, as Buster (my beloved German sheepdog) knocked me over from behind, I have been unable to walk on my hands. Yet today, for the first time since the plaster come off, I was able to do a handstand against the wall. Only God knows what tomorrow will bring, but I say, bring it on and relish every moment. Peace and love to you all, especially the children in the Mary Mother of Jesus orphanage outside Cagayan De Oro, in the Philippines. My love goes to them as to you all. Blessings and peace from yours truly, Peter G Kimble

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